Friday, November 2, 2012



DUST 514: Codex Build Released & Double Skills Weekend

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 06:32 AM PDT

Codex Build Released & Double Skills Weekend

CCP Games has released a new 'B-roll' video featuring the latest update to DUST 514. Called "Codex", the new update brings a host of changes including the addition of corporations, female avatars, new weapons, new skills and new environments into the game, many of which were based on player feedback. In addition, CCP announced that this weekend will featuring double skills for lucky closed beta testers.

Guild Wars 2: November Preview & Notes from Our Live Stream

Posted: 31 Oct 2012 08:23 PM PDT

November Preview & Notes from Our Live Stream

The fun never ends with ArenaNet and the Guild Wars 2 team. During the Live Stream event with our own Pokket and Colin Johanson, the team posted a preview of what's in store for November. Following the stream, the most salient notes were posted over on the Guild Wars 2 Reddit.

Neverwinter: Community Q&A #2 -- Give Us Your Questions!

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 04:31 PM PDT

Community Q&A #2 -- Give Us Your Questions! is partnering with Perfect World Entertainment to answer your questions (again!) on their upcoming free-to-play D&D MMO, Neverwinter.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Disney Deal

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 02:14 PM PDT

The Disney Deal

George Lucas has sold the Lucas empire to Disney for the sum of $4.05 billion and we've got some thoughts to share on the subject, including what it could mean for MMO fans going forward.

World of Warcraft: Day of the Dead Arrives

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 12:43 PM PDT

Day of the Dead Arrives

World of Warcraft players have two days to take part in the Day of the Dead celebrations that are ongoing throughout the game world. There are new activities to participate in, new recipes and achievements and much more.

Firefall: The Brontodon Revealed

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 11:24 AM PDT

The Brontodon Revealed

The Firefall website has been updated with a new 'creature feature' that shines the spotlight on one of the game's monsters. This time, we meet the Brontodon, products of genetic experimentation by humankind.

The Secret World: The Price of Progress

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 09:06 PM PDT

The Price of Progress

In this week's The Secret World column, we take a look at the price of a monthly subscription. It's an age-old discussion any more but we have a unique take on it that we think you'll appreciate. Read on and then lend your voice to the conversation in the comments.

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