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- League of Legends Poppy Rework Review
- Tribes: Ascend Launches Update 1.1
- Diablo III Patch 2.4.0 Preview: Greyhollow Island
- Forsaken World Servant of Time Pet Giveaway
- Path of Exile Launches New Talisman Challenge Leagues
- Dragomon Hunter Review
- Planets³ Reveals New Name: Stellar Overload
- RuneScape Behind the Scenes: Beneath Cursed Tides
- AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter Video
League of Legends Poppy Rework Review Posted: 11 Dec 2015 04:43 PM PST It's December, which means it's Snowdown season in League of Legends! Legend of the Poro King is back, during the holiday season (Dec. 24th-Jan. 7th or thereabouts) if you buy a legendary skin you'll get another skin for free with it! That's cool right? Right? Lots of Christmas skins are coming back for a limited time, so it's your chance to get those as well. But more important than that is that Poppy Skins are out of the Vault got her rework finally! What's the verdict? Honestly, I freakin' miss her old Ultimate. Though there's a lot to be said for knocking the enemy jungler/tank into left field, towards their base. While her kit is really good, it's those that can properly utilize her W and R that will separate the good Poppy players from the great Poppy players. There are lots of people who miss old Poppy, because she wasn't honestly bad. . . but she wasn't "relevant" either. And that's a pretty key word for League of Legends. Being relevant makes you played, makes you discussed, sometimes banned. I do not feel that Poppy's going to show up and change the entire game, but she definitely has the feeling of being someone relevant for the first time in seasons. From niche to a key component of a specialty comp. But now, Poppy and her hammer are ready for action! The Iron Ambassador is a Fighter/Tank, and I prefer to employ a fairly aggressive rune/mastery mix. My masteries are pretty standard AD style character: Lifesteal Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Armor Yellows and MR Blues. I've also opted to run my tank page from time to time that has Health Quints instead, if I feel like I might have a rough time. My runes are 18/0/12, giving me a healthy balance of aggressive attack speed/damage boosts with the tankiness of the resolve page. I don't really build a lot of damage items on her though; her Q takes care of a lot of the damage if it hits, so I do go for a Black Cleaver, then follow up with a variety of tank items: Sunfire Cape, Iceborn Gauntlet, Randuin's Omen, things of that nature. When I dash to them, I don't want them to have the illusion that they're getting away! Poppy's kit is considerably different from before. Her old passive, Valiant Fighter, is now "Iron Ambassador." Now she uses her buckler in combat. When the cooldown is up, her next auto attack is ranged (and deals bonus magic damage), and the shield gets tossed to the side somewhere nearby. If it's picked up she gets a shield to soak a little bit of damage. Her old passive was kind of neat, and was fantastic for taking damage, but it was bland. If the passive gets a kill, the shield returns, a'la Captain America, and she still gets the damage soaking. Devastating Blow is now Hammer Shock. It's still her primary damage, and it is capable of pretty fantastic damage, as it deals percentage damage based on the enemy's maximum health. In addition, it creates a slow, and explodes again for the damage it initially dealt. The range on it is pretty awful, but careful use of it can decimate anyone. Her E, Heroic Charge is still the same aggravating bullshit it was from the start. Charge people into things, stun them, and hurt them as much as you can. That never gets old. Catching her in the jungle is a very bad idea. Honestly, I think Poppy Jungle is probably better than ever before. Her Q does a little less damage to minions (80% of normal damage), but her W and R can definitely knock the support far away, prevent the target from dashing away, and seal their doom! Her targets receive justice of the Hammer, whether they want it or not. But where her kit really stands out now is in "Steadfast Presence" and "Keeper's Verdict." Steadfast Presence gives passive Armor/MR, 12% of her current numbers. This is awesome to make her tanky. But…when she activates it, an Aura appears around her. She gains Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds, and anyone who dashes at the aura gets knocked away from her. Not far, just a centimeter away. If you are "in" the aura, you cannot dash away. Any top laner that has a dash, leap, or pounce will find this inhumanly frustrating. Akali can still double dash and get to her after it wears off, as can other champions with that style of ability, but far and away it can be used to stop a huge amount of characters. She can use the mobility increase to run forward and block ults, dashes and ganks, knocking them away with Keeper's Verdict. She charges up her Hammer, and knocks whomever is hit by it away, making them briefly untargetable. It sends them in the direction of their base, no matter which way they are facing. I knocked someone towards my base and it just hurled them in the other direction. This can be amazing, as it does damage; but if you don't do enough, your entire team is going to rage because all you did was send their target to safety. [I should know. I did that more than I'd care to admit] In Teamfights, Poppy shines. She can pop W to stop junglers/carries from getting to the backline, and knock the most fed person/most useful person away from the teamfight to get the fight into a more agreeable fashion for your team. She can still knock people away and stun them, still doing the same incredible damage, but her kit requires more thought to use than it did before. It's more than "Ult the person I want to ruin." Most people who have dashes/leaps have to exercise caution around her, but people who can still get in like Volibear or Singed, with their flips, are still an issue. Anyone who deals true damage (Irelia) is a threat, because no amount of armor/mr will save them. Cho'gath should also do well against her for that same reason. Once he has a stack or two, that Q won't get close, thanks to his knock up and silence. As an aside, I hate that she has the same voice as Tristana. Love the voice actress, hate that they sound the same. That bothers me a great deal. Way to be lazy, Riot. Poppy is terrific fun though and I anticipate seeing a lot more of the Yordle with the Hammer. Full Gameplay Image GalleryThe post League of Legends Poppy Rework Review appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Tribes: Ascend Launches Update 1.1 Posted: 11 Dec 2015 04:19 PM PST It came out of the blue, but it was aptly named: “It’s about F*cking Time.” Yes, Tribes: Ascend is back and has launched Update 1.1. The update adds three new CTF maps, makes major class changes, rebalances weapons and vehicles, and makes a lot more tweaks and improvements. You can check out the full patch notes here. The post Tribes: Ascend Launches Update 1.1 appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Posted: 11 Dec 2015 02:10 PM PST IDEA is a free-to-play mobile MMORPG from Netmarble. IDEA’s most important offering is real-time, guild versus guild PvP battles, supporting up to 42 players in a 21v21 battle. The game also offers other MMORPG features, including over 80 maps, three playable classes (Berserker, Assassin, and Mage), and thousands of pieces of equipment. Its music is scored by Steve Jablonsky. IDEA is not currently available in English.
Diablo III Patch 2.4.0 Preview: Greyhollow Island Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:58 AM PST Diablo III Patch 2.4.0 will introduce a new Adventure-mode exclusive zone, Greyhollow Island. Find out more here. The post Diablo III Patch 2.4.0 Preview: Greyhollow Island appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Forsaken World Servant of Time Pet Giveaway Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:53 AM PST MMOHuts has partnered with Perfect World Entertainment to offer a powerful rare pet for Forsaken World! Forsaken World is a free-to-play MMORPG set in a dark online fantasy world featuring vampires and mythical creatures. Dark forces threaten Eyrda, a world forsaken by the gods and inhabited by seven races: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Stonemen, the Kindred, Lycan and Demons. Players must unite to restore the land to glory, while exploring an ever-changing world filled with epic dungeons, intense PvP battles and exotic mounts waiting to be tamed. Pack Unlocks: Servant of Time To Redeem Your Key:
The post Forsaken World Servant of Time Pet Giveaway appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Path of Exile Launches New Talisman Challenge Leagues Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:33 AM PST Grinding Gear Games today launched its latest Content Update for their online action RPG, Path of Exile. Content Update 2.1.0 introduces Rigwald, the Wolven King, to the land of Wraeclast, along with the start of Standard and Hardcore versions of the new Talisman Challenge Leagues. These leagues represent a fresh server for new and returning players to play in, where they are on equal footing with existing players while playing the new content. The Talisman Challenge Leagues feature monsters possessed by ancient Ezomyte talismans, amulets infused with the power of the First Ones. The ancient magic of these relics fill creatures with power, making them a difficult challenge for Path of Exile players who chose to engage them. Slaying these creatures will yield their powerful talisman, if you can fend off other nearby creatures that will rush to claim the powerful amulets for themselves. Stone Circles, a Wolven King, and a Host of New Game Features Circles of floating stones, assembled by ancient Ezomyte Druids, are now part of the landscape of Wraeclast in the Talisman leagues. Players can sacrifice sets of five different Talismans from a similar tier to summon a powerful possessed monster. Defeating the summoned creature allows the player to claim the new, higher-tier Talisman. Content Update 2.1.0 also introduces Rigwald, the Wolven King, a new end-game boss that poses a lethal threat to Path of Exile players. Possessed by the greatest of Talismans, the Wolven King provides the ultimate challenge but also yields a substantial prize to the players that can defeat him. As with any Path of Exile update, 2.1.0 features a cornucopia of new unique items, support gems, and spells. Additionally, this update will increase the variety of skills available for bow users and dramatically increase options available to poison-based characters. Further information about Talisman Challenge Leagues and all the new December 2015 game additions can be found on Path of Exile’s website at The post Path of Exile Launches New Talisman Challenge Leagues appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:15 AM PST Dragomon Hunter is an ambitious title from X-Legend and published by Aeria Games, in which I do not ever know which state the game is in: Alpha, Beta, or Live. But it appears that Aeria titles seldom leave that Beta phase. Dragomon Hunter is part cutesy Ragnarok Online, part Pokemon. The goal of the game feels kind of unclear, other than to tame Dragomon, which are the monsters that run amok in the world. There are "dungeons," there are missions, big bosses, crafting, guilds, all of the stuff you could and should expect in an MMO, but I'm a trifle unclear on what I'm supposed to be doing. Generally speaking, MMOs have an overarching goal, an end-game to reach for. This feels more like a casual game, where players get together and kill monsters and collect Dragomon to use as mounts. The game teased me with "combat mounts" that get cool abilities when you're upon them, but I've yet to find a single one other than the quest that showed it off to me. There is still a lot you can do in Dragomon Hunter, for good or ill. There is an arena to fight powerful and dangerous Dragomon, as well as 3v3/5v5 PVP to look into. Bounties, cool events, rewards for logins, and so on. But it's . . . easy. Incredibly easy. Pretty much every class does boat-loads of damage, though at least the art is bright and cheerful, filling you with a bit of energy as you decimate your foes. Perhaps too cute and cheerful at times. You hang out primarily in the city of Elysium, where everyone idles and tries to sell their rare items and gold-sellers obliterate main chat. Typically the chat moves too fast for me to ignore/report people, and there are so many independent merchants (players) that even my PC slows to a crawl when I'm in town from time to time. Back to the actual gameplay. It's cute and it's fun, but it's so easy to play. The only thing that killed me reliably were level 50 boss monsters, and that's only because I was 30-40 levels under them and ran through trying to be a badass. There are lots of items to craft and collect, and a fair amount of Dragomon with a few different species, but ultimately I feel a bit disenchanted. It's still very buggy, and halfway through my playtesting I could swear there were huge stealth nerfs to drop rates, meanwhile I can autowalk myself to pretty much every quest objective. Dragomon Hunter has four classes: Mercenary, Scout, Cleric, and Mage. At level 20 you can get a different weapon type to use, and each has its own unique skill set. Some of the skills are pretty familiar from other MMOs, but really, there's bound to be overlap. The classes are pretty fun; in the first phases of the beta I played a Mage where I teleported around and shot ridiculous blasts of energy at my opponents, and in the latest version I dabbled with all four. You can go up to level 50, but there are two levels per character. "Character Level," which affects what you can do in-game (dungeons, quests, professions), and HL levels impacting stat growth. This determines if you can tank, deal damage, whatever you want to do. Each HL gives you a stat point to put down as you'd like. The best way to level is to do the Main Quests, but there are daily events, dungeons, bounties, and other things of that nature. You aren't alone though! When you create your class, you also create a Hoppalong: A cute little bunny creature that can have its own character classes depending on what Primers you find in the game. Thankfully you can give them your unused equipment. If they die, they resurrect after a little time has passed, so take heart, little buddy will come back! I couldn't find a party to do dungeons, so I soloed a few times, and I have to say, I was completely underwhelmed. It was one tiny grotto, with a bunch of Dragomon that were actually aggressive, and when I completed it, I just left. The rewards were mediocre at best. It would appear that the way to get gear is to do quests, craft it, and/or upgrade it with scrolls and other items. When you upgrade a piece of gear to a certain point it can go up a Star, with a maximum of five. So you have to kill copious amounts of Dragomon for crafting mats, or use "Dragomon Points" to trade for resources/other useful things. I still have no damn clue how I get Dragomon Points though. I have some! I'm just not clear on where you get them. Entering missions is all portal based. You ride a helicopter/enter a portal to a zone to do quests. There's no real world exploration, and that's kind of boring to me. Sure, it's fun to hop into a zone every once in a while, kill some enemies then go hang out with your friends, but I feel kind of detached, not immersed in this cheery world. I have a hard time feeling like something's direly wrong in the world of the Dragomon with how colorful and bright it is. Unless perhaps the great terror is me, unleashing hell upon the innocent creatures! Bounties and other quests for faction reputation gain were on boards in Elysium, and you gain a pretty large amount of rewards for completing them. The exp is not as good as the main storyline, but you get crafting materials and chests with ore, or other useful bits in them. At least the early parts of the game guide you to the bounty board, craftsmen and other parts of the game, so you know exactly where to go and what to do. . . . But. This game is still insanely easy. If you have a crafting mat in your bag you can right click it, and it will "Search for Master Craftsmen" and ride you to a craftsman in the area you're in, where you can get to work. You can left click on quest objectives on the right side of your screen, including the items to dig up/grab/capture things and it will hop on whatever mount you have and take you to it! Sometimes you get stuck on things but for the most part, it accurately takes you exactly where you need to go. And so few enemies are aggressive, you can alt-tab and do something else. I enjoy having some manner of an idea where to go, the sparkly trail that lines your path is pretty handy; but why use that when you can just click and ride for free to your objectives? The game gives you tons of crafting mats and items that you can use, but you have such a tiny inventory; early quests give you a few bags, but you're on your own after that I feel Not to mention the mounts you collect TAKE UP INVENTORY SPACE. In the early phases of the beta, I had something like 10 mounts, and that's a LOT of inventory space. You have a ranch… but do your mounts go there, and can you summon them there? Nope! That's a whole different part of the game. You can raise and breed Dragomon there, using eggs you find, or Dragomon you tame. While testing there were four key components I found at the Ranch, though it seemed hints of more functions were in development. Defense, where your Dragomon will defend the Ranch against attackers, but you have to help; they can't do it all on their own. The Pasture is where Dragomon go to grow. When they get to 100% EXP they can be bred at the Breeder. You can also go to Omi the cook to make meals for your Dragomon, which helps them level up but they are, like many creatures, picky eaters. Pay attention to what their dietary needs are! This is such a cool concept, but I often find myself forgetting about it. You can also "Record" Dragomon/Eggs here. After a day you will receive a reward for doing this, and I do not believe you get these Dragomon back. You can get gear, mounts, lots of different things! So if you have more than one of a type of Dragomon, or you simply don't care for it, feel free to Record it away. Or you can release Dragomon, but once you do that they're gone forever too. Thankfully, it's shared across the server, so all of your characters have one Ranch to take care of, instead of several. "Danger", Excitement, Action? Rating: Good 3/5 When I say I'm not sure if it's still in Beta, I mean it! I have some serious issues with a game that suddenly gives me gigantic blocks of glitch graphics in the main town! Sudden walls of graphical errors, as far as the eye can see. Changing my camera view doesn't help, nor does moving around it. It has controller support, but I honestly was not a fan. It was a much better experience with a keyboard/mouse. It has cute voices, but the English voices made my teeth itch. But that aside, the game is fun! It's undeniably fun to dash into combat and slap the crap out of enemies to tame them. I detest the sudden lowered chance to grab mounts, but when I had them I was equally frustrated because they all take up space in the inventory, so it's a double edged sword, but one pointed at you. It's got a lot of potential, but it needs a bit more than polish. It's too single-player to be an MMO as things stand, although its just released 300v300 PvP battleground is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately I found most of my time in-game spent standing in front of a bulletin board, and that's no good. Dragomon Hunter is cute and fun, but I feel like I'm doing the same things in the same zones, no matter how long I've played. To "catch 'em all" you have to spend hours farming them. That's not interesting. Though at least combat is considerably similar to other X-Legend titles, like Aura Kingdom, which is solid for the Anime MMORPG genre. If you're a fan of those, you will probably still enjoy Dragomon Hunter. Combat: + Combat is fast-paced, character skills are very cool and unique. Big numbers are fun and you get a lot of them early on.
Music/Sound: + Music is of a pretty decent quality. The Japanese voices are fantastic, and are a pleasure to listen to, even if they just pretty much say the same thing all the time.
Controls: + Controls are decent; they're pretty responsive with keyboard and mouse controls, goes well with the action of combat. WASD, QE to rotate, or use your mouse. You can use a controller.
Crafting: + Lots and lots of things to craft, and the bank has a ton of slots of materials. You don't need them in your inventory! That was such a Godsend. I think the only item that you have to have on hand are scrolls or Dragocite (Gems to improve gear).
Full Gameplay Image GalleryThe post Dragomon Hunter Review appeared first on MMOHuts. |
Planets³ Reveals New Name: Stellar Overload Posted: 11 Dec 2015 10:59 AM PST Today Cubical Drift are excited to reveal that Planets³ is now called Stellar Overload! “After much deliberation, we’ve chosen Stellar Overload as the new name for Planets³! We feel that the new name really reflects what we’re aiming to achieve with the project and we’d also like to share with you, today, the solar system in which the game is based.” said Michel Thomazeau, project director at Cubical Drift. “Stellar Overload is the name of an in-game cosmic cataclysm which caused mass extinction throughout our solar system. When did it happen? Why? Even our elders have no answers. The only thing we know for certain is that every day's a fight for survival since the event. United against the alien invaders, and their infernal machines, we – the last survivors of the human race, have chosen our destiny. We will Fight, Survive and Rebuild!” Stellar Overload’s adventures take place in a universe that consists entirely of 25cm³ blocks. The blocks can be combined in a variety of ways to build beautiful objects, elegant structures and landscape elements of all shapes and sizes. In this completely open world, freedom is the key; with entire surroundings that can be completely modulated, destroyed and recreated as you see fit with the only limit being your own imagination! But this freedom comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, to leave the planet and visit the universe, players must unlock their own personal spaceship…or build one themselves. An important part of the adventure will take place in the depths of the planets, where danger is ubiquitous, where the player will harvest valuable resources (minerals or crystals), but mainly they’ll be led there by the story in order to solve mysteries, explore dungeons and repel the enemy that’s posing imminent mundicide. Intertwined within this main story are a variety of secondary storylines; smaller branching stories which feature their own additional quests and are often linked to a native or a dungeon. These additional quests aren’t necessary to complete the main storyline but for the explorer interested in discovering all the secrets of the Stellar Overload universe, these optional stories will grant them additional intel and extra loot (often better) that couldn’t be acquired by any other means. The post Planets³ Reveals New Name: Stellar Overload appeared first on MMOHuts. |
RuneScape Behind the Scenes: Beneath Cursed Tides Posted: 11 Dec 2015 09:29 AM PST RuneScape goes behind the scenes to look at Beneath Cursed Tides, a new quest returning to Tutorial Island. The post RuneScape Behind the Scenes: Beneath Cursed Tides appeared first on MMOHuts. |
AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter Video Posted: 11 Dec 2015 09:17 AM PST The full Kickstarter video for Artix Entertainment’s new project, AdventureQuest 3D (AQ3D). The post AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter Video appeared first on MMOHuts. |
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