New Games |
- Persona 4 is getting a pachinko game for mobile
- '3DS is here to stay,' says Nintendo
- My first five days in Don't Starve: Shipwrecked did not go swimmingly
- Brutal Mode is the best thing to happen to Rock Band in years
- I ate a crew member in Tharsis, it wasn't a big deal or anything
- Power A's Xbox One Star Wars controllers are nifty looking
- Fallout 4 console players need cheats too
- With a little more love, Darkest Dungeon will be perfect for PS4 and Vita
- Review: Devil's Third
- Wack ass America doesn't get dope Gravity Rush ads
- Hyrule Warriors Legends sure is shaping up
- $249 Wii U from Best Buy until Saturday night
- Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 will be home for Christmas
- Friday Night Fights - Stick Fighting
- Devolver shows off Downwell running on PlayStation Vita
- Have a quick look at the Mega Man Legacy Collection 3DS themes
- Nominees for Destructoid's Best Mobile Game of 2015
- Here's a quick way to make the Xenoblade DRM-filled USB stick useful
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is still looking pretty rad
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III is having a double XP event this weekend
- How does save data loss affect your enjoyment of a game?
- Cave is working on a free-to-play shooter
- PewDiePie's excellent platformer Legend of the Brofist is out on Steam
- Republique finally gets analog controls on PS4
- Xbox boss is '100% committed' to keeping you engaged with Xbox consoles
- EA announces new Competitive Gaming Division
- You can now make your own Hotline Miami 2 levels
- Here's a new trailer for Disgaea PC
Persona 4 is getting a pachinko game for mobile Posted: 11 Dec 2015 02:00 PM PST Did you know that Persona 4 the Pachinko is a real thing that exists in Japan and has since late October? Well, you do now, and apparently the game features some content not found elsewhere including new art, animation, and music adapted from Persona 4. Get hyped, because it is being ported to mobile devices so you can have both pachinko and Persona 4 in your pocket. What could be better than that? Unfortunately, I doubt this will ever be localized outside of Japan since pachinko hasn't taken off elsewhere just yet, but we can always hope. Currently, a release date and other details are unknown and will be revealed at a later date. Persona 4 the Pachinko Mobile Game Announced [Persona Central] |
'3DS is here to stay,' says Nintendo Posted: 11 Dec 2015 01:00 PM PST Nintendo's Scott Moffitt, the executive vice president of sales and marketing, said in an interview with The Washington Post that "Nintendo 3DS is here to stay. Let me throw out a number that might surprise you. So far, on a global basis, Nintendo 3DS has sold more hardware than PS4 and Xbox One—combined." It's not that surprising considering the console has been offered in six different hardware variations with many special editions to boot. I myself own five for one reason or another. Moffitt also noted "the inclusion of multiple control buttons on Nintendo 3DS allows a much deeper and more sophisticated type of play" than playing on mobile touchscreen devices, which makes the recently uncovered patent for a new handheld touchscreen device from Nintendo even more perplexing. Nintendo and the surprising success of the 3DS [The Washington Post] |
My first five days in Don't Starve: Shipwrecked did not go swimmingly Posted: 11 Dec 2015 12:00 PM PST I've always wanted to do one of those 'survival diary' types of writings, even though that's hardly an original idea at this point. And what better time to start than now that Don't Starve: Shipwrecked has come to Steam Early Access? If you're here expecting me to talk about the nuances between the original release, the Reign of Giants expansion, and this new one, you're going to be disappointed. I'm hardly a Don't Starve expert, though I sank a bunch of time into the original game. Instead, this'll be told from fresh eyes looking down on a poor little man trapped on an island. I won't be pretending to be him; instead, I shall be his shepherd. God complex, go! |
Brutal Mode is the best thing to happen to Rock Band in years Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:00 AM PST Harmonix rolled out an update for Rock Band 4 earlier this week that included a whole bunch of unexpected additions. It's impressive in its scope. A lot of the changes were meant to make Rock Band 4 feel more like a complete game after its trim launch -- online leaderboards, more detailed post-song statistics, and an expanded wardrobe are all good examples. Those improvements aren't necessarily the type of things that will make people say Rock Band 4 is a better game. Think of it like vacuuming. No one gets credit for a particularly well-vacuumed floor. It's just "Okay, this is how it should be." But, when they miss a spot, it sticks out like a sore thumb and that's all anyone notices. The omissions of online leaderboards and others were missed spots, and Harmonix just now cleaned them up. But, (and this is where the metaphor really falls apart) while housekeeping, Harmonix decided to build an entirely new room in the House of Rock Band. It's more like an exclusive lodge, actually. Anyone can enter, but not everyone will be welcomed. Hell, no one will be truly welcomed. That's what makes it so great. This added-on room is the new Brutal Mode for Rock Band 4, and it's the best thing to happen to Rock Band in years. It's a mode where the notes disappear as they come flying down the track, but it's still your responsibility to play them in time. There's an invisible gate that determines where the notes cut off, and it's tied to your crowd performance meter. The worse you're doing, the longer you get to see the notes. |
I ate a crew member in Tharsis, it wasn't a big deal or anything Posted: 11 Dec 2015 10:30 AM PST I hadn't been keeping up with Choice Provisions' Tharsis, so I had no idea what to expect when Steven assigned me to preview it at PlayStation Experience. As soon as the developer who was leading me through said it was a "realistic space strategy game" and I saw dice rolls and board game-like mechanics, I realized Steven is getting to know me better than I'd previously thought. Aww <3. At any rate, Tharsis is about taking five four crew members (one of them dies before you even start playing, not sorry for the spoilers, deal with it suckers) to Mars to prevent a catastrophe from occurring. You have to use these folks' different abilities (mechanics, doctor powers, technicianing) to keep both your crew and craft in one piece. This is far from easy, since you only have twelve months/turns to reach the red/communist planet, and Murphy's Law is ready to smack you in your dumb astronaut face. Each turn, something horrible happens. "Oh, guess we've gotta go fix the oxygen-maker before our eyeballs pop," and "Oh, we've ran out of food, time to consume the dude who died first!" were both problems that I dealt with in a span of maybe ten minutes. You always want to send the best person for the job, since they have higher dice rolls for certain challenges and also can mitigate conditions that would be impossible for others to face. One specific condition was called void, and it would choose a random number for a section of the space craft. If you rolled that number, that die would instantly get sucked out of the ship and you wouldn't be able to save it for a re-roll. It's horseshit, but it's fun horseshit. That's all of Tharsis for me: fun, aggravating horseshit. You can tell it was made by people who love board games, and aren't trying to hide that at all. Most video games try to hide their dice rolls, as if seeing them will somehow make a gamer recoil and hiss when they realize they're playing (gasp) actual nerd shit. While the UI initially looks daunting, it's just like any board game in that you're going to colossally fuck up the first time you play since you're sussing out the rules with the poor, unfortunate souls of the characters you choose. Choice Provisions knows exactly what it's doing with this one. You can feel the hours the designers spent prototyping this on paper. I'm readily anticipating yelling at my PlayStation 4 when Tharsis releases on January 12, 2016, but anyone who knows me will understand that I'm having a great time. |
Power A's Xbox One Star Wars controllers are nifty looking Posted: 11 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST I was recently sent a pair of Power A wired Xbox One controllers for testing, and they happened to line up directly with the arrival of the new Star Wars film, set to debut next week. The feel of the controller is rather slick, and although the buttons can feel a tad cheap, the art emblazoned on the pad is a conversation starter for sure. For testing, I was given the evil (but is he really?) Kylo Ren pad and the BB-8 one, which make for some great husband and wife heads-up play sessions. If you're curious, this is one of the remotes that was crafted with a 3.5mm audio jack. My favorite feature of this line of controllers though is the fact that they're wired by default. You can pick them up at a discount at some point and skip the play and charge kit, which comes in handy whenever I run out of batteries. It sports a 10 foot cord, which is more than enough for most setups to play comfortably. It's not going to replace my Elite by any means, but they'd make a nice gift. |
Fallout 4 console players need cheats too Posted: 11 Dec 2015 09:00 AM PST Earlier this week, Bethesda took a beloved glitch out for a midnight ride to a quiet parking lot, caved in the back of its skull with a bowling pin, and drowned it in a muddy puddle of rainwater and radiator fluid. I'm talking about the so-called infinite caps glitch that would let you repeatedly re-sell the same stack of ammo to a vendor until you cleaned them out of all their caps and inventory. God rest its scammy soul. Sure, it was a game breaking glitch that let you entirely circumnavigate ammo scarcity, stack all the best gear, and completely ignore any perks related to cap collecting or spending -- but why should that bother Bethesda now? I mean, for the PC kids, Bethesda leaves the keys to the liquor cabinet just lying on the table with a post-it note winky face stuck to them. The console command line on PC literally allows you to bend and break every aspect of the game, and if you don’t quite know how to use it, you can just type “HELP” and the game will give you step-by-step instructions on how to break its kneecaps. The least Bethesda could do for console users is leave a blindingly obvious glitch to exploit if they like. |
With a little more love, Darkest Dungeon will be perfect for PS4 and Vita Posted: 11 Dec 2015 08:30 AM PST I've only dipped my toe in Red Hook Studios' Darkest Dungeon on PC. I'm not against the idea of investing mass amounts of time into Steam Early Access titles, but the stars haven't quite aligned in the way necessary for me to play this macabre RPG. Knowing that the actual release on PC is coming next month, I'm ready to shout into the maddening depths of Lovecraftian horror. However, my chances of getting all of the way through Darkest Dungeon will increase a thousandfold when it arrives on the Vita and PlayStation 4. At PlayStation Experience, I played around with the PS4 build, trying to get a feel for the controls. As there's no official controller support for the PC version, I wanted to see how it would translate. As of right now, the answer works, but it's unintuitive. Using the left stick and the d-pad in tandem seems a little off. I was constantly unsure of what I needed to be using to either select abilities or re-light my torch. I talked to the developers, who assured me that they were still twiddling the knobs back in Red Hook Dungeon to ensure the game will be a more comfortable experience when it releases (which will be in spring 2016). If they can make good on that promise, I'll probably be dangerously addicted to Darkest Dungeon. Especially if there's some Cross-Buy, Cross-Play goodness involved. Also, I still think this IP is going to have its own board game some day. It just makes too much sense. Maybe if they make it, I can convince Darren to play with me. |
Posted: 11 Dec 2015 08:00 AM PST Devil's Third has been in the pipeline for so long, that any given year I completely forgot about it. Announced in 2010, after the infamous Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo in 2008, the game has been in development limbo, passed around with multiple publishers until Nintendo finally picked it up for Wii U. The thing is, Nintendo isn't really promoting it, even going so far as to not distribute US review copies altogether. There's also another free-to-play PC version published by Itagaki's Valhalla Game Studios coming at some point, which we know next to nothing about. After playing it, I started to piece together why this whole situation has been one big mess. |
Wack ass America doesn't get dope Gravity Rush ads Posted: 11 Dec 2015 07:30 AM PST I've been consigned to horrible downtown all week doing my civic duty and boy are my arms tired. And while I love to pay $7 for a $3 sandwich and to walk a mile and to drop $4 a day on public transit, you know what I don't love about downtown? None of our plentiful, incredibly straight buildings are adorned with images of a giant falling anime babe about to crush and kill an entire Starbucks. Sony Japan's Yasuhiro Kitao tweeted the photo, showing off Gravity Rush's (Gravity Daze, there) marketing push. The cartoon tears on the handsome crying man in the bottom left are just a bonus. I'm just saying, America. Less Draft Kings branded eyelid inserts, more falling anime women. Thanks and god bless. |
Hyrule Warriors Legends sure is shaping up Posted: 11 Dec 2015 07:00 AM PST Slowly but surely, I'm coming around on Hyrule Warriors Legends. I put over a hundred hours into the original game on Wii U. I loved it. But I eventually hit that point where all of a sudden I didn't even want to think about it, much less continue playing. When the 3DS version was announced, I thought it was a smart move on Nintendo's part, and great news for players who are coming in fresh, but I had no interest. In the months since, we've learned just how expansive Legends is (which is to say: very). There are new characters, costumes, bosses, weapons, story missions, and maps. This game is huge! And it's becoming tough to resist. I mean, good lord, there's a new feature in which you raise a fairy, complete with stats and everything. I didn't even know I wanted that, but I do. |
$249 Wii U from Best Buy until Saturday night Posted: 11 Dec 2015 06:30 AM PST Missed out on Black Friday or even last week's $50 drop on the Wii U from Toys"R"Us? No problemo, the $50 discount has been extended on the Wii U Mario Kart 8 bundle through Best Buy, which has it as a part of its weekly sale (but strangely didn't really make too much of a fuss on its website about it).
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 will be home for Christmas Posted: 11 Dec 2015 06:00 AM PST It's almost bizarre to think that the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode was out less than two months ago, and here we are gearing up for the fourth in the series. Episode Four, A Block and a Hard Place releases on PC on December 22, with other platforms following suit over the course of that week. This has easily been the fastest pace for Telltale since going in on the whole episodic content thing. A Block and a Hard Place promises the climactic battle between the protagonists and the Wither Storm. It's a little strange, considering there is still a fifth episode to get to (scheduled for "early 2016"). If the big bad of this season is defeated now, what does that leave for the end? Telltale is being coy with that information, saying it will become more clear soon enough. My guess? Telltale has another multi-season deal for Minecraft like it does for Game of Thrones, and the last episode of this will feature some denouement for the heroes, but will also lead into the next season. |
Friday Night Fights - Stick Fighting Posted: 11 Dec 2015 05:30 AM PST EDF and Helldivers all in one week. Wow. So much awesome it must be my birfday. But it's not. It's Christmas time stupid. My birthday was in October and none of you said shit. This is why we have ants. So we find ourselves at the end of the year eh? While I do love Christmas, I do not really care for this time of year. Kind of a downer for me, since most my family is gone and all I do is work. Plus it's cold as fuck. My balls are currently residing in my stomach and my dick is doing his best impression of a turtle head in it's shell. I also can't grill, which angers me on a deep, seared and meaty level. Bright side: I have all you lovely people to game with and my beautiful children to spend Christmas morning with. There's also my award winning (seriously) homemade Mac n Cheese (I believe the recipe is in that food blog I did). That's some awesome shit right there. After the year I've had, it's more than enough too. I love you guys (except you, you fucking fuck). Let's fucking kill each other/other things. EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! EDF! |
Devolver shows off Downwell running on PlayStation Vita Posted: 11 Dec 2015 05:00 AM PST Steven mentioned in his review that he would buy and carry around a dedicated handheld for Downwell. I've had the thought that it would be great on a Wii U GamePad oriented vertically. This might be the closest either of us will get to that any time soon. This morning, Devolver Digital tweeted out the photo below, showing Downwell running on PlayStation Vita in tate mode. Though it isn't an official announcement, it is proof of concept, and it seems like the publisher wouldn't release this now if there weren't plans for it in the near future. |
Have a quick look at the Mega Man Legacy Collection 3DS themes Posted: 11 Dec 2015 04:30 AM PST Mega Man Legacy Collection is just around the corner on 3DS. Although it was released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC earlier this year, it's still slated for an early 2016 release on 3DS. When it arrives on the portable it'll come with two new themes, bundled with both the standard and deluxe editions of the game. Capcom has a new video up showing them off, so you can see what you're paying for down the road. As for me, I'm already in because of the Gold Mega Man amiibo.
Nominees for Destructoid's Best Mobile Game of 2015 Posted: 11 Dec 2015 04:00 AM PST Mobile gaming often gets a bad rap among the hardcore crowd, but looking at 2015 it seems like the platform is really coming into its own. These aren't your Candy Crush or Flappy Bird clones; these are some legitimately great titles. Alphabear appeared to be a simple word game at first glance, but showed impressive depth for those who dug into it. Downwell might work better with real buttons, but for an action platformer it handles surprisingly well on a touchscreen. Hearthstone is Blizzard's powerhouse card battler, finally making its way to phones this year. Lara Croft GO takes advantage of the control scheme with its thoughtful puzzle gameplay. Steven Universe: Attack the Light! shows a small role-playing game can be just as fulfilling as an 80-hour epic. I know which of these is my favorite for the year, but I honestly wouldn't begrudge any of these the title. Here are the nominees for Destructoid's Best Mobile Game of 2015. |
Here's a quick way to make the Xenoblade DRM-filled USB stick useful Posted: 11 Dec 2015 03:30 AM PST If you bought the collector's edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X, you probably noticed the USB stick that comes housed with 10 songs from the game. Evidently it's locked though, so to really make it useful it'll require some tinkering. The folks over at Nintendo Life have compiled a small guide by way of a reader, that basically amounts to opening up the stick with a knife and replacing the parts. To be clear, most people will want to just leave it alone, but if you really dig the design of the stick and have a little bit of mechanical know-how, you can fix things up rather quickly. I'm tempted to do the LED mod for my other random USB sticks! My personal favorite is a stick with the floating head of Lollipop Chainsaw's Nick Carlyle embedded in it. Guide: Here's How To Make That Xenoblade Chronicles X USB Drive More Useful [Nintendo Life] |
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is still looking pretty rad Posted: 11 Dec 2015 03:00 AM PST Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare was an amazing shooter, and I wish more people had given it a shot. Sure, EA is EA, and they added in microtransactions after release, but the game was incredibly fun to play, well designed, and added a ton of free DLC post-launch. The sequel looks even more robust, especially after seeing this new Solo Ops trailer. You can customize pretty much every option (even gravity and speed settings), including your entire party, with the ability to swap between them. Bring it on, I say! |
Call of Duty: Black Ops III is having a double XP event this weekend Posted: 11 Dec 2015 02:30 AM PST I'm still enjoying Call of Duty: Black Ops III, mostly due to the fact that there's so many game modes in tow. If I ever get bored of one gametype I can move on to the other, but the general multiplayer element is so strong that I usually gravitate towards that. For everyone else out there, Activision is having a double XP event this weekend. It kicks off at 10AM PST today, and will run throughout Monday morning. The Chaos Moshpit playlist will also be replaced with the Nuketown only playlist. My schedule is pretty full going into the holidays, but I'll carve out some time to play this! Call of Duty [Twitter] |
How does save data loss affect your enjoyment of a game? Posted: 11 Dec 2015 02:00 AM PST Ever since the invention of save games, losing your progress has always been a major issue. Way back then, it wasn't as much of a problem, simply because it was inevitable -- the battery in your cartridge is dead. Easy fix: replace the battery. A lot of games back then weren't comprehensive or long enough -- and if the gameplay loop was good, I would imagine losing a non-RPG save wasn't that much of a detrimental loss. Of course, we can't forget brothers, sisters, or cousins that would delete saves and claim it was an accident (I lost my entire nine-year save file on Super Smash Bros. Melee to a cousin). It's a widespread issue which plagues all generations of video game players. With most games getting longer and longer these days (Xenoblade Chronicles X and Metal Gear Solid V being solid examples, weighing in at 40-60 hours to complete the story), it's very easy to pour your entire essence of being into a video game save file. That's a lot of time that could have been spent being a productive member of society and submitting to consumerism. Digging through other people's RPG saves is a hobby of mine because you can tell a lot about a person by their in-game choices. Their character name and appearance, quests completed, allies, weapons, the contents of their inventory -- there's so much to something so mundane. In a way it's rather beautiful. |
Cave is working on a free-to-play shooter Posted: 11 Dec 2015 01:00 AM PST Try to say DoDonPachi IchimeBanchou three times fast. One of my favorite things about visiting Japan this year was the arcades, as I've said in the past. I was pretty much in heaven in the shmup sections, with tons of classics to choose from with giant screens, including all manner of DoDonPachi. Cave is apparently working on a brand new iteration for mobile devices, called DoDonPachi IchimeBanchou -- it'll be free-to-play. It's set to arrive early in Japan on December 14. In other Cave news, it will announce its newest Steam release on December 26. After seeing how well Bug Princess translated over, I'm anxious! DoDonPachi [Cave] |
PewDiePie's excellent platformer Legend of the Brofist is out on Steam Posted: 11 Dec 2015 12:00 AM PST PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist is now available on Steam for under eight bucks, and you might even enjoy it if you aren't a PewDiePie fan. I certainly did when I reviewed the mobile version a few months back. The game features a bunch of popular YouTubers on a quest to save their fans that have been taken by evil barrels. All the included YouTubers are unlockable and fully voiced by themselves, which is great if you're a fan, and perhaps a bit annoying if you aren't. I'm not personally a rampant fan of them, but that didn't stop me from having a good time. |
Republique finally gets analog controls on PS4 Posted: 10 Dec 2015 11:30 PM PST Republique, a stealth game proud of its Metal Gear Solid 4 lineage, was Kickstarted in 2012. It hit iOS in 2013, and then proceeded at a pace of one port per year (2014, Android; 2015, PC) en route to three of five episodes having been release. Well, episodes four and five are coming soon, including to the latest port in the storm (2016, PS4), where Republique can launch as a full, complete game that people didn't lose interest in a year or two ago. And while the PC/Mac remaster in Unity 5 from earlier this year does look better than the original mobile incarnations, the upcoming PlayStation 4 version is the most updated yet. Originally designed for phones, Republique's stealth was previously tap-and-click as you navigate Hope through her Orwellian surroundings as you jump from camera to camera to offer recon (you're a life-and-death version of Siri, basically). With the PS4 version, however, developer Camouflaj has mapped Hope to an analog stick and added a new cover system, which provides a stronger sense of immediacy versus the touch/click auto-stealth. It also makes it feel like a throwback to the PS1's use of weird, fixed angles and camera transitions (like Resident Evil) which is mildly disorienting at first but could actually be easier to wrap your head around with a controllable Hope acting as the anchor point in the environments. Camouflaj's Paul Alexander notes that the team decided on the visual upgrade and Unity 5 bump on the computer version because, "[they've] been a visual pioneer on mobile" and didn't want to look like a mobile game on PC. With the PS4 release, however, it was the first time there was real talk of fully controlling Hope, where the PC version was happy to adapt the point-and-click model. |
Xbox boss is '100% committed' to keeping you engaged with Xbox consoles Posted: 10 Dec 2015 09:00 PM PST Xbox boss Phil Spencer has confirmed that Microsoft is already looking ahead to the next generation console. Talking to The Verge about the future of consoles in an age where TVs and mobile devices are becoming smarter, Spencer said: "I fully expect that you’ll see another console from us […] Our best customers are Xbox console customers, and I want to keep those people engaged both on the Xbox One and anything we might do in the future. I’m 100 percent committed to that." |
EA announces new Competitive Gaming Division Posted: 10 Dec 2015 08:00 PM PST Electronic Arts has announced that it is launching a new Competitive Gaming Division (CGD). The new team will be led by EA's former COO, Peter Moore, who's switching to a new role as executive vice president and chief competition officer. The development of the CGD centres around three "core pillars" - competition ("to create highly-engaging competitive experiences with our games, officially supported by Electronic Arts"), community ("to celebrate, connect and grow our community of players across all levels of expertise"), and entertainment ("to develop live events and broadcasting that bring the spectacle of competition to millions of people around the world"). |
You can now make your own Hotline Miami 2 levels Posted: 10 Dec 2015 07:00 PM PST At long last, Dennaton has finally released an early beta of the mod tools for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. It’s only available for Window, but you’re now able to make your own custom maps. A tutorial released by Dennaton shows how easy to use the tools are. Most of the interface appears to be tile-based drag and drop, yet it also has a surprising amount of functionality. Not only can you create individual levels, but you’re also able to make fully-fledged campaigns and cutscenes too. Of course there will be bugs, this is an early beta after all, but for a first release, it’s mighty impressive. The sticking point is actually sharing levels. Steam Workshop isn’t supported yet, so the only way you’ll be able to find new maps to play is if you go hunting for them. To get you started, I recommend looking through the more recent posts of /r/hotlinemiamimaps, as well as this thread in the /r/hotlinemiami subreddit. I wonder how many penis-shaped maps there are already… At long last, Dennaton has finally released an early beta of the mod tools for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. It’s incredibly early days, and currently it’s only available for Window, but you’re now able to make your own custom maps. A tutorial released by Dennaton shows how easy to use the tools are. Most of the interface appears to be tile-based drag and drop, yet it also has a surprising amount of functionality. Not only can you create individual levels, but you’re also able to make fully-fledged campaigns and cutscenes too. Of course there will be bugs, this is an early beta after all, but for a first release it’s mighty impressive. The sticking point is actually sharing levels. Steam Workshop isn’t supported yet, so the only way you’ll be able to find new maps to play is if you go hunting for them. To get you started, I recommend looking through the more recent posts of /r/hotlinemiamimaps, as well as this thread in the /r/hotlinemiami subreddit. I wonder how many penis-shaped maps there are already… |
Here's a new trailer for Disgaea PC Posted: 10 Dec 2015 06:00 PM PST In case you missed it, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (AKA the Destroyer of Lives and Cruel Devourer of All Free Time) is coming to PC under the name Disgaea PC. Nippon Ichi’s popular PlayStation 2 SRPG was thrown up on Steam last month with very little fanfare, but now that we’re inching towards its February 2016 release we’ve been treated to a new teaser trailer. The trailer sets the stage for the game, which follow the story of Laharl, an arrogant demon-kid who intends to become the Overlord of the Netherworld by any means necessary. The trailer also shows off the game’s voice acting and its highly tactical combat system, which often involves stacking your teammates on top of each other like a big, death-spewing totem pole. Disgaea PC includes updated textures and a new and improved UI, as well as the necessary tweaks to make the game playable on a keyboard and mouse. It also contains all of the content from the PSP rerelease Afternoon of Darkness, just in case the hundreds of hours long main game wasn’t enough content for you. It’s nice to see the series finally come to PC after 13 years, and hopefully this means the other Disgaea games are on their way too! ![]() |
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