Sunday, May 29, 2011

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

ArcheAge: An Idea of Meticulous Design


Jake Song, known as the father of Lineage, has indeed made ArcheAge a distinctive MMO. Players are not only pleased by the esthetical graphics, but also impressed by the meticulous consideration of in-game details.

Korean Games Say Goodbye to Resemblance


Since World of Warcraft successfully established its hegemony in the MMORPG market, it has become an example to follow. MMORPGs that want to gain a place in the MMORPG world have to learn from WOW in terms of game systems, class settingsand other aspects, which makes the overflow of many homogeneous products.

Korean Media: Are 18+ Games Moneymakers?


In the first half of this year, the Korean game market is almost flooded with adults-only MMOs, such as TERA, Dragona Online and Dark Blood. Recently, mobile games have also been promoted for adults only. Can developers really shake money from adult games?
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