Counter Strike
One of the most famous and famed game out there is all known by the name "Counter Strike", and its further more expansion as "Counter strike Condition 0".
Its a Product / published by Steam and it runs on Steam's engine practically.
By Default when a user attempts to play in a local PC [Personal Computer] it autonomously creates a Local server and Runs using a Loopback Address [ to] and a port [3244].So that when a user wishes or completes a map or a scenario he can automatically move to the other map without quitting the game nor manually selecting the maps.
The other most important factor which makes this game is that it also enables the players to play and Pawn each other in LAN [Local Area Network], so this game is also famed as LAN Game.
The interface is autonomously a 3d [3 dimensional environment], so no hassles in playing it.
Another factor is that a player can also play online using Steam engine or Create or Host his or her own server on the internet wherein the Engine [Steam engine] automatically creates or detects a IP [Internet Protocol] address and a port so that players around the world can connect to the server and play.
Interaction is automatically built as there are several in-built scripts available to players or also players can customly chat or interact with each other in game.
The game runs on 2 factions via,.. one is Terrorists and the other one is Counter Terrorists [Polize / Police].
Each of these factions contains and can only contain 6 players in each side via,.. Terrorists: 6 and Counter Terrorists: 6 and a overall total of 12 players and may be extendable upto 14 players at a max.
The above was a brief review about the game.
Here you can find one of the basic necessity [pre-requisite] that is required to play [inorder to play] after the installation of the game which most of the players out there like you and yes yourself are looking out for..
Don't worry here is the the requisite you are looking for, i mean CD Key [A.K.A] Serial code:
There are 6 Keys which are mentioned one bellow the another, so kindly use the other key if it ain't working..
CD Key for Counter Strike and Counter Strike Condition 0:
-> 5rp2e-eph3k-br3lg-kmgde-fn8py
-> 5zc2f - kzzr7 - 4527r - f26lw - vr2wb
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