JNVST Results 2020- Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) officials had released the Admissions for 6th, 9th, 11th Classes. They conducted the entrance exam for the 6th, 9th, and 11th Classes Successfully on 02nd February 2019 and 6th April 2019. As we know that those who have been participated in the Entrance Test are eagerly waiting to know the JNVST Exam Result 2020. Moreover, the students can download the Navodaya Vidyalaya Result 2020 from the official website i.e, navodaya.gov.in. Additionally, here we have given the information of JNVST Selection List 2020.
JNVST Entrance Test Results 2020 – Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) has commenced the Class Admission Test for Class 6 and Class 9 on 11th January 2020 and 8th February 2020. Candidates can download the JNVST Exam Result 2020 through the official site of navodaya.gov.in. Moreover, the JNVST Department is planning to declare the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). Here, we will provide a direct link to download the JNVST Result 2020. The link gets activate at the time of the Official declaration. In addition, aspirants can also check and download the JNVST Cut off Marks 2020 and JNVST Merit List 2020.
JNVST Class 6th Entrance Test Results 2020 (Individual) – Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has released the JNVST Class 6th Entrance Test Results 2020 (Individual) At navodaya.gov.in. Students can check JNVST Navodaya 6th class Results, Selected Candidates List, Cutoff Marks Caste/ Category wise, Merit List for all regions from here. Students can click the below link to get the JNVST Class 6th Entrance Test Results 2020 (Individual) for Admissions. Students can get complete details about the JNVST Class 06th Entrance Test results by clicking the below link.
JNVST Class 6th Entrance Test Results 2020 (Individual)
Class 9th – 02nd February 2019 Class 6th – 6th April 2019
JNVST Entrance Test Result 2020
17th July 2019
Official Website
JNVST Class 6th Entrance Test Results 2020 (Individual) – Click Here
JNVST Selection List 2020 – Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has released the Results for Class 6th & 9th, 11th Admission Exams At navodaya.gov.in. Students can check JNVST Navodaya 6th class Results, Selected Candidates List, Cutoff Marks Caste/ Category wise, Merit List for all regions from here. Students can click the below link to get the JNVST Selection List 2020 for the 06th, 09th, and 11th Admissions. Students keen to know more information about JNV Results 2020 can go through the following article to check more details.
Students can check JNVST Navodaya 6th class Results, Selected Candidates List, Cutoff Marks Caste/ Category wise, Merit List for all regions from Official websites. Now check Class 9th, 6th, class 11th selection list for Pune region, Chandigarh region, MP State, Bihar, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Shillong, Patna from below. As per statistics revealed by JNV nearly 28 lakh Students have appeared for the JNVST 6th entrance test this year. The answer keys for JNVST examination were released by the conducting authority soon after the examination completed.
JNVST Class 6th Selection List 2020 & Results for Class 6th for the Session 2019-2020 released for All Regions. Here we have provided a direct link to check your results. Candidates competed for the written test can download state-wise, name-wise results for 6th class & 9th class and merit list from the same website. Applicants keen to know more information about JNV Result 2020 can go through the following article to check more details.
The officials of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) have released the JNVST Result 2020 through District wise. They have released the Results for each district at different times. So the students can download the Entrance Test Result from the official site. Parents/ Guardians of the selected candidates must follow the given steps for the Admission in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV).
JNVST Selection List 2020 | navodaya.gov.in
JNVST had conducted the entrance test for various classes on different dates. Under the JNVST, many of the schools are working and they are also the exam centers for the Entrance Test. After the release of the JNVST Exam Result 2020, the officials will release the JNVST Selection List 2020. And these JNVST Selection List 2020 contains the name of the candidates who are qualified in the exam. Moreover, the JNVST Selection List 2020 will be available in the official site. JNVST Selection List 2020 for Lateral Entry against vacant seats has been released.
Steps to check JNVST Results
Visit the official website of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test i.e, navodaya.gov.in
In the home page, you can see the Click here to view class VI JNVST 2019 Result (Region wise) & Individual
Students can click any one of the links
In that enter the details carefully. then give submit
JNVST 2020 Result will appear on the Screen
Download or take a printout of the Result fro further reference.
NCL Admit Card 2020 – The exam for 52 Staff Nurse (Trainee), Pharmacist, Technician, Physiotherapist, Junior Technician, Audiometry Technician has been postponed to April 2020. NCL Admit Card for the postponed exam will be available in the month of April 2020. Download the hall ticket before the last date ends.
Northern Coalfields Limited Admit Card 2020 – Download Here
NCL Admit Card 2020 – Northern Coalfields Limited is going to release the hall ticket for the post of Accountant on its official portal soon. Thus, the board is yet to release the exam date. Once the exam date got declared by the authorities candidates will get the NCL Admit Card release date. From this webpage, aspirants can get the direct download link at the below segment. Also, this page contains the details of the Accountant Exam and admit card.
NCL Admit Card 2020 | Overview
Candidates who have applied for the NCL Accountant Jobs and got eligible are suggested to download the NCL Admit Card here. This table has an overview of the hall ticket and the exam. Scroll down to the below webpage to get the direct download link.
Details Available on NCL Accountant Admit Card 2020
Download the NCL Hall Ticket by checking the below-provided details. Hence, the admit card will have the credentials which are to be filled manually. Fill the valid particulars to get the NCL Hall Ticket. However, authorities may issue the NCL Admit Card at any time on its official portal.
Candidates Name
Name of the Candidate's Father
The venue of the Exam Centre
Date & Time of the Test
Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
Gender (Male/ Female)
Roll Number
Duration of the Online Test
Space for Invigilator's Signature
Registration Number
Name of the Test Centre
Category of the candidates
Space for Applicant's Signature
Name of the Exam Conducting Board
Photograph of the Candidate
Applicant's Date of Birth
Name of the Written Test
Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
Full Name of the Applicant
Examination Centre Code
Signature of the Board Counselor
NCL Accountant Exam 2020
Northern Coalfields Limited will declare the exam date soon on their official portal. Hence, candidates are suggested to download the syllabus and previous papers for the study purpose. Have a glance over the exam pattern from here.
NCL Exam Pattern:
Question Type
Total Marks
Time Duration
Part A
90 Marks
90 Minutes
Part B
30 Marks
Documents along with NCL Exam Admit Card 2020
Carry the original documents along with the NCL Hall Ticket. Make sure to follow the steps provided at the below segment.
Original Photograph
Voter Card
Pan Card
Employee ID
College ID
PAN Card
Driving License
Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Bank Pass Book with the photograph
How to Download NCL Admit Card 2020?
Click on the NCL Hall Ticket 2020.
Enter the Registration Number and Password on the home page.
Now enter the image in the box that is available on the page.
Log in to get the NCL Accountant Admit Card.
Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
Fill the needed credentials into the hall ticket which are asked.
After filling recheck the details that you have entered.
Once done with the checking Submit the admit card.
Finally, download the hall ticket after the submission.
Take a photocopy of the NCL Exam Admit Card.
Carry for the exam and for the upcoming selection rounds.
CG SET Result 2020 @ vyapam.cgstate.gov.in. Check Cutoff, Merit list here. Candidates can check and download results from this site. Candidates those who are appeared for the examination and waiting for results can go through this post. The CG officials have conducted the state eligibility test on 8th September 2019. The CG SET result is expected to be released in the month of April 2020. So all the participants can check and download results from this page.
CG SET Result 2020- Download here
The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) will announce the CG state eligibility test results as soon as possible on their official website vyapam.cgstate.gov.in. A huge number of candidates appeared for the written exam on 8th September 2019. All the aspirants are waiting for CG SET Results 2020. Here, we will update the latest result link, and the result link will be activated at the time of the official announcement. The Applicants can also check cut off and merit here. So, participants Vist our page frequently.
CG SET Result 2020- Overview
Organization Name
Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB)
Candidates can have information about the results, cut off marks, and merit list here. To check results candidates should have their roll number and password along with them. In case of missing those login credentials, you can contact higher officials. Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) will be releasing the CG Vyapam CG SET Result 2020 based on the performance of the candidates. As the higher authority commenced the exam on 8th September 2019, candidates can check their CG SET Exam Results 2020 from January 2020 (Tentatively). The selection process is based on the written examination. From the upcoming section, you can have cutoff marks and merit list details.
CG SET Cut off Marks 2020
All the aspirants can have detailed information about CG SET Cut Off Marks 2020. The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) has not yet released the exact cutoff marks. The cutoff marks will be released once the results are declared. The board of higher authority will be releasing the CG SET Cut Off Marks 2020 according to the categories of the aspirants SC, ST, BC, OC. The cutoff marks play an essential role in every participant life. The candidates should know the cutoff marks before appearing in the examination to score high marks. The board will soon announce the cutoff marks in their official web page. The authority decides to cut off according to the following factors given below.
The number of vacancies available
The hardness level of the paper
Previous years cut off marks
CG SET Exam Merit List 2020
In this section, the applicants can know more clearly about the Chhattisgarh State Eligibility Test Merit List 2020. Generally, the Merit List will be released after the announcement of the results by the authority. The contenders who score maximum marks in all the sections will be listed on the merit list. After the completion of the examination, the results will be announced and then the merit list will be released on their official website. Here you can check and download your merit list from this page. We will update the latest information on our web page. By using your name and roll number you can access the CG SET Merit List 2020. In the upcoming section, we have given the stepwise procedure to check the CG SET Result.
How to check the CG SET Result 2020?
Initially, applicants can visit the official website of the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board, vyapam.cgstate.gov.in
On the home page, click on the Result tab at top of the page.
And then click on the Entrance tab in the Results.
Then a new page will open and click on the Results of 2019.
The results of the CG Vyapam SET Result 2020 will display on your screen.
Kolhan University Admit Card 2020 Releases Soon. Students who are going to take down the Even Semester are suggested to get the hall ticket. Thus, the University will allow the candidates to download the admit card through Online Mode only. No candidates will receive the Kolhan University Sem Admit Card through the post. We have provided easy steps to download the admit card. So, aspirants are advised to follow those steps and get your admit card soon. The exam will be held in the month of April 2020. Moreover, the Institute will release the hall ticket at any time on its official portal.
Recent Update:The Semester Exams have been postponed due to COVID-19. The postponed Exam Date will be announced soon on the official portal. Hence, Kolhan University Admit Card will be available 10 days before the examination.
Details Briefed on Kolhan University Hall Ticket 2020
After downloading the admit card, candidates need to check the credentials. Students will be allowed inside the exam hall along with the Kolhan University Admit Card. Make sure to download the hall ticket before the exam date. Get the hall ticket details from the upcoming section and download it by entering the valid credentials from here.
Candidates Name
Name of the Candidate's Father
Exam Hall Number
Date & Time of the Test
Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
Gender (Male/ Female)
Roll Number
Duration of the Online Test
Space for Invigilator's Signature
Registration Number
Name of the Test Centre
Category of the candidates
Space for Applicant's Signature
Name of the University
Photograph of the Candidate
Applicant's Date of Birth
Name of the Written Test
Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
Full Name of the Applicant
Examination Centre Code
Signature of the Principal
Kolhan University Exam | April 2020
ID Proof along with the Kolhan Exam Admit Card 2020
Along with the Kolhan University Admit Card, students are suggested to carry the original document to the exam hall. Make sure to download the hall ticket in soon to avoid the last time rush. Read out the instructions printed on the hall ticket. The Kolhan University Call Letter direct link will be available once the university releases it on their official website.
Original Photograph
Voter Card
Pan Card
Employee ID
College ID
PAN Card
Driving License
Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Bank Pass Book with the photograph
How to Download Kolhan University Call Letter 2020?
Click on the Kolhan University Hall Ticket Link.
Enter the Registration Number and Password on the home page.
Now enter the image in the box that is available on the page.
Log in to get the Kolhan University Admit Card.
Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
Fill the needed credentials in the hall ticket.
After filling recheck the details that you have entered.
Once done with the checking Submit the admit card.
Finally, download the hall ticket after the submission.
Take a photocopy of the Kolhan University Exam Admit Card.
Carry for the exam and for the upcoming selection rounds.
Direct Links to Download Kolhan Exam Hall Ticket 2020
Are you Looking for Top Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise? Have you completed your Higher Secondary and waiting to join an Engineering Institution? Cool!! You are into the right spot to get the answer to all your queries. It is not easy to choose the best Engineering College that provides 100% Placement. Getting placed in an MNC with an attractive salary is more important after graduation. To reduce the bare bones, this blog has top engineering colleges in Karnataka list. So, go ahead, it is time to explore those topmost colleges.
In this Contemporary World, each student is checking for the Top-notch college. As there are lots of Engineering Colleges located in Karnataka, it is not a piece of cake to choose one. To make it handy, check out Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise guide. Through this, you will get to know about every bit of college information. Thus, details include the recruitment with placement percentage and its infrastructure. We are here to help you make your first step to start the Bright Future. We hope our article guides you in choosing the right college for you.
Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise
10 – AMC Engineering College
This Engineering College is located in Bangalore, Karnataka. It is recognized by AICTE and Accredited by NAAC. It provides an ideal environment to study in it’s 52 Acres campus. The Admission is based on the Merit List. The minimum marks to get qualified in the UG Examination is 45%. Refer more from www.amcgroup.edu.in. It is ranked as one of the Top Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
It is an Autonomous Engineering Institute that provides the Engineering Courses with well – teaching staff. The college is governed by the Panchajanya Vidya Peetha Welfare Trust. Students for the courses of BE will be selected by the scoring in the KCET & COMEDK UGET. There are 09 Departments in the Institution. Get into the Government Jobs and apply for it to fulfil your dream. Check this college if you want to land in one of the best Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
163rd Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University
Among the listed Universities, it is one of the University which has the Highest Ranking in India. As in the official website, the Institute offers 95% Placement for the students in each and every batch.It has various departments with attractive and flexible infrastructure. Students around the world can join Jain University, Bangalore for their higher studies. Among the Top Universities, the Jain University's School of Engineering and Technology has got 21st Rank. Because of its better services they were awarded by EdTech Review Awards. They have shown their growth year by year in their placement progress. The Institute has all the UG (Under Graduate) and PG (Post Graduate) and Ph. D courses and certifying with the University Graduate Certificate. Jain university falls under the category of Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
86th Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Accredited by University Grants Commission
Affiliated with VTU
Placement Companion:
A.K. Capital Services, Actis Technologies, Adobe Systems India Pvt Ltd., Global Vision, Oracle India Pvt Ltd., Practo Technologies Pvt. Ltd. & Others
07 – Acharya Institute of Technology
Acharya Institute is located in Bengaluru, India. The Institute currently provides various courses like UG, PG & Doctoral courses in various specializations. They are providing the Diploma Courses within the duration of 1 Year. Other UG and PG courses will be in the duration of 03 to 05 Years. This university definitely has to be one of your options when looking for Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
77th Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University
Accredited by the National Board of Accreditation
Placement Companion:
Pingala, HSBC, Excelacom, Edureka, OG Healthcare, Accord Software & Others
06 – National Institute of Technology
The Institute is located in Suratkhal, Karnataka. It offers both UG (Under Graduate) & PG (Post Graduate) courses. Students can reserve their seats according to their category. 100% of students are placed throughout the world. The National Institute of Technology especially reserves 5% of seats for female candidates. They provide scholarships for the eligible students as Merit.
NIRF Ranking:
53rd Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Accredited by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India
Affiliated by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
Placement Companion:
Wipro, Goldman Sachs, L&T ECC, Tata Motors, Honeywell, UTC Aerospace, Caterpillar, Hexagon and etc
05 – BMS College of Engineering
Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah College of Engineering is an autonomous institute. It is located in Basavangudi, Bangalore, India. Even though it is a private college, the college is funded by the Government of Karnataka. The College is offering various UG & PG Courses. It falls under the Top 10 Placement Engineering Colleges in Karnataka. Most students try to get admission in this college as it is one of the top Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
69th Position around 200 Engineering Colleges in India
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Affiliated to Visvesveraya Technological University, Belgaum
Rashtriya Vidyalaya College of Engineering is a Private Institution running by non-profitable Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust. Students will be selected based on the marks scored in the KCET for UG (Under Graduate) Courses. Students should have scored the eligible scoring in the subject of Physics and Mathematics. The Engineering College also offers PG courses. As represented on the official website, they have been recognized as a centre for Excellence by the Union Government of India. It is rightly a part of the Top Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise list. And if you are an Indian National who is willing to continue your career in India and could not have an idea can refer to the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India.
NIRF Ranking:
64th Position among 200 Colleges in India
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Approved by AICTE
Affiliated to Visvesveraya Technological University, Belgaum
“A Grade” NAAC accredited Institution
All Departments in the Institution accredited by NBA
Placement Companion:
Adobe, Bosch, Cisco, Citi Bank, Cognizant, Dell, Deloitte, Google, Linkedin, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, & 240 other companies
03 – Ramaiah Institute of Technology
M. R. Seetharaman, son of M. S. Ramaiah is a Director of College Management. The Institute was established in the year 1962. MSRITAA is an Alumni Association of this college. The main motto of the college is “Service to Humanity is Service to God“. India’s First Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) with an autopilot system is also the credit to this Institute. You can refer to the highest paying jobs in India for Fresher after completing your graduation for jobs.
NIRF Ranking:
60th Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
It was affiliated to Mysore University after with the Bangalore University. Finally, it is affiliated with the Vishveswaraya Institute of Technology (VTU)
Accredited by the Central Government of India (National Board of Accreditation)
Placement Companion:
Accenture, Capgemini, Toyota, Larsen & Toubro, Carillion, Emaar, Amazon.com and Mu Sigma Inc
02 – CIT (Coorg Institute of Technology)
The Institute is located in Kodagu, Karnataka. Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi. The College facility details are briefly available in the official website i.e www.citcoorg.edu.in. The Governing Council meets periodically to frame policies and programs for the growth of CIT. Candidates should consider CIT if they want to be a part of one of the best Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
09th Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University
Let us head into the next Topmost Institute in the state of Karnataka. To enter the Institute, students must take the Entrance exams like GATE/ CAT/ GMAT/ CEEDand should clear the Group Discussion & Personal Interview. Candidates who have completed their 12th std or are going to appear for their 12th std are eligible for those Entrance Exams. The Shortlisted student’s details will be shared with OCCAP. The Institute offers all the UG and PG Courses with better knowledge. According to the college’s official site, 100% of students placed. This university is the best option when looking for Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement Wise.
NIRF Ranking:
2nd Position
Affiliation & Accreditation:
Accredited by University Grants Commission, India.
Affiliated with the membership of the Association of Commonwealth Universities & Association of Indian Universities
Placement Companion:
Adobe, Amazon, Cisco, Texas Instruments, Ashok Leyland, Toshiba and etc
Acronyms for you
NIRF – National Institutional Ranking Framework
VTU – Visvesveraya Technological University
KCET – Karnataka Common Entrance Test
AICTE – All India Council for Technical Education
NAAC – National Assessment and Accreditation Council
NBA – National Board of Accreditation
ICCR – Indian Council for Cultural Relations
UGC – University Grants Commission
UGI – Union Government of India
Since there is a list of engineering colleges seen around the state, the student cannot blindly select any college to study in. Contemplate actions will take you to greater heights. Make sure you go through the college’s website before you decide to join any college as we do not want you to land in any Fake Universities. Study well and grow in your career. The list given above is not exclusive. We have listed the best Engineering Colleges in Karnataka Placement wise. All the best!!
Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020: Walk-in for 44 Senior Resident Posts in Delhi!! The Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Notification has been released by the JSSH officials. There has been an announcement to recruit candidates for the post of Senior Resident. Currently, there are 44 vacancies for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital jobs. Interested candidates have to submit offline applications to the address given below. The last date to submit application form for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment is 07th April 2020. The walk-in will be conducted on 8th April 2020. Candidates will not be allowed to attend the walk-in if they have not registered. Selection will be done based on the candidate’s performance in the walk-in-interview.
Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020-21
Candidates who wish to know more about JSSH Recruitment can read all the details below. Here you will get an idea about the jobs. You can also refer to the JSSH notification for more information. Once the candidates have confirmed eligibility, they can download the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital application form from below. The application form must be duly filled and sent to the address given below before the last date. If you wish to know more about the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital, click on the website link given below or visit the official website @ jsshs.org. Selected candidates will be placed in Delhi.
Overview of Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Jobs 2020
Details of Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Vacancy 2020-21:
There are 44 senior residents post in JSS Hospital Recruitment. The department-wise details of the vacancy as given in the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020 is as below
Name of the Department
Number of Posts
Nuclear Medicine
Eligibility Criteria for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020
Candidates interested in Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Jobs can check their eligibility with the details below to apply.
Academic Qualification:
Candidate must have completed their MBBS, MD, MS, DNB from any recognized university/ institute in India
Read the official notification for more details on Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Careers.
Age Limit:
Maximum Age – 40 Years
For age limit as given in the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020, refer to the official notification
Selection Process:
Document Verification
Pay Scale for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020:
Candidates selected for JSSH Recruitment will be paid Rs. 67,700/- per month
Refer to the official website for details on the pay scale for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Jobs
Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Online Application Fee:
General Candidates – Rs. 1,000/-
OBC Candidates – Rs. 600/-
SC/ ST Candidates – Rs. 500/-
Candidates may read the official notification to get more details on Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital online application fees
How to apply for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020?
Click on the JSSH Recruitment notification link below
Read all the details and check if you are eligible for these posts
If eligible, download the application form
Fill in all the details asked for
Submit the application form to the address given below before the last date
Attend the Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital walk-in on the said date at the venue given in the notification
Postal Address:
To, Director, Administrative Block, 1st Floor, Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Society, C 28, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058
Contact Details:
Telephone Number – 011 25552023
Important Dates for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020-21:
Last Date to Apply
07th April 2020
Walk-in Date
08th April 2020
Important Links for Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Recruitment 2020-21:
Rajasthan High Court Syllabus is available here. So the candidates who applied for the various jobs under Rajasthan High Court can check the Detailed Syllabus before exam preparation. Also, view the exam pattern in the below sections. Download the Syllabus Pdf from the below direct link.
Rajasthan High Court Syllabus for Clerk, Jr Assistant & Jr Judicial Assistant Posts!! Candidates who want information about Rajasthan High Court Clerk Syllabus 2020 can check all the information here. Candidates can download the Rajasthan High Court Junior Assistant Syllabus 2020 pdf from the link below. Candidates who are appearing for the Rajasthan High Court Entrance Exam and searching for the Exam Details & Syllabus can get the information regarding Chennai Rajasthan High Court Exam for Clerk, Junior Assistant & Junior Judicial Assistant here. We have updated the Rajasthan High Court Syllabus Details for the reference of the applicants. Also, the applicants can check the Rajasthan High Court Exam Pattern from the below section.
It is the ideal place to know about the exam pattern and syllabus for the Rajasthan High Court Exam 2020. Check the Rajasthan High Court Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details here and get ready to take part in the entrance test. For the reference of better preparation, we provided the Syllabus topics along with the exam pattern here. With the provided Rajasthan High Court Syllabus & Exam Pattern, you can score good marks in the Examination. So go through the given exam details regarding Rajasthan High Court Recruitment.
Rajasthan High Court Clerk Exam Pattern can be found below. The exam pattern includes written test and typing test. The test will be conducted through OMR answer sheet. The exam will be for 300 marks. There will be 150 multiple choice questions, each question carrying 2 marks. There is no negative marking for the Rajasthan High Court Exam. The typing test is comprised of Speed test and efficiency test for 100 marks. You can get more details about the Rajasthan High Court Syllabus here.
Rajasthan High Court Clerk Written Test Exam Pattern
Paper Name
Part A: Hindi
2 Hours
Part B: English
Part C: General Knowledge
300 Marks
2 Hours
Rajasthan High Court Clerk Typing Exam Pattern
Paper Name
Paper I – Speed Test
10 Minutes
Paper II – Efficiency Test
10 Minutes
50 Questions
20 Minutes
Rajasthan High Court Exam Syllabus
Check the Rajasthan High Court Syllabus topics listed here. We have provided the syllabus for the Clerk, Junior Assistant & Junior Judicial Assistant Exam. Syllabus details given below are for reference use only. The Rajasthan High Court Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern will help you to score good marks in the Examination. Before going to attend the Examination check the given details to get an idea of the Examination.
Candidates remember the syllabus given above is for reference only. Download the Rajasthan High Court Clerk Syllabus pdf from above and prepare for the same. You can also refer to the Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers for more details.
Rajasthan High Court Steno Syllabus 2020
Raj High Court Stenographer Syllabus 2020 is available here to download at free of cost. So the persons who all are searching for the Rajasthan High Court Stenographer Exam Pattern & Syllabus fetch the details you need. We have presented the exam pattern and syllabus pdf clearly to help the applicants of Rajasthan High Court Steno Recruitment 2020. Catch up with the exam aspects given below and make your preparation skillfully.
Rajasthan High Court Stenographer Exam Syllabus Details 2020
Rajasthan High Court Junior Personal Assistant Syllabus
Candidates who are eagerly waiting for Rajasthan High Court Syllabus for Jr Personal Assistant can check the Syllabus and Exam Pattern details that are updated in this article. Job Seekers who applied for Rajasthan High Court Assistant Recruitment can check details here. For helping the aspirants who are preparing for the Rajasthan High Court Exam we have stated the mandatory details like Exam Date, Exam Pattern & Syllabus. Start your preparation & do well to secure good marks.
Rajasthan High Court Junior Personal Assistant Exam Syllabus Details
Hello, Jobseekers !! Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus 2020 is available here for free download. To utilize this Rajasthan HC job opportunity candidates must and should score maximum marks in the Rajasthan High Court exam. Here on this page, we are uploading the complete information about Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus 2020 and the Exam Pattern. Moreover, start your exam preparation by practicing the Rajasthan HC Syllabus 2020 PDF and the Exam Pattern.
Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus and Exam Pattern are given on this page. So, candidates who are searching for the Rajasthan High Court Syllabus 2020 they can collect full PDF on this page. Rajasthan High Court Syllabus plays a prominent role in exam preparation. It is necessary to know the RHC Syllabus 2020 before starting the exam preparation. To help out the applicants we have given the Rajasthan High Court Exam Pattern 2020 for Class IV Employee and Driver Posts. Scroll down the article to check all the details of Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus 2020.
Rajasthan High Court Exam Syllabus 2020 – Overview
Type of Examination: Multiple Choice Objective Type Examination
Time Duration: 2 Hours
Rajasthan High Court Group D Selection Process:
Rajasthan High Court Officials will be selected the candidates on the basis of their performance in the following selection rounds. So, all the applied candidates must know the Rajasthan High Court Selection Process are prescribed below
Written Exam
Physical Fitness Test
Download Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus 2020-20 PDF
Rajasthan High Court Group D Syllabus – General Hindi
सामासिक पदों की रचना और समास विग्रह
विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द
अनेकार्थक शब्द
संधि और संधि विच्छेद
सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण
कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान
अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द
मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
वाच्य: कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग
शब्द-शुद्धि: अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण
वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना
पर्यायवाची शब्द
वाक्य-शुद्धि: अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धिकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण
क्रिया: सकर्मक, अकर्मक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ
Rajasthan High Court Syllabus – General English
Common Vocabulary
Unseen Passages
Error Correction
Fill in the Blanks
Passage Completion
Word Formations
Subject-Verb Agreement
Phrase Replacement
Common Vocabulary
Word Formation
Comprehension of passage
Sentence structure
Reading Comprehension Grammar
Articles Grammar
Antonyms Vocabulary
Prepositions Grammar
Use of Idioms & Phrases and their meaning
Spelling Grammar
Verbs Vocabulary
Idioms and Phrases Vocabulary
Rajasthan Culture and Dialectics Syllabus In English
People’s Movement of Rajasthan and the British Treaties, 1857
Rajasthani culture, heritage, and tradition
Fairs, festivals, folk music, folk dances, musical instruments and jewelry
Major sources of the history of Rajasthan
Integration of Rajasthan
Regarding Mughal-Rajput
Key Features of Architecture
Religious movements and folk goddesses of Rajasthan
An important historical point of interest
Major dynasties of Rajasthan and their achievements
Rajasthan’s major sculptures, shelves, and handicrafts
Rajasthani, the main language of language and genocide
Farmers and Tribes Movement, People’s Movement
Major prehistoric civilizations of Rajasthan
Environmental and environmental issues
Fine Heritage
Climate and climate
Irrigation projects, multipurpose projects
Main Physical Departments – Desert Territories, Aravalli Territory, Plains, Plateau Regions
Forest and wildlife conservation
Agriculture – Climate and major crops
In natural flora
Desertification, drainage techniques, water conservation
Rajasthan Culture and Dialectics Syllabus In Hindi
राजस्थान की ररयासतें एवं ब्रिटिश संधियां, 1857 का जन-आंदोलन
राजस्थानी संस्कृतत, ववरासत एवं परम्परा
मेले, त्यौहार, लोक संगीत, लोक नत्ृय, वाद्य यंत्र एवं आभूषण
राजस्थान के इततहास के प्रमुख स्रोत
राजस्थान का एकीकरण
मुग़ल-राजपूत सम्बन्ि
स्थापत्य कला की प्रमुख ववशेषताएं
राजस्थान के िार्मिक आंदोलन एवं लोक देवी देवतायें
महत्वपूणि ऐततहार्सक पयिि न स्थल
राजस्थान के प्रमुख राजवंश एवं उनकी उपलब्धियां
राजस्थान की प्रमुख धित्रकलाएं, शैर्लयां एवं हस्तर्शल्प
राजस्थानी भाषा एवं साटहत्य की प्रमुख कृततयााँ, क्षेत्रीय बोर्लयााँ
कृषक एवं जनजातत आंदोलन, प्रजामण्डल आंदोलन
राजस्थान की प्रमुख प्रागैततहार्सक सभ्यताएं
पयािवरणीय एवं पाररब्स्थततकीय मुद्दे
खतनज सम्पदाएाँ
ब्स्थतत एवं ववस्तार जलवायु
र्स ंिाई पररयोजनाएं, बहुउद्देशीय पररयोजनाएं
मुख्य भौततक ववभाग- मरुस्थलीय प्रदेश, अरावली पवितीय प्रदेश, मैदानी प्रदेश, पठारी प्रदेश
The Rajasthan High Court has recently released a notification regarding the recruitment of efficient candidates into Lower Division Clerk, & Other Posts. Many candidates have applied to these posts in online mode. Now candidates will be in a hurry searching for Rajasthan High Court Clerk Syllabus & Exam Pattern. We are providing the complete Syllabus & Exam Pattern on our website. Candidates can also download the PDF from the link given below. Also, Rajasthan High Court Clerk Syllabus is available for download in the official website link given below.
Rajasthan High Court Clerk Syllabus 2020 – Overview
State Health Society Bihar Syllabus is available here. Candidates who are appearing for the State Health Society Bihar Entrance Exam and searching for the Exam Details & Syllabus for Accounts Officer & Accountant exam can get the information here. We have updated the State Health Society Bihar Syllabus Details for the reference of the applicants. Also, the applicants can check the State Health Society Bihar Exam Pattern from the below section.
It is the ideal place to know about the exam pattern and syllabus for the State Health Society Bihar Exam 2020. Check the State Health Society Bihar Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details here and get ready well to take part in the entrance test. For the reference of better preparation, we have provided the Syllabus topics along with the exam pattern here. With the provided State Health Society Bihar Syllabus & Exam Pattern, you can score good marks in the Examination. So go through the given exam details regarding the State Health Society Bihar Recruitment.
We have provided the complete syllabus for candidates preparing for the SHS Bihar Computer Based Test (CBT) 2020. The State Health Society Bihar assistant exam pattern contains general questions and technical questions. The total SHS Bihar Accountant exam 2020 will be of 100 marks. The general questions will be based on General Knowledge, Reasoning, Numerical Ability for 60 marks. The technical questions will be for 40 marks. There will be no negative marking for the Bihar State Health Society exam. After the Computer Based Test, there will be a Typing Speed Test for the SHS Bihar Executive Assistant (State & District) post. You can check the details given below for complete details on SHS Bihar Accountant Exam Pattern. You can also download the State Health Society Bihar syllabus pdf 2020 below. After referring to the syllabus you can also refer to the State Health Society Bihar Previous Papers.
General Knowledge Economics Everyday Science Indian Constitution Indian Culture Indian Geography Indian History Indian Politics
General HindiGeneral EnglishFundamental of ComputerBasic Concept of ComputerBasic Knowledge of MS OfficeBasic Knowledge of InternetBasic Knowledge of Computer Network
Reasoning Arithmetic Reasoning Decision Making Problem Solving Similarities Space Visualization Verbal and Figural Classification Data Sufficiency Figural Series Completion
Numerical Ability Percentages Time and Work Simplication Profit and Loss Time and Distance Averages Problems on Ages
Hindi – Minimum 20 Words Per Minute 200 Words in 10 Minutes
80% Accuracy is a must
English – Minimum 25 Words Per Minute 250 Words in 10 Minutes
State Health Society Bihar Exam Syllabus
The SHS Bihar Exam Syllabus with subtopics and marks has been elaborately given above. You can also download the syllabus pdf using the direct link provided below for free. Aspirants can make a schedule with the help of the listed subtopics. This will help them gain maximum marks in the State Health Society Bihar Exam. Hope you have got all the information that you were looking for about State Health Society Bihar Syllabus. Please make sure that the Bihar SHS syllabus given is for reference only.DOWNLOAD STATE HEALTH SOCIETY BIHAR SYLLABUS HERE
Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers Pdf for Clerk, Jr Assistant & Jr Judicial Assistant Posts!! Are you looking for previous papers to prepare for Rajasthan High Court exam? Get them here! We have provided the Rajasthan High Court Previous question papers for Clerk, Junior Assistant and Junior Judicial Assistant Posts. We have also provided the Rajasthan High Court Clerk Exam Pattern on this page. So the candidates can get a clear idea about the question paper pattern before taking up the High Court of Rajasthan Clerk Exam 2020. For details, go through all the sections in this article. You can download Rajasthan High Court Clerk Sample Papers pdf below. Also, get Study Material, Preparation tips in addition to Rajasthan High Court Old Question Papers.
Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers with Answers
Download the Rajasthan High Court Old Question papers pdf from our site. We have provided the Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers in the Pdf format. Therefore, the applicants can download the Rajasthan High Court Exam Solved papers easily and quickly. Just click on the below links, to get the Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers PDF. Applicants can also check the Rajasthan High Court Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern provided below. Therefore Applicants can refer to subject wise Solved Papers which are helpful to get your dream job.
Rajasthan High Court Previous Year Model Exam Papers Pdf
Interested candidates who have applied for Rajasthan High Court Recruitment can find all the model question papers here. The notification for this Clerk, Junior Assistant, Junior Judicial Assistant vacancy was released. Check out all the model papers and download them for free for Rajasthan High Court exam 2020. This will help you prepare well and score good marks in your exams. We have provided a list of previous year question papers for you to practice, as the more you practice the more you can prepare. It will also help you to understand the structure of the exam, important topics, types of questions asked and other details that are important from exam point of view. For more details, read the sections in this article. You can also visit the official portal of Rajasthan High Court.
Rajasthan High Court Exam Practice Papers – Details
Rajasthan High Court Clerk, Jr Assistant, Jr Judicial Assistant Exam Pattern 2020
The entire details of the Rajasthan High Court exam 2020 is given in this section. It includes details like Subject name, Number of Questions, Marks allotted etc.
Rajasthan High Court Exam Pattern
The officials of Rajasthan High Court will conduct the Rajasthan High Court Clerk Exam 2020. There will be a written test and typing test for the same. The exam will be in the form of OMR. Check the details below for more information. The direct links for Rajasthan High Court sample papers are given below for you to download for free and prepare well. You can also get Rajasthan High Court Syllabus here.
Rajasthan High Court Exam Pattern for Written Test
Paper Name
Part A: Hindi
2 Hours
Part B: English
Part C: General Knowledge
2 Hours
Rajasthan High Court Exam Pattern for Typing Test
Paper Name
Paper I – Speed Test
10 Minutes
Paper II – Efficiency Test
10 Minutes
50 Questions
20 Questions
Download Rajasthan High Court Assistant Previous Year Question Papers Pdf
Rajasthan High Court Junior Assistant Sample Question Papers have been provided here. The applicants can download the same using the direct links below. Here you will get an idea about how the question paper with their relevant marks. You can practice these papers to gain a good score in your written test. These papers are as per the exam pattern making it easier for candidates to prepare. Download the subject wise old question papers of Rajasthan High Court exam below.
Candidates, please remember that the papers that are given above for Rajasthan High Court Clerk, Junior Assistant, Junior Judicial Assistant are previous papers/ sample papers only. They are only for reference use. You can download all the previous papers for free on our site.
Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers for Jr Personal Assistant, Group D, LDC, Steno, Civil Judge, District judge & other is available here. Raj high court prelims and mains exam study material are available on our page. Aspirants who are in search are in the right place. Go through the article and find the exam pattern, exam dates along with the previous year question paper pdf.
Rajasthan High Court Previous Papers Pdf
High Court of Rajasthan (HC Raj) given the notification for vacancies Junior Personal Assistant, Group IV, LDC, Steno, Civil, District judge. Aspirants who applied for the posts might be looking for the previous year question paper. Hence, to help the applicants in the preparation we have given the material free pdf download in the section below.
Aspirants who applied for the JR PA, Class IV, LDC, Steno gr 2, Civil judge and other HC raj vacancies can find the exam model paper here. Also, check the exam pattern and written exam dates below. The Raj HC exam previous question paper helps the applicants in the preparation a lot. Which helps the candidates in analyzing the question paper pattern. However, here is the overview of hcraj recruitment 2020.
Rajasthan High Court Exam Model Question Papers
Board Name
High Court of Rajasthan
Vacancies Type
Jr Personal Assistant, Group D, LDC, Stenographer, Civil Judge, District Judge
Applicants of hcraj JPA, Group D, LDC, Steno, Clerk & other vacancies are advised to refer the syllabus and exam pattern before starting your preparation. Candidates can find the complete Raj HC Exam Syllabus in our syllabus page. However, here are the respective links for the Rajasthan High Court Previous Year Question Papers Pdf.
Raj High Court Junior Personal Assistant Model Question Paper Pdf
Rajasthan High Court Junior PA exam notification starting in few days. Applicants who are interested in this post and searching for RHC Jr PA Previous Papers can get it on this page Here we have updated all previous year question papers of Rajasthan HC JPA exam 2020. For further details read further sections of the article.
HCRAJ Junior Personal Assistant Question Paper Pdf
Board Name
Rajasthan High Court (HCRAJ)
Post Name
Jr Personal Assistant
Previous Papers
RAJ HC JPA Exam Date 2020
Update Soon
Official Website
Selection Process:
Written Test
Rajasthan High Court JPA Exam Question Paper Pattern
Sl. No
Exam Type
English Shorthand
Dictated passage Transcription and Typing
English Shorthand
90 words per minute will be dictated, Students should complete it within 8 minutes of duration.
Dictated Passage Transcription & Typing
Transcription and typing of the English passage on a computer for the time duration of 60 minutes.
Rajasthan High Court Jr Personal Assistant Old Sample Papers Pdf
RHC Rajasthan High Court Group D Previous Year Papers Pdf
Rajasthan High Court released recruitment notification to fill various Class IV employee, Driver posts. Candidates who are interested in this post needs to start applying before the last date of commencement for RHC Group D exam 2020. To help those applicants in preparation of exam, we have given Rajasthan HC Group D last year exam model papers with solutions to practice better for the exam. Also, check for RHC Class IV (Group D) syllabus & exam pattern to get complete details of the exam.
Rajasthan HC Group D Exam Papers Details – Model Papers
Organization Name
Rajasthan High Court
Post Name
Class IV Employee, Driver
Previous Papers
RHC Group D Exam Date 2020
Update Soon
Job Location
Official Website
Selection Process:
Written Exam
Physical Fitness Test
Rajasthan High Court Group D Exam Pattern Pdf – Sample Papers
Get the exam pattern of RHC Class IV Peon, Driver exam paper pattern to understand the structure of the exam and also type of questions asked in the exam. For further details check the below table.
RHC Class IV Peon, Driver Test Pattern Pdf
No of Questions
No of Marks
General Hindi
Rajsthan Culture and Dialectics
General English
The exam will be of objective type questions.
Duration of exam is 2 Hours.
Interview will be for 15 Marks
Non negative marking in the exam
Rajasthan High Court Group D Peon, Driver Last Year Papers Pdf
Those who have applied for the exam and are preparing for the exam, need to practice previous year question papers to score better in the exam. It helps in time management skills.
Rajasthan High Court LDC Old Question Paper in Hindi
Aspirants who applied for the high court of Rajasthan lower division clerk recruitment can find the study material here. In this section, we have given the details regarding the HC Raj LDC previous year paper for both Hindi and English. Also, check the exam pattern for written and Typing test below.
HC Raj LDC Written Exam Pattern details
Questions related to languages are given (objective type MCQ’s)
The total time duration for written exam is 200.
The time duration for each paper is 90 mins.
Raj HC LDC Computer Based Skill/Typing Test Details
Test Type
Skill Test
10 Mins
Efficiency Test
10 Mins
Skill/Typing test will be conducted on a computer.
For complete syllabus and exam pattern details visit our Raj HC LDC Syllabus page.
The direct download links for the Rajasthan HC LDC model question paper pdf are given below. The material given below is only for reference purpose. Hence, download and refer all the paper for free of cost.
High Court of Rajasthan LDC Previous Year Question Paper Pdf
Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Previous Question Papers
Raj HC Civil judge previous year question paper is given in this section. The civil judge question paper for prelims and mains direct download links are given in the table below. Aspirants can download the pdf for free of cost just by one click. We advise referring all the prelims and mains exam paper given for scoring marks. Check the exam pattern for both prelims and mains civil judge exams before starting your preparation.
Civil Judge Prelims Exam Pattern Raj HC
English Proficiency
Hindi Proficiency
Objective type multiple choice questions are given.
The maximum time duration for prelims examination is 120 Mins.
High Court of Rajasthan Civil Judge Mains Exam Pattern details
English Essay
Hindi Essay
Law Paper-I (Descriptive)
Law Paper-I (Descriptive)
Mains exam will be of a descriptive type.
Hindi/English papers will be having 2 hrs of time duration each.
Law Paper 1, 2 will be having 3 hrs of time duration each.
For a complete civil judge, syllabus visit our Raj HC Syllabus page.
Download Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Prelims Previous Year Papers
Raj HC Civil Judge previous year question paper 2016
Rajasthan High Court District Judge Previous year Question Paper for the written examination is available here. District judge question paper for both law and language subjects are given in the table below. Check the exam pattern for the Raj HC district judge recruitment test below and start your preparation.
We advise referring all the papers given for scoring better marks. This also helps with the time management during the main examination. Hope our page is helpful for you in your preparation. Share the URL with your friends who are in search of a high court of Rajasthan district judge exam previous year question paper pdf.
Raj HC District Judge Written Exam Pattern details
Law Paper-I
3 hrs
Law Paper-II
3 hrs
Language paper-III
2 hrs
Download HC Raj District Judge Previous Year Paper Pdf
Rajasthan High Court District Judge Previous Papers 2011 Pdf
Download Free Odisha Police Previous Papers Pdf. Aspirants may check Odisha Police Solved Papers. Download Odisha Police Driver Model Papers along with Answers. Also, get Study Material, Preparation tips in addition to Odisha Police Driver study material. Here you will get the complete information of the Odisha Police Driver Previous Papers. Solving previous papers can help you to prepare well for the exams.
Odisha Police Driver Previous Papers with Answers
Applicants can go through all the sections in this article. We have given the Odisha Police Driver study material in details. You will get the Odisha Police Driver Exam Pattern once you read the entire article. By preparing the high weightage questions, you can score better marks in the exam. Download the Odisha Police study material from our site. We have provided the Odisha Police driver study material in the Pdf format. Therefore, the applicants can download the Odisha Police Driver Exam Solved papers easily and quickly. Just click on the below links, to get the Odisha Police Previous Papers PDF. Applicants can also check the Odisha Police Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern provided below. Therefore Applicants can refer to subject wise Solved Papers which are helpful to get your dream job.
Odisha Police Previous Year Model Exam Papers Pdf
Interested candidates who have applied for Odisha Police Recruitment can find all the model question papers here. The notification for this driver vacancy was released on 7th March 2020. Check out all the model papers and download them for free for Odisha Police exam 2020. This will help you prepare well and score good marks in your exams. We have provided a list of previous year question papers for you to practice, as the more you practice the more you can prepare. It will also help you to understand the structure of the exam, important topics, types of questions asked and other details that are important from exam point of view. For more details, read the sections in this article. You can also visit the official portal of Odisha Police.
Odisha Police Driver Exam Practice Papers – Details
Organization Name
Odisha Police
Posts Name
Previous Papers
Job Location
Official website
Selection Process:
Driving Test
Written Test
Physical Test
Odisha Police Driver Exam Pattern 2020
The entire details of the Odisha Police exam 2020 is given under this topic. It includes details like Subject name, Number of Questions, Marks allotted etc.
Odisha Police Exam Pattern
The Odisha Police exam pattern is given in detail below. There will be a written test conducted. The test will be conducted for 20 marks. Candidates must score more than 8 marks to qualify The Odisha Police driver exam. The exam will be in OMR format. There will be no negative marking for any wrong answer. Check the details below for more information. The direct links for Odisha Police sample papers are given below for you to download for free and prepare well. Practice well for these exams to score well in the exam.
Question Type
Qualifying Marks
OMR Questions related to Driver Driver Havildar Driver Havildar Major Motor Transport Sub Inspector
20 Marks
8 Marks
Download Odisha Police Driver Model Question Papers Pdf
Here we have provided previous papers for candidates who want to prepare for the exam. By preparing well you can secure very good marks in the exam. You can find the direct link here to download the Odisha Police Driver model papers. These papers are as per the exam pattern making it easier for candidates to prepare. Download the subject wise old question papers of Odisha Police exam below.
Candidates, please remember that the papers that are given above for Odisha Police Driver are previous papers/ sample papers only. They are only for reference use. All interested candidates can download the subject wise exam papers for free.
Before downloading the Answer Sheet for IELTS Reading Test, please take the time to read some basic information about the IELTS Reading.
In the answer sheet, you need to fill the personal information using block letters in order to avoid mistakes. It’s better to use a pencil to fill in the answers so that you will not have cut the mistakes that happened. Make sure that you do not exceed the space provided in the answer sheet.
There are 5 main key elements to remember about the IELT Reading Test as follows:
1.Timing: 60 minutes (no extra transfer time)
2. Questions: Include 40 questions
An IELTS reading test can include a wide range of question types as follows:
Identifying information (True/False/Not Given)
Matching information
Matching sentence endings
Sentence completion
Summary completion
Multiple choices
Identifying writer’s claims (Yes, No, Not Given)
Note completion
Short-answer questions
Flow-chart/table/ completion
Labeling a diagram
3. Test Parts: 3 sections
An IELTS Reading Test contains 3 sections with the total text length ranging from 2,150 to 2750 words.
Each section consists of one long text which is extracted from newspapers, journals, websites, etc.
These texts are written for non-specialist audiences and on academic topics of general interest. Texts can vary from the analytical and discursive to descriptive and factual passages.
4. Skills assessed: The Reading test aims to assess a variety of skills, namely skimming, scanning, reading for main ideas/detail, recognizing a writer’s opinions, purpose, attitude, understanding implied meaning, etc
5. Marking: 1 mark for 1 right answer
Scores out of 40 are converted to the IELTS 9-band scale
To be well-prepared for the IELTS exam, download this important material: IELTS Reading Answer Sheet by clicking here.
Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English
Advanced Grammar in Use, a self-study reference and practice book by Martin Hewings is the advanced level (C1-C2) of the world’s favorite grammar series for learners of English, used by millions of people around the world. Advanced Grammar in Use Third Edition is an updated version of Martin Hewings’ best-selling grammar book.
With clear examples and easy-to-follow exercises, it covers all the areas of the grammar needed at this level. Now in full color and with updated content, the third edition retains the simplicity, clarity, and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with learners and teachers alike. Designed to be flexible, this edition is available both with and without answers, making it ideal for self-study, but also suitable for reinforcement work in the classroom.
This book has helped a lot of learners to improve their English communication skills. This book helps the learners for self-studying and also these have a clear explanation about the topics that usually appear in the IELTS exam as well as you will have practice exercises through which you can score high band.
Key features:
Contains 120 units of grammar explanation and practice exercises
Retains the clarity of the presentation of other books in the ‘in Use’ family. Two-page units present grammar explanations and examples, including typical student mistakes, on left-hand pages, and useful and varied practice on right-hand pages.
Updated page design, making the tried-and-trusted content even more accessible.
Extra practice exercises at the back provide further challenging and contrastive practice of grammar points from different units.
Useful appendices dealing with verb forms, and a glossary and all answers are given at the back.
Today, I am about to share with you some phrases and expressions about appearance and personality. I hope that this post will be useful for you.
Collocations And Phrases Describing Physical Appearance
1 .Youthful appearance: to look young
Example: People always compliment on her youthful appearance.
2. Look young for your age: look younger for your age
Example: Her style of wearing makes her to look young for her age.
3. To be getting on a bit: to be getting old
Example: Recent years, my parents have been getting on a bit.
4. To bear a striking resemblance to somebody: to look very similar
Example: Everyone often says that I bear a striking resemblance to my father, which I really proud of.
5. To be good-looking: to be attractive
Example: She is the one I have a crush on who is really beautiful and good-looking.
6. To be well-built: to be muscular
Example: He has been working out for years, then he is well-built.
7. To be well-turned out: to look smart
Example: The guy who is wearing glasses and a yellow T-shirt is well-turned out.
8. To be overweight: to weigh more than is regarded as healthy
Example: Overusing fast food can cause to some health problem such as being overweight.
9. Shoulder-length hair: hair that comes down to the shoulders and no further
Example: She has shoulder-length hair, and a bright smile.
10. To lose one’s figure: to have a figure that has lost its toned shape
Example: Because she ate too much fast food recently, she lose her’s figure.
11. To get done up: to dress smartly
Example: Whenever she shows up in the public, she always get done up.
Collocation And Phrases Describing Personality
1 . To be the life and soul of the party: a fun people, someone who is the center of activity
Example: He has always been the life and soul of every party that he took part in.
2. To hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s talents and skills
Example: I have to say that she is the type of person hiding her light under a bushel.
3. To lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry
Example: Please leave before I lose my temper.
4. Good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny
Example: The guy has a good sense of humour, then he always is the life and soul of the party.
5. Trustworthy: can be trusted
Example: I have known her for many years, so I must say that she is a trustworthy person.
6. Self- confident: believes in one’s own ability or knowledge
Example: My sister is self-confident, and she always believes on herself even when she has to speak in front of lots of people.
7. Self-assured: confident
Example: I want to teach my children to be self-assured from early ages.
8. Introverted: Someone who is shy
Example: In my opinion, people who is introverted cannot be a good leader.
9. Extroverted: having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people
Example: She is extroverted, and she really like to interact with other people.
10. Easy- going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything
Example: She is easy-going, and she never lost her temper.
11. To bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone
Example: Peter has always bend over backwards to help me out whenever I am in trouble.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
How would you describe yourself?
I would say I am extroverted. I mean I really like to hang out with my friend in the weekends whenever I have spare time.
Are you similar to your brother(s)/ sister(s)?
I believe that we are quite similar. We are both kinds of people who can be the life and soul of the party. What I mean is we can make people laugh a lot in every parties that we join in.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a person in your family who you admire. You should say
What his/her relationship is to you?
What he/she has done in your life?
What he/she does now?
and explain why you admire this person so much.
Sample answer:
Today I would like to share with you one of my family member that I always take pride in. This is my older sister, who currently is working as a sale woman in a multinational company.
As a sale person, the appearance is really important to her, so whenever she shows up in the public, she constantly gets done up. Also, due to her slim figure, it is very easy for her to choose clothes. Normally, she wears jeans with white shirts, but when it is necessary, she suits up for formal events. Then I think all of this helps her to stand out in a crowd, and draw attention from other people.
Not only she is a successful businesswoman, but also she spends a part of her time to take care of me. From I was a little child, she was like my best friends, we shared laugh and happiness together. And when I was in trouble, she will consistently be there for me and help me out.
All of this makes me admire her so much, and I have always wanted to be a person like her who is really succeeded in career that she chose to pursue.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Is it important to dress well whenever we go out?
It depends. If you go on an important date, you should get done up, because it shows that you respect the people who you go out with. But when you hang out with your mate, you can where casual clothes what makes you comfortable.
Which personality do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
I think it would be honesty, because this is essential in every situation. For example, honesty is the foundation of a good friendship. If you are dishonest, you cannot be trustworthy. Also children should be self-assured and self-confident, which could help them a lot in their lives.
Which personality do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?
Easy-going, I think. These people will barely lose their temper and always stay calm when they face difficult situation. This will allow them to barely suffer from turmoil.
Complete the description of the man $ briefcase using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/LETTERS for each answer.
Very light brown briefcase, approx. 50 x 30 cm. Distinctive 1______________clasp on front. Red trimmings. Black 2_____________Initials 3______________on clasp.
Questions 4-7
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.
4. What ‘is the lost property number given to the man?
5. When does the lost property office open?
6. How is the man going to the airport next week?
7. What is to the left of the lost property office?
Questions 8-10
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS NUMBERS for each answer.
8. What is the shortest time lost items are kept by the office?
9. How often does the office sell lost items?
10. Where does money from the December sale go?
Questions 11-14
Decide which method or methods of sending money abroad is/are being described. Write
A for international money order.
B for bank draft.
C for electronic transfer.
D for telegraphic transfer.
11. You need a local bank account to use this.
12. You can avoid a commission fee if you use a local bank and the local currency.
13. Using a local bank and the local currency will allow you to get access to your money sooner.
14 . This is the quickest way to send money abroad.
Questions 15-16
Complete the following summary about taking money out of your country.
Your government might 15 ___________________ of money in and out of your country, so you might need to find out how to 16________________to transfer money, if there is a limit on transfers and what regulations there are.
Questions 17-20
Complete the following notes about having enough money for your first few days abroad
useful for 17________________
less secure
Travellers’ cheques
insured against 18__________ can be 19__________ in some shops /restaurants
not widely accepted
Credit cards
widely accepted can get cash from bank machines
may involve 20_____________ commission fee being charged
Questions 21-24
Complete the notes on the purposes of a lesson plan using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
help with 21__________________
creates a focus
show material
clarifies 22__________________
reminder to put aims first
23___________ student problems
creates opportunities for solutions
brings lesson 24_______________
teacher-student interaction
distribution of time for each activity
reminder of materials
Questions 25-28
Complete the following notes on the example lesson plan.
Student level
50 minutes
Class profile
academic, 3-months study, improve spoken English
elicit reading comprehension and speaking abilities for story telling, practice present simple and the past simple
Teacher’s aims
students can understand instructions
Anticipated problems
students may not know some extreme sports 27________________
elicit differences using questions
Teaching aids
textbook, blackboard, chalk, chalk eraser, pictures of 28______________ climbing
Questions 29-30
Answer the questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
29. When using books, what should the student definitely write down, apart from the title?
30. What does the tutor give the student a list of?
Questions 31-34
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.
31. Which three foreign languages are traditionally taught in the USA?
32. How old are the youngest schoolchildren learning Chinese?
33. How many students are learning the leading 15 languages?
34. What percentage of Europeans speak a second language?
Questions 35-38
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
35. ___________________are secondary to cultural exchange at Potomac Elementary.
36. The young boy finds writing the strokes of Chinese characters in the_______________________to be difficult.
37. The lecturer says that children take more interest in learning if________________________do.
38. Apart from Chinese, the NEP focuses on_________________________
Questions 39-40
Decide which university student or students (A, B and/or C) is being referred to.
39. They have (He/ She has) been learning Chinese since they were 11 or younger.
40. They are (He/ She is) learning Chinese to help with their future career.
Answer keys:
Section 1, Questions 1-10
1. (bright) red 2. handle 3. AEJ 4. EDV 758 5. 6a.m./06:00 6. (by) underground/subway/tube 7. (large/electronic) departures board 8. 3/three months 9. twice a year 10. (to) children’s charities
Section 2, Questions 11-20
11. IN ANY ORDER B,C,D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. control the flow 16. get permission 17. (covering) small purchases 18. loss or theft 19. used like cash 20. (quite) substantial
Section 3, Questions 21-30
21. pace and timing 22. aims 23. highlights potential 24. coherence and cohesion 25. low-intermediate 26. avoid excessive instructions 27. vocabulary 28. rock and mountain 29. pages/page numbers 30. websites
Section 4, Questions 31-40
31. French, Spanish, German (NB in any order) 32. 6 33. 1.4 million/1400000 34. 52.7 35. weighty national priorities 36. right order 37. (their) parents 38. Arabic, Korean, Russian (NB in any order) 39. IN ANY ORDER A, B,C 40. IN ANY ORDER A, B,C
The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You have to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test.
Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic (in March, 2015):
Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that the celebrities can make the problems seem less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Band 9.0 Sample Essay 01:
From the perspective of some people, aid agencies can take advantage of celebrities' fame to raise public awareness towards certain matters of importance. Others, however, hold the view that such method may only bring counterproductive results. Personally, I find the latter more convincing.
Those who support the idea of using famed individuals' assistance have their own justifications. First of all, people who are considered role models apparently have a considerable amount of influence on the public. Emma Watson, for instance, being a prominent actress, is currently the goodwill ambassador for the United Nations, promoting gender equality and undoubtedly drawing a great deal of attention from her admirers. Furthermore, a wider range of population can be reached if an organisation's campaign is represented by a popular star. In many parts of the world, some film stars are even more well-known to the locals than the organisation itself owing to their appearance in familiar cinematic products. Therefore the introduction of a humanitarian campaign can be further facilitated thanks to the artists.
Nevertheless, I can understand why other people are against inviting celebrities for assistance. When relying on the fame of some people to attract more public attention, an aid programme can also be affected by their scandals. Mass public disapproval may arise from a representative receiving a speeding ticket or getting caught using illegal drugs, undervaluing the significance of the aid programme. Another foreseeable drawback is that the public might take the presence of famous entertainers as a mere publicity stunt. Without the evidence of real actions taken to mitigate a problem such as participating in a voluntary team to help the people in need, famous people may fail to draw the attention of people to the situation.
In conclusion, while some people have reasons to believe in the success of celebrities in getting people to pay attention, I tend to think that such approach might not prove to be effective for aid organisations as expected. (324 words – by Bảo Nguyễn)
Useful Vocabulary & Expressions:
Counterproductive (adj): having an effect that is opposite to the one intended or wanted ==>Improved traffic infrastructures such as broadened roads can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.
Role model (noun phrase): a person who is admired and whose behaviour is copied ==>Many sports stars are the role models for thousands of young people.
Prominent (adj): very well-known and important ==>Many prominent inventors in history had their ability imprecisely evaluated such as Thomas Edison and Einstein.
To undervalue (v): to consider something less important or valuable than they really are ==>It is very likely for employees who feel undervalued to leave the company and seek the appreciation of their worth somewhere else.
Significance (n): importance ==>The discovery of the new drug is of great significance to people suffering from heat disease.
Foreseeable (adj): can be known or guessed before it happens ==>The deterioration of humans' health is foreseeable if the destruction of the environment persists at the current rate.
Band 9.0 Sample Essay 02:
There has been much debate regarding the role of famous people in raising public awareness of major issues. While celebrities can attract people’s attention to the problems, I would argue that they are likely to make the problems become less crucial.
To begin with, well-known people can assist international aid organisations in raising people’s awareness of social issues. Firstly, celebrities can communicate information about big problems to a large audience around the world. For example, by taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, various celebrities such as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg have helped the ALS Organisation to let millions of people know about a disease called ALS. Secondly, since people tend to listen to the ones they admire, famous people are much more likely to be able to ask their fans to take appropriate actions. For instance, a well-known football player can ask people to donate money to help homeless individuals.
However, I believe famous people might make the problems become less important. The first reason is that individuals tend to only pay attention to what celebrities do and say rather than what messages they want to convey. In the aforementioned example about the Ice Bucket Challenge, many people watched the videos of celebrities taking up the challenge without actually learning anything about the ALS disease. This makes little contribution to solving the problem compared to the large number of famous people involved. Furthermore, in order to attract viewers, wellknown people usually try to deliver their messages in a funny and entertaining way, which might lead to the problems becoming less serious.
In conclusion, while celebrities can contribute greatly to tackling social problems, I believe they are more likely to make these problems seem less important.
IELTS writing questions are repeated quite often. With this list of common writing topics, you can develop your own vocabulary list for each topic and focus on these topics to achieve a high band score in IELTS Writing!
General Training Writing Task 2
General Task 2 of the Writing module is always a discursive essay question that requires you to write about the topics social issue. You are given a point of view or a problem, and are asked for your opinion. The content of the essay must match the question. The ideas expressed in the essay should be with the logic and should support the topic. Different parts of the essay should be logically and grammatically connected. Students are guided step-by-step through the different tasks in the writing module, using material developed in the classroom and helping hundreds of IELTS candidates achieve a high IELTS score.
There are 14 general topics that come up more often than all of the rest put together. They are:
You can look at a selective collection of IELTS Writing tests categorized into these writing topics to be well-prepared for your Writing test.
Today, TV channels provide man’s sport show more than women’s sport show. Why? Should TV channel give equal time for women’s sport and men’s sport?
Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres provide the best care. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?
Nowadays many parents believe that children's usage of tablets or computers would be good for their future academic career. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such belief? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What types of changes are occurring? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?
Studies have suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons and what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things?
Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Some people say that computer games are bad for children by all means, others believe that these games are contributing to children's development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion, supported by examples from your own experience.
Some schools start teaching a foreign language in primary school years. Do advantages of teaching languages to young children outweigh the disadvantages? Give your own opinion and examples.
Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?
The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is providing free public transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and government should encourage some businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Does advantage outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people believe government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Not so many people use a bicycle although it has many benefits. Why? How to encourage people to use bicycles as a main transport?
In some cities people are choosing cars instead of bicycles, while in other cities riding bikes are replacing cars. Why is this the case? Which development do you think is better?
Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?
Some people think that strict punishments for driving offence are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Government should provide 27/4 free public transportation to reduce traffic congestion. Do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?
Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the reasons? What could be done?
Children’s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays some or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
Some people say that all young people should have full-time education until they are 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people think the main purpose of education is to make individuals useful to society; others say education helps them to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many young people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning. Why does this happen? What are the solutions?
Some countries achieve international sports by building specialized facilities to train top athletes, instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think this is positive or negative development?
Government funding in university should only be provided for scholarship for the best student. All other funding can find from student fees and private organizations. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Some people think painting and drawing are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in the high school education.
Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers.
Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?
Some people think that young people should be required to do unpaid work helping people in the community. Are disadvantages of this requirement greater than the benefits for the community and individuals?
More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why? Who benefit more from this, the community or these young people?
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which of these two systems is more appropriate in today's world?
Some people think that studying from the past teaches us nothing about today's life. Others argue that the history is a value source of information. Discuss both views and give your opinion
In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ==>Band 8.0 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic
It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subject. What are causes? And what will be effects on society?
It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that studying from the past teaches us nothing about today's life. Others argue that the history is a value source of information. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that everyone has the right to have access to university education, and that government should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.
It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like science. What are the reasons for this trend and do you think this tendency should be changed?
Some people say that humanitarian subjects such as philosophy, history and literature that people study in universities have no value for their future career. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Students in schools and universities learn more from their teachers than through other means such as the Internet, libraries and TV. To what extent you agree or disagree?
Nowadays university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think that children should learn to paint or draw at school. Others believe it is just a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Nowadays schoolchildren and students are taught to be competitive towards their classmates and aren't encouraged to help the weaker students. Do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages?
Everyone should stay at school until 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say it is the government's responsibility to fund school buses, while others think parents should be responsible for bringing their kids to school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In some countries, teenagers are allowed to do part-time jobs. Some people think it is a good thing but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people say that it is wrong to make students do a lot of homework. Others believe that without hard work it is not possible to become successful in life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some schools start teaching a foreign language in primary school years. Do advantages of teaching languages to young children outweigh the disadvantages? Give your own opinion and examples.
It is better for college students to live far away from home than live at home with their parents. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think success in life comes from hard work and determination. Others think money and appearance are more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion
An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their life time. Is this positive or negative development?
Some people think that job satisfaction is more important while other people think that a stable job is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is better for people to be unemployed than people to be employed but they do not enjoy. Do you agree or disagree?
Leaders and directors in organizations are often older people. Some people say that younger people could be leaders. Do you agree or disagree?
The older people who need employment have to compete with younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions?
Some people think that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of career, life become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays businesses face problems with new employees who just finished their education and lack some interpersonal skills such as the ability to work in a team. What do you think is the main cause of the problem? How can it be resolved?
Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
International community must act immediately to ensure all nations to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
With the increasing demand for energy sources such as oil and gas, should people be looking for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?
Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe individuals can also do some things to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?
Developments in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Fossil fuel is the main source of energy. In some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy is encouraged. To what extent do you think is it a positive or negative development?
Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?
Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution, others think there are some other ways. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
The best way to solve the world's environmental problems to increase the price of fuels. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, this encourages higher level of violence in that society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should they be punished?
Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss and give your opinion.
Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased to make driving safer, do you agree or disagree?
Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same as adults who commit crimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Studies show that many criminals have a low level of education. For this reason, people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate people in prison so they can't get a job when leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of the fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime. Others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Scientists believe that by studying behavior of 3 years old children, we can predict if that child can become criminal in the future. To what extent is crime a product of human nature? Is it possible to stop children from growing to be a criminal?
Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Scientist agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?
Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world. Why do you think this is happening? And how can we solve this problem?
Some people think that governments should provide subsidies to farmers to produce cheap healthy food. Others think that governments should tax companies producing unhealthy foods. Give your own opinion and examples.
Some people think that the government has the duty to ensure its citizens have a healthy diet, while others argue it is the responsibility of each individual. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Some people think that shops should not be allowed to sell food or drinks that are scientifically proven to be bad for people’s health. Do you agree or disagree?
Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basic. What are the reasons and how to encourage them to spend their time.
Everyone should become Vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?
Scientist agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should make efforts in reducing environmental pollution and housing problems To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statements?
Some people say taxes should be spent on health care. Other ppl say that there are more important priorities for tax-payers’ money. Discus both these views and give your own opinion
In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching other planet to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages.
People should look after their health for personal benefits, rather than a duty for a society. What extent do you agree or disagree?
Science tells us about the activities which are good for our health and others which are bad. Millions of people all over the world know this and still do unhealthy activities. Why do you think this is the case and what can be done to change it?
The scientist believes that computers will become more intelligent than human beings. Some people find it is a positive while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both points and give your own opinion.
Some people think that introducing new technology can improve people's quality of life in developing countries. However, others believe that free education should be offered. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Today more and more people are using mobile phone and computer. Thus, the communication ability is losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In some countries, shopping online is replacing shopping at store. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones in communication has had negative effects on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Developments in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
With the rapid advancement of communication technology: smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices, some people believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that mobile phones should be banned in public places and crowded places. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays many business meetings and training are happening online and not in real offices. Do you think advantages outweigh the disadvantages in this matter?
Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is now replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
An increasing number of advertisements on TV aim at children. What are the effects of television advertising? Should television advertising be controlled?
Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children should watch TV regularly both in school and at home? Do you agree or disagree?.
Studies suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons? And what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things?
Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us want to be and to look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to import foreign movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays, more and more people read news on the internet. However, newspapers have most of important information sources of news. Give your opinion from your experience and give examples.
Research has shown that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, the advertising of certain food products should be banned in the same way as the advertising of cigarettes in some countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The main aim of advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don't really need it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?
Some people think that there is a great influence of news media on people's lives and this is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.
Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influence by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?
The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent years, tourists have paid attention to preserving both the culture and environment of the places they visit. However, some people think that it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Tourism is an excellent way to develop a country, but it can also cause harm. How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development?
Some people think that it is not necessary to go to other countries to study other culture. We can learn from books, films and the internet. Do you agree or disagree?
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as south pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages
International travel can make people prejudiced rather than broad minded. Why people fail to benefit when they travel? What we can do to improve their understanding of the countries they visit?
People who live in foreign countries should follow the traditions and customs. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?
More people than ever before are travelling to other countries now. Why? Is this a positive development or negative development?
Foreign tourists must be charged higher fees than local people to visit cultural places and historical sites. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion including relevant examples.
Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development.
Some people believe that air travels should be allowed to grow without limits. Others think that the government should limit air travels. Discuss both views & give your opinion.
Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Economic progress is one way to measure a country’s success. Some people believe that there are other factors should be considered when measuring the success of a country. What are the other factors? Do you think there is a factor that is more important than the others?
A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems might this differences cause? How might these problems be reduced?
More and more people want to own famous brands of cars, clothes and other items. What are the reasons for this? Is this a negative or positive trend?
It is important for all towns and cities to have large public spaces such as squares and parks. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
As major cities in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are problems for young people who are living in the cities as the result of continued growth? How problems might be solved?
Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think of a vertical city. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, most large companies operate multi-nationally. To what extent those companies should have responsibility towards local communities in which they operate?
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Task 2: The use of mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile phone should be banned like smoking. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say taxes should be spent on health care. Other people say that there are more important priorities for tax-payers' money. Discus both these views and give your own opinion.
In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative development.?
Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be done to address those problem?
Nowadays, as women and men have to work full time, household duties should be equally divided. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent years, more and more people tend to live individually. What are the causes of this trend? Does this have a positive or negative effect on society?
Some people say that young people learn useful skills by playing electronic and computer games. Others say that young people who play electronic and computer games are wasting their time. Discuss both views and give your opinion
When new towns are planned, it is more important to include public parks and sports facilities than shopping centres for people to spend their free time in. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because we see the same TV shows, advertisements, fashion and follow the same brands. To what extent the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?
Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays the population of the world is increasing rapidly. New homes and accommodation should be built for this additional population. Some believe that more houses should be constructed in existing towns and cities. Others believe that creating entirely new towns in the countryside to accommodate these houses is the best way. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Nowadays the number of cars on roads is increasing incrementally. In order to change this trend strict road tolls should be paid on busy roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.
Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life. Others think it is better to develop social life with people you do not work with. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
Nowadays many young people spend their free time in shopping centers. This has a negative effect on the youths and the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.
Most people try to balance between work and other part of lives. Unfortunately, not many achieve this delicate balance. What are the main problems people are facing? What is the best way to overcome them?
An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?
People living in the 21st century have a better quality of life than those living in previous centuries. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?
The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?
Governments should not have to provide care or financial support for elderly people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement and support him or herself. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people think that the governments should give financial support to artists, musicians and poets. Others think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Public celebrations (national days, festivals) are held in many countries. Some people say that these celebrations are a waste of money and we should spend money on more important things. Do you agree or disagree?
The government should invest more money in teaching science than in other subjects for a country's development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In many countries, government spent a large amount of money on improving internet access. Why is it happening and do you think it is the most appropriate use of government money?
Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ==> Band 8.5 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic
Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develop the country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think that governments should not spend money on international aids if there are disadvantaged people like unemployed and homeless in their own country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that the celebrities can make the problems seem less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays, young people admire media and sports stars though they often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Some people believe that anyone can create art such as painting, poetry, music and so on. Others think that a person should have special abilities to create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ==>Band 9.0 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic
Some people believe that international trade and communication with other countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Some believe buildings should be built in a way that serves their purpose rather than just look beautiful. Others, however, say buildings should represent art too. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ==> Band 8.5 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic
When designing a building, the function is normally more important than the outward appearance. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
Some people think that governments must insist on preserving traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Nowadays, some buildings such as offices and schools have open-space design instead of separate rooms. Why is it so? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
The graph below shows different sources of air pollutant in the UK from 1990 to 2005. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Paraphrase paragraph: shows>illustrates; different>3 sources; from 1990 to 2005>during the period 1990 to 2005.
Summary/overview paragraph: (1) the total amount of air pollutants fell (2) the most significant fall was from industry
Paragraph 3: describe total trend –figures for 1990, 1999 and 2005
Paragraph 4: compares figures from the 3 sources, giving figures for 1990, 2005.
Sample Answer:
The line graph illustrates data on 3 sources of air pollutants in the UK during the period 1990 to 2005.
Overall, it is clear that the total amount of pollutants in the air decreased between these years. The decline in air pollutants from industrial sources was particularly significant.
In 1990, the total amount of air pollutants in the UK was 7 million tonnes. This figure fell sharply to 4 million tonnes in 1999, and then continued to decline to just over 3 million tonnes by the end of the period.
Industry accounted for 5.5 million tonnes of air pollutants in 1990. There was then a decrease throughout this period to a figure of 2 million tonnes by 2005, with a particularly sharp fall between 1993 and 1996. In contrast, the amount of air pollutants was much lower from transport and household sources. Air pollution from transport remained relatively constant at about 1 million tonnes from 1990 to 2005, whereas air pollutants from households saw a decrease from almost 1 million tonnes in 1990 to approximately 0.1 million tonnes by 2005.
Absolutely, I am always keen on mastering some new languages such as English, French. You know, if I am bilingual or multilingual, I can roam round other parts of the world with great ease and my whole journey will be transformed miraculously.
What languages do you speak?
Well, my mother tongue is […..]. I've always wanted to learn Portuguese which is predominantly spoken in some parts of the world, but I don't have enough time yet.
Do you learn any foreign language?
I'm actually studying two languages at the moment and find it so challenging, yet intriguing that everyone should try at least once. Since English is not my mother tongue, it's the very first foreign language I've attempted to learn because of its widespread use and numerous benefits that come along. It's the most spoken language for non-native speakers around the globe and is one of the most critical criteria companies look for when recruiting an employee, or at least that's a reality in my country.
Do you think learning languages is important?
Absolutely. Learning languages, especially English, allows us to be able to communicate with others. It also helps us study more effectively, since we can search for almost everything on the Internet in English.
How did you learn the languages that you know?
I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with a native speaker. By doing this, you can improve both listening and oral skills simultaneously, you will be fluent in this language. Besides, I also do general readings in my spare time and keep a journal in English.
Can you learn more than one language at a time?
I haven’t thought of it, but yes, I am quite confident that I can manage to learn 2 at once. I reckon that the most difficult thing to acquire 2 languages is to manage my time efficiently. Therefore, it's more than worth it to plan out exactly how I am going to divide my time between the two languages I tackle.
Do you want to became a foreign language teacher in the future? Why?
That thought has crossed my mind once or twice but I've never visualized myself as a full-time teacher. A part-time job, yes. Professional one, not likely. Being a legitimate teacher in my country requires certain academic degrees and credentials to be able to convey knowledge and improvise in class. In my case, I've never attended any special training on teaching or have any pedagogical skills; therefore, I don't have much confidence in handling difficult situations in class. Besides, you have to reach a high level of language proficiency to make sure that whatever you say is trustworthy and credible.
Do you think that English is difficult to learn?
In my opinion, every single language is difficult to learn, and English is not an exception. I mean, it might be easy to learn grammar and vocabulary, but it takes quite a long time to practice using the language fluently.
Do you think foreigner should learn your country's language when they arrive there?
I think it's obviously in their best interest to pick up a few basic words or phrases in a local language. Firstly, it is an interesting experience to try to communicate with the locals in their mother tongue. You may not get the words right, but that's where the fun lies. Hence, people will find you more approachable and charismatic because of your efforts and sense of humor. Besides, since language is an integral part of any culture, you can develop a cultural sensitivity while studying their very means of communication.
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic:
Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate. You should say:
what the situation was
where you were
who you communicated with
and explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this occasion.
Talk about an instance when you spoke with someone in a foreign language for the first time.
You should say:
when it was
with whom you spoke
what language you used
and say how you felt about it.
Sample Answer
I have been learning English for a long time but I haven't had many chances to practice speaking English, not to mention to talk to native speakers. To the best of my recollection, the first time I used it for communication purpose was on New Year Eve 2 years ago.
At that time, I was hanging out with my friends, talking about some new year's resolutions when a foreigner came up to me in all of a sudden, asking for the direction to a minimart nearby. Honestly, he had such a strong accent that I couldn't make out what he wanted to say. I had to ask him to repeat several times before acquiring all of the information he needed. Then, I showed him the way to the nearest minimart to buy some necessities. Honestly, I was not confident in my English speaking skill, so I had to make the most of my nonverbal skills such as body language, gesture, etc to make sure that he could get all information he asked for. Fortunately, he could take in what I said, and expressed his simple yet sincere gratitude before heading for the minimart.
That occasion helps strengthen my belief that English plays an important role in our life, even we don't live in an English speaking country. English is spoken globally, and we have to use it if we want to stay connected to people in another country and search for information. Therefore, I think that I should polish up my English so that I can have a good command of this international language to be able to talk confidently with foreigners, regardless of the topic of conversation.
To the best of one's recollection: something in the past they can recall
resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
come up to: approach someone
All of a sudden: Suddenly
Make out: understand, hear
accent: a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class.
show sb the way to…: give sb direction to somewhere
necessities: something necessary for daily life: water, food,…
Make the most of: to use something as much as possible
take in: understand
polish up: improve
regardless of: without being affected or influenced by anything else that happens or exists
Other related Part 2 topics:
Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:
what it is and how you plan to learn it
where it is spoken
how it will help you
and explain why you want to learn this language.
Describe an unusual activity you have recently taken up
where you did it
When you did it
Who you dis it with
and describe why it was unusual or interesting.
3. Talk about something you would like to do/learn in the future.
You should say:
what you plan to learn in the future
why you want to learn it
where and how you will learn it
and explain why you have planned to learn it.
4. Describe something you want to do if you get free time.
You should say:
What you do
Who you do it with
Where you do it
And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.
5. Describe a practical skill you have.
You should say:
What the skill is;
How often you use it;
Who taught it to you.
and explain how it helps you in your life
Talk about something you have always wanted to do but have not done yet.
You should say:
what it is
when you would like to do that
how would you do that
and explain why you have not done it so far.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic:
What kind of quality should a language teacher have?
Not only a language teacher in particular but educators in other areas should have certain skills and knowledge to successfully inspire and instruct their students. First and foremost, of course, deep knowledge and great education matter. It's often said that "a teacher is only as good as his knowledge is". People may not need academic degrees or certificates in other jobs or industries, but in education and training, they are solid proof to verify your professional qualifications. Furthermore, communication skill also plays an essential role. If one is an articulate and persuasive speaker, he will be able to convey his lectures with better results. Last but not least, a good sense of humor may be of great help to grab students' attention and interest.
instruct (v): to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal or official way
verify (v): to check that something is true or accurate
articulate (a): (of a person) good at expressing ideas or feelings clearly in words
grab one's attention: to cause one to become interested in something
Why people want to learn a foreign language?
Studying a foreign language is not only a hobby but also a trend in modern society due to some undeniable advantages. Speaking more than one language can open up a world of employment opportunities for job seekers, especially if that language is widely used in business context. You will be able to work for not only local but global corporates as well with decent salaries. In addition, being bilingual or multilingual will help extend your socialnetwork worldwide. You can establish deep connections and cross-cultural friendships with foreign co-workers or local people while traveling. Finally, your brain will benefit greatly from the learning activity itself. Research has shown that studying another language will alter your grey matter which help to increase your brain power.
Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?
Why do people learn more than one language?
Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?
Why are some people seemingly better at studying languages than others?
Why is language an important aspect of culture?
Why it is important to learn a foreign language?
What are the advantages of learning multiple languages?
Hope you find this lesson useful! Write down any new words or phrases, try to use these words in your answers & share them in the comments section below!
Listening test has 40 questions which you have to answer in 30 minutes. The recording has 4 sections which will be played once.
Questions 1-8
Complete the form below:
Please find below the practice test samples:
Topics- DENHAM’S SHIPPING AGENCY customer quotation form
Country of destination:Ireland
Name: Tim 1…………………………
Address to be collected from: 2…………………………………. University
Town: Brighton
Postcode: 3……………………………………
Contents: books
Total estimated value: 8…………………………….
Questions 9 – 10
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
9. What is the minimum recommended cover by 10 the agency?
A. premium
B. standard
C. economy
10. Where docs the customer want the goods delivered?
A. port
B. home
C. business
Questions 11 – 15
Label the plan below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 16 – 20
What does the tour guide Tell her tour group about each of the following places on the day's itinerary?
Write the correct letter A, B, or C next to questions 16 – 20 below.
NB You may choose any letter more than once.
16. The Aquarium
17. Solheim Country Gub
18. Milltown Winery
19. The Zoological Gardens 20 The Stout Brewery
20. The Stout Brewery
A. They’ll definitely go there
B. They might to go there it time allows
C. They certainly won’t go there
Questions 21 – 25
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Gyroscopes are used in laser devices and are found in many consumer 21………………………… The purpose of the project is to design a functional, 22……………………………… and beneficial consumer product.
The gyroscopic exercise ball can be set in motion by movements of the 23…………………… and wrist together in synch.
The gyroscopic ball could help people in 24…………………………….. who have lower-arm injuries.
The product could also be aimed at 25…………………………………… for whom lower-arm strength is very important.
Questions 26 – 30
Complete the table below.
Estimated Cost:
Numbers of Weeks
Numbers of test subjects:
Breakdown of test subjects:
5 professional athletes
Questions 31 – 35
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
31. Speakers have to know
A. their material.
B. their audience.
C. their limitations.
32. Experienced speakers
A. always try to wing it.
B. never arrive unprepared.
C. give the best presentations.
33. You should always rehearse
A. with friends who can advise you.
B. with all the equipment you plan on using.
C. more than once.
34. It is a good idea to
A. be discreet with your audience.
B. meet your fans.
C. meet and welcome your audience.
35. Taking a few deep breaths before you begin
A. will stop you having a panic attack.
B. will guarantee that you feel more relaxed.
C. will help turn your tension into enthusiasm.
Questions 36 – 40
Complete the sentences below.
Useful Tips for a Successful Presentation
Try to 36…………………………………. yourself making a speech and imagine your voice loud and confident.
Even if you make mistakes avoid making 37…………………………….
Pay attention to your 38……………………………………. – your words carry less meaning than your delivery.
People usually remember less than 39…………………………………… of what they hear.
Be 40……………………………. about yourself; you don't become a perfect speaker overnight.
Answer key:
BR8 9P3
Music albums
£ 3000
Gift Shop
Art Gallery
Main exhibition Centre
3D Theatre
Modern Art Studio
Lower arm
high-performance athletes
£ 1,500
5 recovery patients
Gym members
Body language
The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You have to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Human beings have an unquestionable need to express themselves and their needs through various forms, the most common of which is speech. Therefore, my opinion is that the freedom of speech is of vital importance in order for a society to be called "free".
Freedom of speech brings about numerous benefits which can be put into two aspects. The first one is for a nation. Freedom of speech, provided that it is protected by law, enables the press or a citizen to show the wrongdoings of one or some specific authorities. This gives a chance for careful inquiries to ensure the transparency of the authority. Thus, corruption can be hampered. Another consequent outcome is that the nation becomes appealing to both domestic and foreign investors, which boosts its economic growth a great deal. Given the freedom of speech, the press, or broadly speaking, the media, can also assist people in elections. Citizens can have a clearer view of the nominees through information from the media besides their campaigns to pick up the best person to lead the country. The other aspect is for each individual living in a society. Any citizen should be free to say what she believes is right and helpful for her life and her community. It means that people can speak up their opinion when there is something wrong, illegal, or negatively affect their lives. For instance, a group of citizens can show disapproval with an unfair policy on tax payment publicly through a demonstration or on the media. This can put pressure on the government to consider their request and work out a solution. If people's voice is respected, they will feel that their need of self expression is satisfied. Thus, the community becomes worth-living with people with a high sense of well-being.
In a nutshell, freedom of speech, once respected and guaranteed by law, is essential for a healthy society as it helps adjust the quality of the government and protect people from injustice. That is why it should be encouraged more widely.
Bengaluru | Mumbai: Banks will mostly adopt one of two methods to honour the Reserve Bank of India's call to allow borrowers to defer loan repayments for three months, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Customers will either have to contact the bank if they want to take advantage of the moratorium or the bank will allow the three-month break by default. In the latter instance, customers will need to let the bank know in case they want to keep up with payments.Banks said they have got in touch with customers or will do so in the next few days once they decide how to implement the decision. Many banks are still formulating policies on how the moratorium will be extended to retail loans, given their variety and complexity. RBI had announced the moratorium on March 27 as a relief to borrowers with the economy having ground to a halt due to the Covid-19 outbreak. SBI customers will possibly be able to opt for the delay by sending an email or visiting the branch, said the people cited above. Those who don't want the option don't need to do anything. The bank is working on the modalities with its IT department and the details could be out soon, they said.'Be Wary of Debt Trap'Bankers said the way the moratorium is implemented will depend on the product. Borrowers should also be wary of getting into a debt trap. 74922733 "It's a complex process and cannot be a one-size-fits-all," said Axis Bank executive director Pralay Mondal. "Retail loans are of different kinds and the dispensation has to be in terms of the profile of borrowers and transaction history. For example, if we offer a moratorium for credit card loans, we may push some borrowers into revolving credit, which is dangerous both for the bank as well as the customers. We are still working out how to implement this."ICICI Bank will offer customers options based on the product. Some customers will automatically be allowed a moratorium but can opt out if they want to while others will have to specifically ask for the deferment. Details are being worked out and will be issued shortly.HDFC Bank will likely ask customers to seek a moratorium by filling in their loan details on the website or sending an email. It will be assumed that those who don't contact the bank will be able to keep paying. The policy is pending board approval.State-owned Canara Bank, the country's fourth largest lender, has sent an SMS to 1.3 million retail customers stating that customers will need to respond with a 'no' so that standing instructions, post-dated cheques and electronic clearing system (ECS) payments can be stopped. If they do, the bank will not deduct equated monthly installments (EMIs) for three months."We are sending similar SMSes to our MSME customers today. We have already received 33,000 SMSes from customers saying 'no'. We will not deduct their EMIs for March, April and May," said Canara Bank executive director A Manimekhalai.The bank did this to ease pressure on branches in the next few days."Our branches will be under heavy pressure, having to make thousands of payments under various government schemes in the next few days," she said. "They will not be able to handle customer queries related to EMIs, and large number of customers visiting branches for this will defeat the very purpose of social distancing. A simple SMS we thought will solve the problem."IDFC First Bank will activate the moratorium for customers if they apply for it by email with mobile and loan account numbers. Punjab National Bank and Indian Bank announced they have activated the moratorium effective March, prompting queries from customers about whether these had to be applied for.Bank of Maharashtra also said it will continue to honour standing instructions on loan repayment unless the borrower applies for a delay. "The borrower is given liberty to make payment as per existing arrangement," it said in a tweet.Private lenders Karnataka Bank and Federal Bank are working on options."As of now, we have gone ahead with the three-month moratorium," said Mahabaleshwara MS, MD at Karnataka Bank. "We have received many phone calls from customers asking if they can pay up their EMIs as before. We have to respect their sentiments, too. We are analysing those requests, and decide how to go about it."An executive at Kerala-based Federal Bank said it's working on various options to help customers who wish to opt out of the RBI relief.IDBI Bank is adopting a similar tack.
Mumbai: With global trading desks in a 'sell-everything' mood, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) pulled a record $15.9 billion (Rs 1.2 lakh crore) out of the Indian debt and equity markets in March, according to NSDL data compiled by the ET Intelligence Group. The Covid-19 outbreak has wreaked havoc on markets across the world, with investors fleeing to whatever haven they can find, exceeding exits from India during the financial crisis. For the year, FPIs have pulled out a record $15.11 billion (Rs 1.12 lakh crore) from India, the most in Asia, barring South Korea.The combined impact of market value erosion and redemption pressure on fund houses compressed total Indian equity assets under management by FPIs to $341 billion (Rs 25.52 lakh crore) on March 15, compared with $431 billion (Rs 33 lakh crore) at the beginning of 2020, a decline of 20%.FPIs account for a fifth of the total market capitalisation of Indian equities. In the first fortnight of March, the selling of FPIs in financial services, banks and oil & gas counters accounted for nearly 90% of the total outflow. FPIs have sold equities worth $9.5 billion (Rs 71,000 crore) in the past 22 days. On a rolling basis, FPI selling in the past 22 trading days was 0.7% of India's market capitalisation, the most in the history, according to Nomura.74922864 Total March sales exceeded total FPI exits in all of 2008, the year of the global financial crisis. Fund flows from the debt and equity markets amounted to $9.33 billion (Rs 69,800 crore) in 2008. The ratio of purchases to sales of FPIs in the equity segment was 0.74 in March 2020 compared with 0.76 in September 2008. FPIs sold equities worth a record Rs 2.2 lakh crore in March 2020.On debt side, the gross buying to sales ratio was 0.27, the lowest since April 2008.
New Delhi: Energy companies are flooded with force majeure notices from customers as the lockdown has shuttered factories and commercial establishments, destroying fuel and electricity demand.From small tile makers in Gujarat to big fertiliser and power producers, refiners, and oil & gas producers have been jolted by the global spread of Covid-19, the measures taken to stem its spread and the economic fallout.Several small factories that have shut due to the lockdown have mailed force majeure notices to city gas distributors, who have in turn sent similar intimations to gas marketers such as GAIL, IndianOil and GSPC. GAIL, meanwhile, has issued force majeure notices to its domestic and overseas suppliers, including ONGC, Petronet LNG and Russia's Gazprom.'Chain Reaction'"It's a chain reaction. If the end consumer loses appetite, the effect will go right up to the producer. This is an extraordinary time, and the problem is so widespread that it's hard for anybody in the middle to absorb the shock," said a GAIL executive. 74922877 GAIL has also received force majeure notices from several heavyweight customers in the fertiliser, power and refinery sectors. Power plants are facing a 30% drop in consumer demand as industries and offices remain shut. Fertiliser units have slowed due to labour shortage and transport hurdles, which has brought down their gas requirements.Petronet LNG, India's biggest gas importer, has declared force majeure with respect to its gas purchase contracts with suppliers in Qatar and Australia, and deferred deliveries.Demand cut notices from GAIL, GSPC and other smaller buyers have forced 18% gas output cut at ONGC, India's largest gas producer. "We have selectively shut wells and will be able to reopen them quickly when demand picks up after the lockdown," ONGC chairman Shashi Shanker said.With fuel sales evaporating during the lockdown, refiners filled up their storages, cut run rates and then issued force majeure notices to suppliers across the globe. "This is an unprecedented situation. You can't take more crude than you can process or store. It's a global pandemic and even suppliers understand the problem," said an executive at a state oil company.Most refineries in the country are running at about half their capacity and this might shrink further over the next few days. IndianOil, MRPL and HPCL are among refiners which have already invoked force majeure and deferred most of their April deliveries.Industrial customers whose functioning has been hampered due to the lockdown have also sent force majeure notices to refiners, citing an inability to take refined products.
By Malini GoyalThe fear of Covid-19 is big. The fear of being sent to the government hospital seems to be bigger. Unsurprisingly, suspected Covid-19 patients in many parts of the country have been running away from hospitals creating fear and outrage, pushing governments to pass laws.For the record, government facilities are at the forefront today in testing and treating suspected cases of Covid-19 patients in the country. For most Indians, this would be their first brush with government healthcare services. And especially for the relatively better off familiar with private institutions, government facilities would be a new experience.India's healthcare is heavily skewed towards the private sector. According to Emergo (bit.ly/3bGBZrc), a global medical device consulting firm, distribution of healthcare spending between public and private in India is split 30:70 as against China's 56:44, Brazil's 46:54 and Europe's 78:22. For most Indians who can afford it, visiting a government hospital for illnesses is among the last resorts.Healthcare services isn't alone. Over the years, Indians seeking private solutions for public services inefficiencies has been recurring theme. Poor facilities in government schools has led to the massive rise of private sector in education. Irregular power supply gave a big boost to the generator set and inverter industry. Supply of sub-par quality drinking water has created a big business for packaged water and water purifiers. Poor security and policing has led to the rise of a booming security guard business. 74920051 Upwardly mobile Indians have built private islands inside their gated communities buying products and services to craft a comfortable life, with their own water and power infrastructure. While on the one hand, this has helped them bypass government inefficiencies, it has also created a disengaged middle-class that doesn't have much stake in building pressure to improve government services.Except that now during the Covid-19 crisis, these aspirational Indians are hitting a wall. Increasingly, covering up government inefficiencies with quick private solutions is becoming difficult. It is no longer a question ofaffordability.Take, air pollution, which has now become a growing worry in big cities – even as cities such as Delhi last week saw 'unbelievable' improvement in air quality because of the lockdown. How do you get a quick private sector fix to bad air? Air-purifiers for homes has its limitations. From global warming to now Covid-19, increasingly, 21st century problems are big, and do not have an easy quick-fix solution.An engaged, informed and vocal middle-class, which can build pressure on government, is an important conduit for any country to improve the standards of its government services. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought this buried truth to the fore in India.Irrespective of the economic class of the rescued, the Indian government has taken charge of airlifting Indians from across the world -- not to mention flying back foreign nationals from India to their home countries during the lockdown.Coming back to healthcare facilities, even as Indians complain about poor quarantine centres and suspected Covid-19 patients fleeing from sub-par government hospitals, there is a silver lining. Finally, the poor state of government hospitals have made headlines and are getting attention on social media. An engaged middle-class should help build pressure to improve government facilities faster.
New Delhi: Energy companies are flooded with force majeure notices from customers as the lockdown has shuttered factories and commercial establishments, destroying fuel and electricity demand.From small tile makers in Gujarat to big fertiliser and power producers, refiners, and oil & gas producers have been jolted by the global spread of Covid-19, the measures taken to stem its spread and the economic fallout.Several small factories that have shut due to the lockdown have mailed force majeure notices to city gas distributors, who have in turn sent similar intimations to gas marketers such as GAIL, IndianOil and GSPC. GAIL, meanwhile, has issued force majeure notices to its domestic and overseas suppliers, including ONGC, Petronet LNG and Russia's Gazprom.'Chain Reaction'"It's a chain reaction. If the end consumer loses appetite, the effect will go right up to the producer. This is an extraordinary time, and the problem is so widespread that it's hard for anybody in the middle to absorb the shock," said a GAIL executive. 74922877 GAIL has also received force majeure notices from several heavyweight customers in the fertiliser, power and refinery sectors. Power plants are facing a 30% drop in consumer demand as industries and offices remain shut. Fertiliser units have slowed due to labour shortage and transport hurdles, which has brought down their gas requirements.Petronet LNG, India's biggest gas importer, has declared force majeure with respect to its gas purchase contracts with suppliers in Qatar and Australia, and deferred deliveries.Demand cut notices from GAIL, GSPC and other smaller buyers have forced 18% gas output cut at ONGC, India's largest gas producer. "We have selectively shut wells and will be able to reopen them quickly when demand picks up after the lockdown," ONGC chairman Shashi Shanker said.With fuel sales evaporating during the lockdown, refiners filled up their storages, cut run rates and then issued force majeure notices to suppliers across the globe. "This is an unprecedented situation. You can't take more crude than you can process or store. It's a global pandemic and even suppliers understand the problem," said an executive at a state oil company.Most refineries in the country are running at about half their capacity and this might shrink further over the next few days. IndianOil, MRPL and HPCL are among refiners which have already invoked force majeure and deferred most of their April deliveries.Industrial customers whose functioning has been hampered due to the lockdown have also sent force majeure notices to refiners, citing an inability to take refined products.
Bengaluru | Mumbai: Banks will mostly adopt one of two methods to honour the Reserve Bank of India's call to allow borrowers to defer loan repayments for three months, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Customers will either have to contact the bank if they want to take advantage of the moratorium or the bank will allow the three-month break by default. In the latter instance, customers will need to let the bank know in case they want to keep up with payments.Banks said they have got in touch with customers or will do so in the next few days once they decide how to implement the decision. Many banks are still formulating policies on how the moratorium will be extended to retail loans, given their variety and complexity. RBI had announced the moratorium on March 27 as a relief to borrowers with the economy having ground to a halt due to the Covid-19 outbreak. SBI customers will possibly be able to opt for the delay by sending an email or visiting the branch, said the people cited above. Those who don't want the option don't need to do anything. The bank is working on the modalities with its IT department and the details could be out soon, they said.'Be Wary of Debt Trap'Bankers said the way the moratorium is implemented will depend on the product. Borrowers should also be wary of getting into a debt trap. 74922733 "It's a complex process and cannot be a one-size-fits-all," said Axis Bank executive director Pralay Mondal. "Retail loans are of different kinds and the dispensation has to be in terms of the profile of borrowers and transaction history. For example, if we offer a moratorium for credit card loans, we may push some borrowers into revolving credit, which is dangerous both for the bank as well as the customers. We are still working out how to implement this."ICICI Bank will offer customers options based on the product. Some customers will automatically be allowed a moratorium but can opt out if they want to while others will have to specifically ask for the deferment. Details are being worked out and will be issued shortly.HDFC Bank will likely ask customers to seek a moratorium by filling in their loan details on the website or sending an email. It will be assumed that those who don't contact the bank will be able to keep paying. The policy is pending board approval.State-owned Canara Bank, the country's fourth largest lender, has sent an SMS to 1.3 million retail customers stating that customers will need to respond with a 'no' so that standing instructions, post-dated cheques and electronic clearing system (ECS) payments can be stopped. If they do, the bank will not deduct equated monthly installments (EMIs) for three months."We are sending similar SMSes to our MSME customers today. We have already received 33,000 SMSes from customers saying 'no'. We will not deduct their EMIs for March, April and May," said Canara Bank executive director A Manimekhalai.The bank did this to ease pressure on branches in the next few days."Our branches will be under heavy pressure, having to make thousands of payments under various government schemes in the next few days," she said. "They will not be able to handle customer queries related to EMIs, and large number of customers visiting branches for this will defeat the very purpose of social distancing. A simple SMS we thought will solve the problem."IDFC First Bank will activate the moratorium for customers if they apply for it by email with mobile and loan account numbers. Punjab National Bank and Indian Bank announced they have activated the moratorium effective March, prompting queries from customers about whether these had to be applied for.Bank of Maharashtra also said it will continue to honour standing instructions on loan repayment unless the borrower applies for a delay. "The borrower is given liberty to make payment as per existing arrangement," it said in a tweet.Private lenders Karnataka Bank and Federal Bank are working on options."As of now, we have gone ahead with the three-month moratorium," said Mahabaleshwara MS, MD at Karnataka Bank. "We have received many phone calls from customers asking if they can pay up their EMIs as before. We have to respect their sentiments, too. We are analysing those requests, and decide how to go about it."An executive at Kerala-based Federal Bank said it's working on various options to help customers who wish to opt out of the RBI relief.IDBI Bank is adopting a similar tack.
NEW DELHI: Nifty50 on Tuesday jumped nearly 4 per cent, but ended up forming an indecisive candle on the daily chart with a long lower wick. During the session, the index stretched higher to retrace 50 per cent of the recent fall, but levels around 8,700 acted as key resistance during the day. Analysts said the NSE barometer needs to respect the support of 8,244, else the downside may resume. They see 9,660 as an immediate resistance level. "The intraday chart reveals that the rise is a corrective structure and is likely to be followed by the next leg down. Thus, the bounce is an opportunity to initiate fresh short positions. The swing low of 8,244 is the initial level to watch out for," said Gaurav Ratnaparkhi, Senior Technical Analyst at Sharekhan. For the day, the index closed at 8,597.75, up 316.65 points or 3.82 per cent. The current leg of fall from the highs of 9,038-8,244 looks like a right shoulder of an Inverted Head & Shoulders formation, which is a bullish reversal pattern, said Mazhar Mohammad of Chartviewindia.in. "The breakout for Nifty will be confirmed on a close above 8,660 level. Meanwhile, it is critical for the index to sustain above 8,244, as breach of this level can resume the downswing with targets placed in 8,100-7900 range," Mohammad said. Ruchit Jain of Angel Broking sees 8,240 as immediate support, followed by the 8,000 level. He sees resistance for the index in the 8,740-8,800 range.
By Ben HollandThe coronavirus is guaranteed to throw the world into recession, but economists are becoming less convinced about the potential for a strong snapback in growth.The base case for forecasters is that a recovery, perhaps even a vigorous one, gets under way in the second half of 2020. But as the pandemic spreads through Europe and the Americas, and the wide range of knock-on effects comes into clearer view, caveats to that call are piling up.Underlying all of them is the simple fact that economic outcomes hinge on something that's beyond the professional competence of most economists to forecast: the trajectory of the disease itself."We have no certainty the virus will be gone by the end of the second quarter," said Nobel prizewinner Joseph Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University in New York. If it "lasts through the summer, then all the effects will be amplified."Beyond that, there is an array of questions for economists to grapple with -- and those doubts increasingly undermine projections for what's known as a "V-shaped recovery," in which lost output is quickly restored.Rather than sounding a decisive "all clear," health authorities seem likely to advocate a gradual return to normal working life, so the behavior known as "social distancing" may stick around.Along with financial blows sustained during the downturn, that is likely to damp spending on travel or spending at shops or restaurants -- assuming those businesses can stay afloat in the first place."It takes more time to get 'back to play' than to 'get back to work'," said Catherine Mann, chief economist at Citigroup Inc. This "underpins concerns for the trajectory for services-dependent advanced economies in the second half of 2020," she said. 74918977 Consumer caution is already evident in China, even though authorities say it's safe to go back into the marketplace, and it could happen elsewhere.That's why Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, likens his forecast to a "Nike swoosh" rather than a V- or U-shaped rebound. He says U.S. output alone could plunge at an annualized pace of as much as 25% in the second quarter, bounce back by up to 15% in the third, then stall in the fourth with the economy "basically limping along."Much will depend on how fast businsses bring back jobs. The International Labor Organization warns 25 million positions may be shed, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said on Tuesday it expected U.S. unemployment to soar to 15%.Mckinsey & Co. notes one quarter of U.S. households already live from paycheck to paycheck, and that 40% of Americans are unable to cover an unexpected expense of $400 without borrowing.Stiglitz worries about what he calls "financial gridlock" in which households and companies can't pay bills, forcing those they owe to into bankruptcy and default as well and so on.That threat could be heightened by the scale of borrowing in recent years. The Institute of International Finance estimates household debt -- as a share of output -- is at record levels in several economies. 74918979 Corporate borrowing has also hit a high in countries including France and the U.S. Those debts along with the collapse in earnings and slide in equities may limit the ability of companies to reboot after the crisis, with some also likely to be hurt by the collapse in oil prices."In any recovery, firms may need to sell shares or slash capex to reduce debt or repay government assistance," said Charles Dumas of TS Lombard.Keen to avoid an extended recession, policy makers have been taking emergency measures on a scale that likely exceeds even the response to the 2008 financial crisis. They're extending credit lifelines to business, paying cash to households, and helping companies cover their wage bills so they don't have to fire workers. Central banks have slashed interest rates and started new asset-purchase programs.The strongest argument for a rapid recovery is what economists call "pent-up demand" -- a label that applies quite literally in the current crisis.Economies shuddered to a halt when people were forced to hunker down at home, so there should be a corresponding upswing when they're allowed out again -- especially with governments everywhere injecting cash to speed the process."Assuming the outbreak peaks by April/May, this will likely set the stage for a recovery in the second half of 2020," said Chetan Ahya, chief economist at Morgan Stanley.He predicts the global economy will contract 2.3% on an annualized basis in the first half of the year before growing 1.5% in the second half. Even that scenario means the U.S. and euro area won't regain their pre-crisis levels of output until the third quarter of 2021. 74918986 At JPMorgan Chase & Co., economists led by Bruce Kasman are citing emerging markets as another source of concern. They're being pinched by gains in the dollar and the outflow of foreign-held capital, pushing up local borrowing costs.The most encouraging virus news for economists at the moment comes from Asia, which suffered the first outbreaks but appears to have gotten them under a degree of control.China is cranking back into action, with numbers released on Tuesday showing manufacturing activity rebounded strongly in March.Demand in the domestic market is reviving, as lockdowns ease and consumers return to the shops or showrooms. Auto sales, for example, have been ticking higher for weeks, though they're still down some 40% from last year's level.What Bloomberg's Economists Say..."If outbreaks in other countries follow the same trajectory, the world economy could be up and running again by the start of the second half. But that's far from guaranteed. Past pandemics lasted years, not months. Scientists at Imperial College London are warning containment measures may have to stay in place for 18 months."-- Tom Orlik, chief economist. International orders, though, may take longer to recover. Because other economies got hit later by the virus, they're seeing a slump in demand for imports just as China's export engine is revving up again. That feedback loop may undermine other recoveries too.And in China, as in other countries, economics will continue to depend on epidemiology for some time to come. Even as overall progress is made toward containing the coronavirus and developing a vaccine, there's no guarantee that the movement will be in one direction.Instead there could be "aftershocks following the initial outbreak, with restrictions being re-imposed and lifted so as to manage the capacity of the healthcare system to cope," said Keith Wade, chief economist at Schroder Investment Management. "In economic terms, this would lead to a double-dip recession."History also suggests reason to worry. A just-published study of pandemics and armed conflicts found such shocks typically weigh on wages and investment for years to come.
BENGALURU: Sameeksha Sud, a popular TikTok creator with over 20 million followers on the short-video platform, has started making all her videos inside her home. Sud is known for her short dance videos but now her focus is on making comedy vines and videos."There is an environment of tension around so I am trying to make comedy videos. The type of content on TikTok is also changing so users are getting used to it. Engagement is also good. TikTok has also instructed its creators to make videos only at home," she said.Sud is not the only creator forced to experiment with new formats. Standup comedian Zakir Khan is trying a sit-down format at home and tech creator Gaurav Chaudhary is reviewing ventilators instead of gadgets on YouTube.Social media platforms including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are reaching out to their creators in India to continue to make engaging videos during the lockdown as users turn to social media for entertainment."Our efforts are more focused towards ensuring that they create content that is actively being sought by users who find themselves at home for a long stretch of time, and help creators contribute to amplifying the social distancing message with #StayHome," said Satya Raghavan, Director, YouTube Partnerships, India.The Google-owned platform has kicked off a Live series to enable creators to engage with their audience and has curated multiple playlists around popular themes like cooking, workout, and dancing. It is conducting webinars to handhold creators with ideas around content creation during the lockdown and sharing tips on how to shoot indoors with minimum equipment and indoor lighting.YouTube said average global daily uploads of videos with "at home" in the title increased over 590% since March 15th compared to their average uploads for the rest of the year."With the new reality of social distancing, we're glad to see public figures and creators connecting with their communities and engaging with them in new and creative ways. We continue to engage with them, as we always do, to enable them to best use our platform and engage and educate their communities," said Manish Chopra, Director, and Head of Partnerships, Facebook India.Facebook is curating and augmenting experiences working with public figures and creators, using Facebook and Instagram Live and sharing new features such as the 'I'm staying at home' Facebook badge, 'Stay Home' and 'Ghar Pe Raho' Instagram stickers and co-watching on Instagram. Instagram Live views have increased by more than 60% in the last week in India.TikTok has started #GharBaithoIndia campaign with creators pushing them to create home videos. It has also launched virtual effect games to keep users entertained."We are teaming up with creators, celebrities, musicians, education institutes and other partners to bring LIVE content to you," TikTok said in a blogpost recently. "There are a range of amazing celebrities and creators who have come forward to share things we can do, while staying inside and stopping the spread."
టాలీవుడ్ లో ఇప్పుడంతా రష్మిక మేనియా కొనసాగుతోంది. ఆమె సినిమా చేస్తే అది సూపర్ హిట్ అనే టాక్ గట్టిగా నడుస్తోంది. మొన్నటికిమొన్న సరిలేరు నీకెవ్వరు అనే సినిమా చేస్తే అది కాస్తా బ్లాక్ బస్టర్ హిట్టయింది. ఆ తర్వాత భీష్మ చేస్తే అది కూడా బ్లాక్ బస్టర్ అయింది. అందుకే రష్మిక కోసం స్టార్ హీరోలు క్యూ కడుతున్నారు. ఈ క్రమంలో మరో క్రేజీ ఆఫర్ అందుకుంది ఈ కన్నడ కస్తూరి. త్రివిక్రమ్-ఎన్టీఆర్ కాంబినేషన్ లో […]
ఈ కరోనా టైమ్ లో దేశంతో పాటు టాలీవుడ్ అంతా లాక్ డౌన్ అయింది. సినిమావాళ్లంతా తమ సినిమాల్ని వాయిదా వేసుకుంటున్న ఈ టైమ్ లో, మంచు విష్ణు మాత్రం రివర్స్ లో తన సినిమా రిలీజ్ డేట్ ఎనౌన్స్ చేశాడు. అవును.. తను చేస్తున్న మోసగాళ్లు సినిమాకు రిలీజ్ డేట్స్ ఫిక్స్ చేశాడు ఈ మంచు హీరో. లాక్డౌన్తో చిత్రంలో కీలకమైన ఐటీ ఆఫీస్ సన్నివేశాల చిత్రీకరణ నిలిచిపోయింది. అయినప్పటికీ, విష్ణుతో పాటు కాజల్ అగర్వాల్ […]
కరోనా కారణంగా లాక్ డౌన్ అవ్వడంతో టాలీవుడ్ స్తంభించిపోయిందని అంతా అనుకుంటున్నారు. కేవలం రిలీజెస్ మాత్రమే ఆగాయి. కొత్త సినిమాల ప్రీ-ప్రొడక్షన్ పనులు మాత్రం ఆగలేదు. ఇంకా చెప్పాలంటే అవి మరింత శరవేగంగా సాగుతున్నాయి. మొన్నటికిమొన్న 18-పేజెస్ సినిమాకు సంబంధించి ఆన్ లైన్ లో మ్యూజిక్ సిట్టింగ్స్ నిర్వహించారు. ఇప్పుడు ఇదే బాటలో సుకుమార్ కూడా నడుస్తున్నాడు. తన కొత్త సినిమాకు సంబంధించి దేవిశ్రీప్రసాద్ తో కలిసి ఆన్ లైన్ లో మ్యూజిక్ సిట్టింగ్స్ స్టార్ట్ చేశాడు […]
కరోనా వైరస్ ప్రభావం కారణంగా రాష్ట్ర ఖజానాలకు రాబడి తగ్గిపోయింది. దీంతో ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగులు, ప్రజా ప్రతినిధుల వేతనాలకు నిధులు లేకుండా పోయాయి. ఈ నేపథ్యంలో తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం ఉద్యోగుల వేతనాల్లో భారీ కోత విధించిన విషయం తెలిసిందే. ఇప్పుడు అదే బాటలో ఏపీ ప్రభుత్వం కూడా నడుస్తోంది. ధనిక రాష్ట్రమైన తెలంగాణనే వేతనాల్లో కోత విధించడంతో ఏపీ ప్రభుత్వం ఆ బాట పట్టడం ఎవరినీ ఆశ్చర్యానికి గురి చేయలేదు. కాని వైఎస్ జగన్ తీసుకున్న ఆ […]
తెలంగాణలో కరోనా తీవ్రత ఏప్రిల్ 7 నాటికి తగ్గుముఖం పడుతుందని… అప్పటికి కరోనా పాజిటీవ్ కేసులు నమోదు కాకుంటే ‘కరోనా ఫ్రీ తెలంగాణ’గా ప్రకటిస్తామని సీఎం కేసీఆర్ చెప్పారు. రాష్ట్ర సరిహద్దులన్నీ మూసేసి… లాక్డౌన్ విధించడంతో ఇక ఎవరికీ కరోనా సోకదని… కరోనా తీవ్రతను తగ్గించేయగలుగుతున్నామని ప్రభుత్వం భావించింది. కానీ ఖైరతాబాద్లో ఒక వృద్ధుని మృతి ప్రభుత్వ అంచనాలను తలకిందులు చేసింది. అతని ట్రావెల్ హిస్టరీ ఆధారంగా చాపకింద నీరులా కరోనా ప్రవేశించిన తీరును కనుగొన్నారు. ఇప్పుడు […]
ఎవరేమనుకున్నా సరే.. కరోనా విషయంలో అన్ని జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాల్సిందే అన్నట్టుగానే ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం చర్యలు తీసుకుంటోంది. ఇప్పటివరకూ విమర్శలకు తావు లేకుండా కరోనా నియంత్రణ చర్యలు అమలు చేస్తూ వచ్చిన సర్కారు.. మరో కీలక నిర్ణయం తీసుకుంది. రాష్ట్రంలోని ప్రయివేటు ఆసుపత్రులన్నీ ప్రభుత్వ నియంత్రణలోకి తీసుకువస్తూ ఆదేశాలు జారీ చేసి.. సరికొత్త చర్చకు తెర తీసింది. తాజా ఆదేశాల ఫలితంగా జరిగేది ఏంటంటే.. కరోనా నేపథ్యంలో అత్యవసర పరిస్థితులు వస్తే.. ప్రయివేటు ఆస్పుత్రులన్నీ ప్రభుత్వం వినియోగించుకుంటుంది. అంటే.. […]
కరోనా వైరస్ ఎలా ఎవరి ప్రాణాల మీదకు.. ఎప్పుడు వస్తుందో చెప్పలేకుండా ఉన్నాం. ఇలాంటి భయాందోళనకర సమయంలో.. మనం మరింత అప్రమత్తంగా ఉండాల్సిన దశ మొదలైంది. మన దేశంలో.. ఇంకా చెప్పాలంటే మన తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల్లో కరోనా అనుమానితుల క్వారంటైన్ మొదటి దశ అయిన 14 రోజల సమయం పూర్తి కావొచ్చింది. కరోనా లక్షణాల ప్రకారం.. ఈ 14 రోజుల్లోనే వైరస్ సోకిందా లేదా అన్నది బయటపడుతుంది. దేశంలో ఇప్పుడుతున్న పరిస్థితుల ప్రకారం.. చాలా మందికి కరోనా […]
కరోనాతో అంతా భయపడుతుంటే.. కొందరు మాత్రం ఏమీ పట్టనట్టు వ్యవహరిస్తున్నారు. నిర్లక్ష్యంగా ప్రవర్తిస్తూ.. ప్రభుత్వ సేవలను దుర్వినియోగం చేస్తున్నారు. చేసేది తప్పని తెలిసి కూడా.. ఆకతాయి తనాన్ని ప్రదర్శిస్తున్నారు. చివరికి.. తగిన శిక్షనూ అనుభవిస్తున్నారు. ఇదంతా.. ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్ లోని రాంపూర్ కు చెందిన ఓ ఆకతాయి గురించి. ఇంతకీ.. అతనేం చేశాడు.. ఎలాంటి శిక్ష ఎదుర్కొన్నాడన్నది.. పైన హెడ్ లైన్ లో అర్థమైనా.. పూర్తి వివరాలు తెలుసుకోండి. కరోనా ప్రభావం ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్ ను కూడా భయపెడుతోంది. ఇదేదీ […]
Dyed pasta is great to use in countless craft projects, and it's also excellent for small children engaging in sensory play. Best of all, it's so easy to make at home. All you need is rubbing alcohol, freezer bags, food coloring, and the dried pasta shapes of your choice. You can also make edible colored pasta, which is even easier and requires no alcohol or vinegar!
Select a variety of dried pasta shapes. Feel free to mix and match pasta shapes as much as you'd like. Having a variety of shapes is a great idea if you're dyeing the pasta for sensory play. If you're dyeing pasta for crafting, consider your project and use whatever shapes make sense to complete your vision.
For example, tube pasta like ziti works great if you're making beaded jewelry.[1]
Bowtie, elbow macaroni, rotini, and penne are excellent for sensory play activities.[2]
Divide the pasta into large, sealable freezer bags. Each bag will be for a different dye color, so if you're planning to make 3 colors, fill 3 separate freezer bags with pasta. Make the plastic baggies fairly full, with 1-2 cups (100-200 grams) of dried pasta in each one.[3]
Be sure to leave about of headspace so you can move the pasta around and distribute the food coloring.
Freezer bags are ideal because they seal tightly and are heavy-duty. If you only have regular baggies, though, you can use them.
Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of rubbing alcohol to your first bag of pasta. Measure out the rubbing alcohol and dump it over the pasta in the baggie. The ratio is approximately of rubbing alcohol for every 1-2 cups (100-200 grams) of dried pasta. It's best to work with one bag at a time and complete the process before moving on to the next bag/color.[4]
If possible, use isopropyl alcohol with 70% concentration. Higher concentrations may cause stickiness and be harder to blend.
You can substitute distilled white vinegar if you don't want to use alcohol. Use 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of white vinegar.[5]
Add 10 drops of food coloring to the first bag of pasta. If you want vibrant results, use a little more food coloring. If you're going for pastel pasta, use a little less than 10 drops. You can use any color you want and even experiment with mixing colors to create new ones.[6]
For example, mixing blue and red food coloring will result in purple dye.
You can also use liquid watercolors instead of food coloring for this project, if you prefer. The results may be more vibrant.[7]
Seal the freezer bag tightly and give it a good shake. Shake vigorously and massage the pasta with your hands so that the alcohol and food coloring are both distributed evenly throughout the bag. If the color isn't coating the pasta adequately, feel free to add a little more food coloring or alcohol to the baggie.[8]
Make sure the baggie is completely sealed before you start shaking to avoid making a mess!
Keep the bag sealed and lay it out flat on a baking sheet. If you're worried about leakage, line your baking sheet with aluminum foil before you start placing the bags on it. You'll need enough baking sheets to lay all of your baggies out flat without stacking them.
Follow the same process to create your other colors. Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of rubbing alcohol to the next bag and add the food coloring of your choice. Shake and massage the contents thoroughly and lay the baggie out flat next to the first one. Do the same for your remaining baggies.[9]
Let the freezer bags lay flat for overnight. The longer you let the baggies sit, the more vibrant the colored pasta will be. Flip them over a few times during this time period to make sure the pasta soaks up the dye evenly.[10]
Every time you flip the bags, take note of the vibrancy. You can stop soaking the pasta whenever it reaches your desired hue.
Scatter the pasta on a flat surface and let it dry for 12 hours. Line a flat surface with newspaper or aluminum foil to avoid staining your surface. Dump the pasta from the freezer bags directly onto the newspaper. Scatter the pasta evenly in a single layer.[11]
Avoid mixing colors at the point—keep a little space between each color.
Use the dyed pasta or store it in an airtight container for future use. Your colored pasta is ready to use the next day! If you aren't using the pasta right away, store it in an airtight container to preserve the color. The dyed pasta will be safe to use for crafts and sensory play indefinitely.
Be sure to keep the storage container somewhere dry and cool to keep the pasta in good shape.[12]
Boil of dried pasta according to the directions. You can use any pasta shape you like for this! Bring a pot of water to boil, submerge your pasta, and follow the package directions to cook the noodles. Be sure to cook them completely, just as you normally would.[13]
Note that of noodles will make 4 servings of colored pasta. You can adjust the amounts if you need to make more or less.
Make the noodles al dente if you plan to warm them back up after dyeing them.
Drain the cooked noodles and rinse them with cool water. Place a colander in your sink and pour the hot noodles and cooking water into it. Let the water drain away, then immediately rinse the noodles with cool water to halt the cooking process.[14]
Let the noodles sit in the colander and continue draining as you prepare the food coloring.
Add water and food coloring to resealable freezer bags for each color you want to make. Use 20 drops of food dye and of water in each bag. Food coloring usually comes in shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. You can choose any colors you want! Each freezer bag will create a different color, so if you want 4 different pasta colors, you'll need 4 separate freezer bags.[15]
If you want to make pastel noodles, use 10 drops of food coloring instead of 20.[16]
You can also mix your own colors. For example, mix yellow and blue together to make your own green shade. Red and blue will make purple, and red and yellow will make orange.
Divide the cooked pasta evenly into the freezer bags. You don't have to be exact, but try to use about the same amount of pasta for each freezer bag. If you want one color to dominate the finished pasta, just add more pasta to the bag with that food coloring in it.[17]
Seal the freezer bags and massage the contents with your hands. Be sure the zipper closure is sealed tightly before you get started to avoid making a mess! Then, gently massage the noodles with your hands to evenly distribute the dye mixture in each bag.[18]
Let the bags sit undisturbed for 1 minute. Lay the bags flat on their sides and give them about 60 seconds to soak up the food coloring. If you're worried about spillage, cover your work surface with newspaper or parchment paper first.[19]
You can experiment with letting the noodles soak longer than 1 minute, but they likely won't get that much more vibrant.
Transfer the pasta back to the colander and rinse it with cool water. Work with 1 color at a time. Unseal the bag and dump the noodles back into the colander. Rinse off the noodles with cool water to get rid of any extra food coloring and put them back in the original pot you cooked them in.[20]
Do the same for the rest of the colors.
Toss the colored pasta in the pot to combine the pasta and serve it. Using forks or tongs, move the colored pasta around in the pot so the different colored noodles mix together evenly, giving you a rainbow effect. You can then serve the pasta immediately with any sauce you like![21]
The pasta shouldn't be totally cold after rinsing it quickly with cool water, but if you want the noodles to be hotter, toss them in a pot of boiling water for 60 seconds.[22]
If you've been washing your hands more than usual to keep germs at bay, you've probably noticed the skin on your hands getting dry. Over time, you might wind up with chapped or cracked hands. You definitely don't want to stop washing your hands, but luckily, there are lots of remedies that can help! If the problem is mild, you might want to start with natural remedies (some of which you may already have around the house). If your hands are severely dry, or if the skin is cracking, you may need to use commercial products or talk to your doctor about stronger treatments.
Apply olive or coconut oil to your hands. Olive and coconut oil are great natural moisturizers. They can also help to heal any cracks or cuts in your hands due to dryness. Apply a generous amount of olive or coconut oil to your hands. Then, rub in the oil well and let it dry. Re-apply the olive or coconut oil as necessary.[1]
If you want to lock the moisture of the oil into your skin, put small plastic bags over your hands once the oil has been applied. Clean wool socks or cloth gloves would also work well. Keep them on for 30 minutes or overnight. Doing this will lock the moisture of the oil into your hands as the oil dries.
Use shea butter on your hands. Shea butter is another good natural remedy for hands that are in desperate need of moisturizing. Apply the shea butter to your hands and let the butter seep into your skin. You can apply the shea butter to your hands as needed throughout the day.[2]
You can buy shea butter online or at your local health food store.
Soak your hands in milk and oats. The lactic acid in milk acts as a natural exfoliator. The amino acids and silica in oats are good for hydrating your skin. Combine one part milk with one part rolled oats in a bowl big enough to fit your hands. Then, place your hands in the milk and oats. Let your hands soak for 10-15 minutes.[3]
After 10-15 minutes, gently rinse your hands off in lukewarm water. Your hands should feel soft and less dry.
Use vaseline on your hands. Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, is great for hydrating your skin and locking in moisture. It can also help to heal cracked skin. Apply a generous amount of vaseline on your hands and let the vaseline dry. Put more vaseline on your hands, as needed, to keep them soft and hydrated.[4]
If your hands are really cracked and dry, apply the vaseline on and then put plastic bags or cloth gloves on your hands. Leave the bags or gloves on overnight. You should wake up with softer hands.
Get a hand cream with natural ingredients. Hand creams will provide a thicker protective barrier for your hands than hand lotions. Look for hand cream that does not contain any chemicals, dyes, fragrance, or preservatives. These ingredients can irritate your skin more and make it even dryer. Instead, go for a hand cream that contains natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and oats.[5]
You can buy hand cream that is all-natural online or at your local drugstore.
Try antibiotic ointment or cream. If your skin is irritated and dry, try applying over the counter antibiotic ointment or cream like Bacitracin or A&D ointment on your hands. You can also apply the ointment then put on cotton gloves and wear them overnight. Keep these gloves in a plastic bag as you will use them over and over if you have to deal with dry, cracked, irritated hands often.
Speak to your doctor about a prescription hand cream. If your dry, cracked hands are really bad and do not get better with over-the-counter remedies, you may need prescription hand cream. Talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for hand cream to treat the issue.[6]
Sometimes dry, cracked hands that do not heal with home remedies or over-the-counter creams are a symptom of a skin issue that needs medical treatment, such as eczema.
Wash your hands with mild, natural soap and warm water. When you wash your hands, avoid using harsh cleaning agents that contain dyes, artificial ingredients, or fragrances. Instead, go for mild soap that contains natural ingredients like olive oil, lemon, or shea butter. Use warm water, rather than hot water, as hot water can dry out your hands.[7]
If you find you have to put your hands in hot water often, such as when you wash dishes, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Wear gloves with a soft lining when it's cold outside. Cold weather can make dry, cracked hands worse. Protect your hands from cold weather by wearing leather or wool gloves that are lined with silk or synthetic materials. The soft lining will help to keep your hands soft and protected.[8]
Many glove manufacturers are aware of sensitive skin and well-known brands with a nice lining will protect your hands from the cold. Be sure to try on the gloves before purchasing to ensure they fit well and have a soft lining.
Avoid gloves that have a wool lining, as this can irritate sensitive skin.
Moisturize your hands regularly. Get in the habit of applying hand cream to your hands throughout the day, up to six times. Carry a small jar or tube of hand cream in your bag so you can apply it to your hands as needed. Have a routine where you moisturize your hands in the morning and at night before bed so they stay soft and hydrated.[9]
Try several different varieties to find the one that works best for you.
If you use Instagram, you've probably seen enticing food posts and photos. With the right preparation, you can take these mouth-watering photos as well. Start planning the shot before the meal is ready. Set up in natural light and use colorful, eye-catching ingredients. Experiment with different angles and lighting until you find the one that gives you the best results. If you want to get sharper photos, adjust your camera settings or edit the pictures with an app or filter. After this, your photo is all ready to post.
Cook a meal using colorful ingredients if you're photographing your own food. Start planning the photo before you even plate the food. Choose meals with different colors and textures that will catch a viewer's eye on Instagram. Try to mix and contrast colors so your photos are as vibrant as possible.[1]
Even if your main dish isn't colorful, try adding some more vibrant side dishes. Steak, for instance, is not especially colorful, but a side salad with lots of different ingredients introduces new colors into the frame.
Cut fruit is another great way to add color and shine to your photos.
Set up your photo in natural lighting for good shadows and textures. Natural lighting usually produces the best results for food photos. Set up a table near a window to capture the natural light flowing in. Take the photo from the front so you don't block the light.[2]
Don't photograph outside in direct sunlight. This creates harsher shadows. Photograph near a window instead.
Use bright backlighting if you're inside. If you don't have access to a window for natural light, then placing a bright light behind the food also gives you good illumination. Use a lamp or studio light and photograph the food from the front to get a nice display of shadows.[3]
If the front of the food looks too dark, you can use a reflector to bounce some light back and brighten it up. You can buy an inexpensive one online.
Sometimes, darker indoor lighting produces nice results, but it takes an experienced photographer to make that lighting look good.
Don't use the flash on your camera or phone. This usually doesn't make the food look good.
Place props around to add more atmosphere. Just a plate of food might not make the most exciting picture. Liven up the photo with utensils, cups, side dishes, colorful napkins, and any other props that would enhance the photo. Just remember to keep the picture focused on the food, and that the props are only a supplement.[4]
Make the props fit the mood of the meal. If you're photographing pancakes, for example, position a cup of coffee and a bowl of syrup nearby.
If you're showcasing your cooking or baking skills, try arranging the ingredients you used around the food.
Plate the food so you can see all its ingredients. When your photography space is all set up, then place the food down. Arrange the ingredients on the plate so all the ingredients show clearly. The different colors and textures will create an eye-catching picture that your followers will love.[5]
If you're in a restaurant, plates are usually already arranged in a visually-appealing way, so most of the work is probably already done for you.
Don't worry about making the plate look pristine. Leave in the drips or crumbs to accent the picture.
Have your photography space set up before the food is ready so you can take the pictures while the food is fresh.
Add different ingredients to introduce a color contrast. If your food still needs a little something to catch the eye, try adding some more ingredients as a garnish. Make sure these new ingredients introduce a new color to contrast it with the rest of the dish. This will make your photo stand out much more.[6]
For example, a few basil leaves on top of a plate of pasta with red sauce adds a new, eye-catching color dimension.
Sprinkling parsley or oregano on your dish also introduces new colors in a simple way.
Use a camera instead of a phone for the clearest shots. Many of the food pictures you see on Instagram are taken with a professional camera, not a phone. Cameras use high-quality lenses and include lots of options for zooming, lighting, contrast, and texture. If you want your shots to look as good as they can, then invest in a camera instead.[7]
There are many choices for a good camera. Try investigating the cameras that some of your favorite Instagram photographers use for the best type for you.
This is optional, and you should only buy a camera if it fits your budget. Otherwise, a phone camera will work fine.
Take the picture when the food is as fresh as possible. Fresh food looks much better in a photograph. If you let the food sit around, ingredients will start wilting, getting soggy, losing their color, and overall looking much less vibrant. For the best results, take the picture as soon as the food comes out.[8]
Remember to have your photo stage set up before the food is ready. Otherwise, the food will sit around while you set up.
Take the photo from the top or side, depending on what look you're going for. These are the 2 most common angles for Instagram shots. Both produce different textures and shadows, so the one you use depends on what look you want. Experiment to find the angle you prefer.[9]
If you want to show off the scenery or shadows in the photo, then opt for a side angle.
A top photo could show off the ingredients better than a side shot. Choose this angle if you have a complex dish with lots of elements.
For the best results, try both angles and see which you like best.
Include the surroundings if you're in a scenic location. Instagram food photos are about a lifestyle as well as the food. If you're visiting a lakefront, beach, or the mountains, arrange your food so the background shows in the photo. This enhances the mood of your post.[10]
Adjust your aperture to AV mode to let the right amount of light in. Aperture is a camera setting that controls the amount of light in the lens. The AV setting automatically finds the best light level and adjusts the camera accordingly. This is ideal for food photos.[11]
If you're an experienced photographer, you can adjust the aperture manually, but this takes practice to find the right levels.
Unless you have a photography app, most phone cameras won't have this control.
Set your ISO below 400 in low-light settings. ISO is a setting that sharpens the photo in dark settings. If you're taking photos without a lot of light, adjust your ISO below 400 for more clarity.[12]
Some smartphones have an ISO setting, so check on yours to see if you can adjust it.
Zoom to fill the whole frame so the scene looks vibrant. Try to cut down on the amount of empty space in the photo. Either get closer or zoom in to fill up the space. If you're only photographing one plate, then a few props could also fill up that space.[13]
Some photographers like to zoom in so some of the props are out of frame. This makes the space look larger and more active than if everything were perfectly in frame.
You could also crop the photo afterward to get rid of blank space.
Too many props will make the photo look too busy. Make sure the food is still the main focus.
Keep the camera steady to avoid getting a fuzzy shot. Fuzzy or out of focus shots and ruin a good picture. Hold the camera or phone as steady as possible until you take your shot. Then, always check the photo to make sure it came out well.[14]
Some props may be out of focus. This is okay as long as the food is clear.
Remember, you can take as many pictures as you want, so keep trying until you get it right.
Experiment with different lighting and arrangements to get a shot you like. All photographers will tell you that repetition and practice are key. You might have to take 10 photos to get one that you like. That's fine, and all part of the process. Try all different angles and lighting to see what you prefer.[15]
Remember that different food might look better in different lighting or from a different angle. There is no universal rule.
As you get better at photography, you'll have to take less photos to get the one you want.
Edit the photo with a filter or app if you want to make changes. If you want to, you can make some changes to the photo before posting it. Many apps and software let you edit photos. You can adjust the lighting, colors, contrast, and filter to get the best picture possible. Try all the options to enhance your photo before posting it.[16]
Instagram has some basic filters and editing options if you want simple edits. For more involved editing, try an editing software.
You could also choose to keep your photos unfiltered. This is a stylistic choice.
Memorizing a poem takes time and practice, but it is worth it to have a poem that you can recite on demand any time you like! Start by choosing a poem that is meaningful to you so that you are interested in memorizing it. Then, take time to develop your understanding of the poem and practice as much as possible! This will help to ensure that you will be well-prepared when it is time for you to recite the poem.
Choose a poem far in advance if you need to recite it. It takes time to memorize a poem, especially if you need to memorize a long poem. Start browsing poems and choose a poem to memorize as soon as possible. Peruse a poetry anthology, browse poems online, or choose a poem from a favorite poet if you have one!
Find a poem that is meaningful to you. Don't just opt for a poem that seems like it will be easy to memorize. Memorizing a poem is much easier if you enjoy reading it and if the words seem significant to you. Make sure that you can connect with the poem you choose![1]
For example, you might connect with Emily Dickinson's "There's a certain Slant of light" because you are intrigued by what she describes.
Or, you might connect with Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" because you have experienced oppression in your life, yet managed to overcome it.
Choose a poem with a definite rhyme scheme and meter. It might be harder for you to memorize a free verse poem than a poem with a definitive rhyme and meter. This is because the rhyming and meter (rhythm) of a poem creates a framework that makes the details easier to remember, and this helps you to commit it to memory. The process is similar to how you remember a song. If you forget a word, the rhyme scheme and rhythm of the song reminds you what it is.[2]
For example, the first stanza of Emily Dickinson's "There's a certain Slant of light" reads: "There's a certain Slant of light,/ Winter Afternoons –/ That oppresses, like the Heft/ Of Cathedral Tunes" (1-4). The last words in the even lines rhyme: "Afternoons" and "Tunes." There is also a noticeable rhythm to this poem when you read it out loud, which would help you to memorize it.
Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" also has a definite rhyme scheme and meter. The first stanza of her poem reads: "You may write me down in history/ With your bitter, twisted lies,/ You may trod me in the very dirt/ But still, like dust, I'll rise" (1-4). Again, the even lines rhyme and there is a noticeable rhythm when you read the lines out loud.
Read the poem aloud several times. Once you have selected a poem to commit to memory, start by reading it out loud to yourself at least 3 times. Don't worry about memorizing the poem just yet. Focus instead on how the words sound and what the poem is about.[3]
For example, when reading Dickinson's "There's a certain Slant of light" you may notice an emphasis on a few different consonant sounds. You may also notice that she is talking about the way the light looks on winter afternoons and how that makes her feel.
In Angelou's "Still I Rise," you may note that she asks questions of the reader throughout the poem and repeats the title phrase several times as well. You may notice that she seems to be defiantly addressing someone who disapproves of her.
Look up words you don't understand. Use a dictionary app or do an internet search to find the meaning of a word. Even if you are a little unsure of the word, it is best to look it up to be certain of its meaning. Knowing the exact definition of a word and any potential dual meanings can help you to better understand the action of the poem you have chosen. The definition of the word may also affect your inflection, or how you say the word.
For example, in Dickinson's "There's a certain Slant of light," you might look up the word "imperial" and find that it has multiple meanings. It may mean something is part of an empire or that something is very large.[4]
Likewise, in Angelou's "Still I rise," you may look up the word "beset," and find that it has multiple meanings. It may mean that something (or someone) is studded, harassed, or assailed.[5]
Underline the words that rhyme in the poem. The rhyming words in a poem will serve as a roadmap to you as you work to memorize the poem. Take a moment to underline these words in your poem. Read through them once you have underlined them all.[6]
For example, the rhyming words in in Dickinson's "There's a certain Slant of light" include "Afternoons" and "Tunes," "scar" and "are," "Despair" and "Air," and "Breath" and "Death."
In Angelou's "Still I rise" the rhyming words include "lies" and "rise," "gloom" and "room," "tides" and "rise," "eyes" and "cries," "hard" and "yard," and more.
Set aside at least 10 minutes per day to practice reciting your poem. The key to successfully memorizing a poem is putting in the time! Commit to reading and reciting your poem for at least 10 minutes every day.[7]
Read your poem a few times before you go to bed, and then see how much of it you can remember and recite when you wake up in the morning.
If you ride the bus or train to get to school or work, then use this time to practice. Read through your poem a few times and recite what you can from memory.
Keep a copy of the poem with you and read it often. Having the poem on you at all times will allow you to take advantage of spare moments when you can read it. Print a copy, or better yet, write it out and keep it in your pocket, purse, or wallet. Pull it out and read it any time you have a spare moment during the day.[8]
For example, pull out the poem while you are waiting in line for lunch, riding the bus home from school or work, or waiting for your dinner to heat up in the microwave.
Write the poem by hand several times. Some people also find it helpful to write the poem out by hand. Try copying the poem with pen and paper several times. Each time you write the poem again, try to write a little more from memory.[9]
The first time you write your poem, you will need to glance at the original often to get the next line or phrase.
The second or third time, you might find that you remember a line without looking at it.
After writing the poem 6 or 7 times, you may barely have to look at the original at all!
Watch videos and listen to recordings of your poem. Depending on the popularity of the poem you have chosen, you might be able to find several different recordings of people performing it. Listening to and watching other people's recitations of the poem you are memorizing can help you to remember it and may also give you ideas for how you will perform it yourself.[10]
Search online for audio recordings of your poem to hear how other people have recited it.
Watch Youtube videos of other people reciting your poem.
Practice reciting the poem to family and friends. Before you recite your poem in front of your intended audience, practice in front of people who will be supportive and encouraging. Ask family members and friends to listen to you recite your poem.[11]
For example, ask a parent or guardian to listen to you recite your poem while they are making dinner or while riding in a car together.
Request that a friend listen to your poem during lunch or while taking a walk together.
Record yourself and play it back to find areas for improvement. Making an audio or video recording of yourself reading the poem may help you to improve your performance of the poem. Try using the video or audio recording app on your phone or laptop to make a recording after you have memorized the poem. Recite the poem from start to finish and then listen to or watch the recording to identify areas for improvement.[12]
For example, you might find that you are not speaking clearly enough to understand the words or hear the rhyme scheme.
Or, you might notice that you rush through a certain part of the poem, and that makes it hard to understand what you are saying.
Speak clearly, audibly, and slowly! It is normal to feel a little nervous before you speak in front of people, so don't worry if you do feel this way. However, you may be more likely to fall into bad public speaking habits if this is the case. When it is time for you to recite your poem, remind yourself to enunciate, speak up, and slow down.[13]
Try taking a few deep breaths before you start reciting your poem. If you find yourself talking too fast, mumbling, or speaking quietly, pause for a moment, and take another deep breath before you continue.
Beans are a delicious, filling, and very cheap ingredient that work with almost any meal. If you're heading into the colder seasons, there's nothing that will warm you up quite like a big bowl of soup. By making a simple bean soup, and customizing it to your own tastes, you can have a delicious dish for any occasion.
Heat some olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Pour roughly of olive oil into a large saucepan and place it over a medium heat. Let the oil begin warming, to the point that it is easily moved around the bottom of the saucepan when tilted.[1]
Any other cooking oil will work here, such as vegetable or canola, but it may not taste quite the same. If you don't like the taste of olive oil, use an oil that you enjoy instead.
You can begin cutting up the vegetables in the next few steps while waiting for the oil to heat up, which should save on time.
Dice onions and garlic and add them to the pot. Place the 2 onions on a chopping board. Cut them in half lengthways, peel away the outer layers, and use a sharp knife to dice them finely. Peel and dice 2 cloves of garlic as well, and add them to the saucepan with the hot oil to begin sauteing.[2]
There are plenty of different ways to cut onion and garlic. Choose an easy method that works for you.
Trim and slice 2 sticks of celery. Place 2 sticks of celery on a chopping board and slice in half lengthways. Line the celery sticks up and use a sharp knife to cut them into chunks that are roughly in width. Add the chopped celery to the pan with the onion, garlic, and oil.[3]
The celery will help add a little sweetness and freshness to the soup, but it can also be left out if you don't like the taste.
Chop up some bell peppers for a spicier soup. If you like a little more heat or spiciness, you can add some bell peppers or capsicum to the soup. Cut up a few bell peppers into a rough, dice and add them to the saucepan to begin cooking.[4]
For a little more variety, use 1 green bell pepper and 1 red bell pepper, chopped in the same way.
If you want even more of a kick to your soup, try adding some finely diced chili peppers as well. Finely slice 1 fresh red chili pepper and add it to the saucepan with the other ingredients.
Mix in any other vegetables you want to. One of the great things about soup is how easy it is to customize and how difficult it is to mess up. Add any other vegetables you have in your kitchen to the soup, chopping them into roughly pieces before stirring them in.
Mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, and peas could all make great additions to this soup. Add whatever you have on hand and see how it tastes!
Cook the vegetables for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they are fragrant. Use a wooden spoon to stir the vegetables around in the pot as they cook to ensure they cook evenly. Let them saute for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the onion is translucent and all of the other vegetables become fragrant.[5]
While they will cook further as the soup cooks, sauteing the vegetables first will make the whole dish taste much better. If you're particularly short on time, you can throw them into the saucepan with all the other ingredients to cook.
The vegetables should be vibrant colors and just beginning to soften after around 10 to 15 minutes. These signs, along with the more fragrant aroma of the vegetables, are a good sign that they are ready.
Add salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you like. As with any dish, you should season it with salt and pepper as you cook. Sprinkle over roughly 1 tablespoon (17 g) of salt and 1 tablespoon (6 g) of black pepper and stir to combine. If you want to add any other flavors or seasonings to the soup, mix them in now.[6]
For a little aromatic freshness, try mixing in 1 tablespoon (6 g) of thyme, rosemary, oregano, or cilantro.
If you want a little extra spiciness, add in 1 teaspoon (2 g) of chili powder or cayenne pepper.
For a slightly smoky flavor in your soup, mix in 1 tablespoon (6 g) of smoked paprika.
Pour 2 cans of tinned beans into the saucepan. You can use almost any type of bean that you like or just that you have on hand for a bean soup. Pour 2 14-oz (40- g) cans of black, kidney, cannellini, or whatever other types of canned bean you have into the saucepan and stir to combine.[7]
You can also use dried beans that have soaked first instead. Boil 1 cup (225 g) of dried beans in enough water to cover them for around 2 minutes, before leaving them to soak for around 1 hour.
Use whichever type of bean you like the most, or whichever one you have the easiest access to.
Add of stock to the pot. The stock will help build some of the flavors of the soup, as well as giving the beans something more to cook in. Add around of whatever stock you have on hand or that you enjoy. Chicken and vegetable stock will both work excellently, but you can easily use beef stock or even just water instead.[8]
For a slightly more complex flavor in your finished soup, try adding different types of stock. Use each of chicken and vegetable stock, or any other combination you like. Soup is easy to customize and very difficult to mess up, so see what flavors you can come up with to complement the beans!
Stir in some diced ham or bacon for a meatier soup. If you want some extra protein or flavor in your soup, roughly chop up some ham, fried bacon, cooked sausage, or whatever other meat you have available. Scatter over the top of your soup and mix it in.[9]
This is another great point to customize your soup to your own preferences. Leftover chicken, beef, lamb, ham, meatballs, and anything else can add some more flavor to the soup.
Use roughly 1 cup (125 g to 175 g) of whatever diced meat you choose to use. You can add more or less depending on how meaty you want your soup to be.
If you're a vegetarian or vegan, or you simply don't want to add meat to your soup, feel free to skip this step.
Bring the soup to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes. Give the soup a good final stir to make sure all of the ingredients are well incorporated and combined. Reduce the heat to low and bring the soup to a simmer. Cover it and leave it to simmer for around 40 minutes, giving it time to thicken up and cook the beans.[10]
If you want a thicker soup, remove the lid after 40 minutes and let it simmer for a further 10 minutes. This will let more liquid cook off and result in a thicker, heartier soup.
Blend the soup to your desired consistency. Once you've given the soup enough time to simmer and cook, take it off the heat. Use a hand or stick blender to begin processing the soup and blending some of the beans and other ingredients. This will make it creamier and a little smoother.[11]
The more you blend your soup, the thicker and smoother it will be. For a thinner soup with more chunks, blend the soup for only a few seconds. Alternately, you can avoid blending it at all for a very thin and chunky soup.
If you prefer your soup to be thick and very smooth, blend it until all of the beans have been processed and the soup reaches a creamier consistency.
If you don't have a hand or stick blender, you can pour your soup in the jug of a standard kitchen blender to process it slightly. You may need to work in batches depending on the size of your blender.
Add some milk or cream for some extra richness. If you want your soup to be a little richer or creamier, measure out roughly of milk or cream and pour into the simmered soup. Mix it thoroughly to combine for a slightly smoother and richer soup.[12]
If you want to keep this recipe vegan, you can skip this step entirely.
You could also use the same amount of sour cream or yogurt for extra thickness and creaminess. However, this will also impart the flavor of your chosen yogurt or sour cream into the soup. If you don't like the taste of sour cream, yogurt, milk, or cream, then leave them out of this dish.
Poach some eggs in the soup for some extra protein. Once you've blended the soup to your desired consistency, place it back over a medium heat and bring it to a simmer. Break 4 eggs into the soup so that they are spread apart and just submerged. Leave the eggs to cook, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until the whites are cooked and the yolks are runny.[13]
When serving, fill a bowl with soup and place the poached eggs onto it last. When you pierce the yolk, it will run across the soup, both looking and tasting incredible.
Break the eggs, one at a time, into a small bowl first. Use the bowl to pour the eggs carefully into the soup. This will help keep the eggs together as you transfer them to the saucepan.
Serve the soup with some fresh bread or warmed tortillas. Spoon the soup into a large bowl while it is still hot to serve. Eat it alongside some freshly cooked or lightly toasted bread, or opt for some tortillas that have been warmed through as an accompaniment.[14]
Once cooked, you can store the soup in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Soup is easily customizable to whatever flavors you like. Use whatever beans, stock, vegetables, or flavorings you enjoy to make this soup perfect for you.
If you leave the soup to simmer for too long and it becomes too thick, you can thin it slightly with milk, cream, water, or some more of your chosen stock.
If you're cutting dairy from your diet or just want a lighter whipped cream, use coconut milk or cream. Chill the can so you can separate the cream from the liquid. Then beat the cream with powdered sugar and your choice of flavorings until it's smooth and fluffy. You can use coconut whipped cream in place of dairy whipped cream on your favorite desserts or beverages.
Refrigerate a can of coconut cream or milk for at least 8 hours. Place a 14-ounce (400 ml) can of coconut cream or full-fat coconut milk in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours or overnight. This will help the cream separate from the liquid.[1]
Coconut cream contains less water than coconut milk, so it should yield more whipped cream.
Choose unsweetened coconut cream or milk that doesn't contain guar gum since this can prevent the coconut cream from whipping.
Chill a mixing bowl and beaters for 10 minutes. Put a large bowl along with beater attachments into the freezer 10 minutes before you're ready to make the coconut whipped cream.[2]
If you'd like to whip the cream by hand, chill a large balloon whisk.
Separate the coconut cream from the liquid. Remove the can of coconut cream or milk from the refrigerator and open it. Carefully scoop out the cream that's floated to the top of the can and put it into the chilled bowl from the freezer. Then pour the liquid that's left in the can into a storage container.[3]
Use the leftover liquid to make fruit smoothies or use it like light-coconut milk in baking recipes. You can store it for up to 3 days.
Ensure that you don't shake the can too much or the cream will mix back into the liquid before you have a chance to separate them.
Beat the coconut cream for 30 seconds. Turn the mixer to low and beat the cream until any clumps break up into smaller pieces. If you're whisking by hand, whisk until you've broken up the cream.[4]
Remember to use the beaters that you chilled in advance.
Mix in the powdered sugar and vanilla or other flavorings. Add 1/4 to 3/4 cup (31 to 93 g) of powdered sugar depending on how sweet you want the coconut whipped cream to be. If you'd like a delicate flavor, add of vanilla extract.
If you're trying any of the flavor variations, add the ingredients now.
Beat the coconut whipped cream until it's smooth. Turn the mixer to medium and beat the mixture until the cream combines with the powdered sugar. Gradually turn the mixer up to medium-high speed and whip the cream until soft peaks form. This will take 1 to 2 minutes depending on how cold your coconut cream is.[5]
If you see liquid pooling in the bottom of the bowl as you begin to whip, stop and pour it out.
Use the coconut whipped cream immediately for the best texture. Substitute the coconut whipped cream for standard whipped cream in any recipe. For example, dollop it on top of pie or use it to frost cupcakes. If you're frosting baked goods with the whipped cream, refrigerate them until you're ready to serve or the coconut whipped cream will begin to separate.[6]
Store leftover coconut whipped cream in an airtight container for up to 10 days. It will firm up so you'll need to re-whip it before you use it again.
Beat in cocoa powder for chocolate coconut whipped cream. For a lightly flavored whipped cream, add 2 tablespoons (14 g) of cocoa powder. If you'd like a stronger chocolate flavor, use 4 tablespoons (28 g).[7]
You may need to add extra powdered sugar to make the chocolate coconut whipped cream as sweet as you'd like.
Add natural peanut butter for a creamier taste. To add a nutty flavor to the coconut whipped cream, stir 2 to 4 tablespoons (32 to 64 g) of natural creamy peanut butter into the coconut cream. Beat the mixture until it's whipped and smooth.[8]
Avoid using chunky peanut butter since this will make it difficult to whip the coconut cream.
Sprinkle in cinnamon to add a spicy flavor. Add 1 teaspoon (2 g) of ground cinnamon to the coconut cream. If you'd like to make a spice-flavored coconut whipped cream, play around with adding pumpkin spice, apple pie spice, or gingerbread spice.[9]
If you combine spices, keep the total amount at 1 teaspoon (2 g).
Add maple syrup or a flavor extract. Instead of sweetening the coconut whipped cream with powdered sugar, use of maple syrup. If you'd like to keep the powdered sugar but swap out the vanilla flavor, substitute a flavor extract of your choice.[10]
If you couldn't separate the coconut cream from the liquid after chilling the can, add 1 to 4 tablespoons (7.5 to 30 g) of tapioca flour to the mixture as you whip it. This will help thicken and stabilize the coconut whipped cream.
Vericool, a Livermore, Calif.-based startup that’s replacing plastic coolers and packaging with plant-based products, has raised $19.1 million in a new round of financing.
The company’s stated goal is to replace traditional packaging materials like polystyrene with plant-based insulating packaging materials.
Its technology uses 100% recycled paper fibers and other plant-based materials, according to the company, and are curbside recyclable and compostable.
"We're pleased to support Vericool because of the company's track record of innovation, high-performance products, well-established patent portfolio and focus on environmental resilience. We are inspired by the company's social justice commitment to address recidivism and provide workplace opportunity to formerly incarcerated individuals," said Dan Skaff, managing partner of Radicle Impact Partners and Vericool's new lead director.
Xerox announced today that it would be dropping its hostile takeover bid of HP. The drama began last fall with a flurry of increasingly angry letters between the two companies, and confrontational actions from Xerox, including an attempt to take over the HP board that had rejected its takeover overtures.
All that came crashing to the ground today when Xerox officially announced it was backing down amid worldwide economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The company also indicated it was dropping its bid to take over the board.
“The current global health crisis and resulting macroeconomic and market turmoil caused by COVID-19 have created an environment that is not conducive to Xerox continuing to pursue an acquisition of HP Inc. (NYSE: HPQ) (‘HP’). Accordingly, we are withdrawing our tender offer to acquire HP and will no longer seek to nominate our slate of highly qualified candidates to HP's Board of Directors,” the company said in a statement.
As for HP, it said it was strong financially and would continue to drive shareholder value, regardless of the outcome:
We remain firmly committed to driving value for HP shareholders. HP is a strong company with market leading positions across Personal Systems, Print, and 3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing. We have a healthy cash position and balance sheet that enable us to navigate unanticipated challenges such as the global pandemic now before us, while preserving strategic optionality for the future.
The bid never made a lot of sense. Xerox is a much smaller company, with a market cap of around $4 billion compared with HP with a market cap of almost $25 billion. It was truly a case of the canary trying to eat the cat.
Yet Xerox continued to insist today, even while admitting defeat, that it would have been better to combine the two companies, something HP never felt was realistic. HP questioned the ability of Xerox to come up with such a large sum of money, and, if it did, would it be financially stable enough to pull off a deal like this.
Yet even as recently as last month, Xerox increased the bid from $22 to $24 per share in an effort to entice shareholders to bite. It had previously threatened to bypass the board and go directly to shareholders before attempting to replace the board altogether.
HP didn’t like the hostility inherent in the bid or any of the subsequent moves Xerox made to try to force a deal. Last month, HP offered its investors billions in give-backs in an effort to convince them to reject the Xerox bid. As it turned out, the drama simply fizzled out in the middle of a worldwide crisis.
There’s a joke* being reshared on chat apps that takes the form of a multiple-choice question — asking who’s the leading force in workplace digital transformation? The red-lined punchline is not the CEO or CTO, but: C) COVID-19.
There’s likely more than a grain of truth underpinning the quip. The novel coronavirus is pushing a lot of metaphorical buttons right now. “Pause” buttons for people and industries, as large swathes of the world’s population face quarantine conditions that can resemble house arrest. The majority of offline social and economic activities are suddenly off limits.
Such major pauses in our modern lifestyle may even turn into a full reset, over time. The world as it was, where mobility of people has been all but taken for granted — regardless of the environmental costs of so much commuting and indulged wanderlust — may never return to “business as usual.”
If global leadership rises to the occasion, then the coronavirus crisis offers an opportunity to rethink how we structure our societies and economies — to make a shift toward lower carbon alternatives. After all, how many physical meetings do you really need when digital connectivity is accessible and reliable? As millions more office workers log onto the day job from home, that number suddenly seems vanishingly small.
COVID-19 is clearly strengthening the case for broadband to be a utility — as so much more activity is pushed online. Even social media seems to have a genuine community purpose during a moment of national crisis, when many people can only connect remotely, even with their nearest neighbours.
Hence the reports of people stuck at home flocking back to Facebook to sound off in the digital town square. Now that the actual high street is off limits, the vintage social network is experiencing a late second wind.
Facebook understands this sort of higher societal purpose already, of course. Which is why it’s been so proactive about building features that nudge users to “mark yourself safe” during extraordinary events like natural disasters, major accidents and terrorist attacks. (Or indeed, why it encouraged politicians to get into bed with its data platform in the first place — no matter the cost to democracy.)
In less fraught times, Facebook’s “purpose” can be loosely summed to “killing time.” But with ever more sinkholes being drilled by the attention economy, that’s a function under ferocious and sustained attack.
Over the years the tech giant has responded by engineering ways to rise back to the top of the social heap — including spying on and buying up competition, or directly cloning rival products. It’s been pulling off this trick, by hook or by crook, for over a decade. Albeit, this time Facebook can’t take any credit for the traffic uptick; a pandemic is nature’s dark pattern design.
What’s most interesting about this virally disrupted moment is how much of the digital technology that’s been built out online over the past two decades could very well have been designed for living through just such a dystopia.
Seen through this lens, VR should be having a major moment. A face computer that swaps out the stuff your eyes can actually see with a choose-your-own-digital-adventure of virtual worlds to explore, all from the comfort of your living room? What problem are you fixing, VR? Well, the conceptual limits of human lockdown in the face of a pandemic quarantine right now, actually…
Virtual reality has never been a compelling proposition versus the rich and textured opportunity of real life, except within very narrow and niche bounds. Yet all of a sudden, here we all are — with our horizons drastically narrowed and real-life news that’s ceaselessly harrowing. So it might yet end up a wry punchline to another multiple choice joke: “My next vacation will be: A) Staycation, B) The spare room, C) VR escapism.”
It’s videoconferencing that’s actually having the big moment, though. Turns out even a pandemic can’t make VR go viral. Instead, long-lapsed friendships are being rekindled over Zoom group chats or Google Hangouts. And Houseparty — a video chat app — has seen surging downloads as barflies seek out alternative night life with their usual watering-holes shuttered.
Bored celebs are TikToking. Impromptu concerts are being live-streamed from living rooms via Instagram and Facebook Live. All sorts of folks are managing social distancing, and the stress of being stuck at home alone (or with family), by distant socializing: signing up to remote book clubs and discos; joining virtual dance parties and exercise sessions from bedrooms; taking a few classes together; the quiet pub night with friends has morphed seamlessly into a bring-your-own-bottle group video chat.
This is not normal — but nor is it surprising. We’re living in the most extraordinary time. And it seems a very human response to mass disruption and physical separation (not to mention the trauma of an ongoing public health emergency that’s killing thousands of people a day) to reach for even a moving pixel of human comfort. Contactless human contact is better than none at all.
Yet the fact all these tools are already out there, ready and waiting for us to log on and start streaming, should send a dehumanizing chill down society’s backbone.
It underlines quite how much consumer technology is being designed to reprogram how we connect with each other, individually and in groups, in order that uninvited third parties can cut a profit.
Back in the pre-COVID-19 era, a key concern being attached to social media was its ability to hook users and encourage passive feed consumption — replacing genuine human contact with voyeuristic screening of friends’ lives. Studies have linked the tech to loneliness and depression. Now that we’re literally unable to go out and meet friends, the loss of human contact is real and stark. So being popular online in a pandemic really isn’t any kind of success metric.
Houseparty, for example, self-describes as a “face to face social network” — yet it’s quite the literal opposite; you’re foregoing face-to-face contact if you’re getting virtually together in app-wrapped form.
The implication of Facebook’s COVID-19 traffic bump is that the company’s business model thrives on societal disruption and mainstream misery. Which, frankly, we knew already. Data-driven adtech is another way of saying it’s been engineered to spray you with ad-flavored dissatisfaction by spying on what you get up to. The coronavirus just hammers the point home.
The fact we have so many high-tech tools on tap for forging digital connections might feel like amazing serendipity in this crisis — a freemium bonanza for coping with terrible global trauma. But such bounty points to a horrible flip side: It’s the attention economy that’s infectious and insidious. Before “normal life” plunged off a cliff, all this sticky tech was labelled “everyday use;” not “break out in a global emergency.”
It’s never been clearer how these attention-hogging apps and services are designed to disrupt and monetize us; to embed themselves in our friendships and relationships in a way that’s subtly dehumanizing; re-routing emotion and connections; nudging us to swap in-person socializing for virtualized fuzz designed to be data-mined and monetized by the same middlemen who’ve inserted themselves unasked into our private and social lives.
Captured and recompiled in this way, human connection is reduced to a series of dilute and/or meaningless transactions; the platforms deploying armies of engineers to knob-twiddle and pull strings to maximize ad opportunities, no matter the personal cost.
It’s also no accident we’re seeing more of the vast and intrusive underpinnings of surveillance capitalism emerge, as the COVID-19 emergency rolls back some of the obfuscation that’s used to shield these business models from mainstream view in more normal times. The trackers are rushing to seize and colonize an opportunistic purpose.
First the people-tracking platforms dressed up attacks on human agency as “relevant ads.” Now the data industrial complex is spinning police-state levels of mass surveillance as pandemic-busting corporate social responsibility. How quick the wheel turns.
But platforms should be careful what they wish for. Populations that find themselves under house arrest with their phones playing snitch might be just as quick to round on high-tech gaolers as they’ve been to sign up for a friendly video chat in these strange and unprecedented times.
Oh, and Zoom (and others) — more people might actually read your “privacy policy” now they’ve got so much time to mess about online. And that really is a risk.
Every day there's a fresh Zoom privacy/security horror story. Why now, all at once?
It's simple: the problems aren't new but suddenly everyone is forced to use Zoom. That means more people discovering problems and also more frustration because opting out isn't an option. https://t.co/O9h8SHerok
Marriott has confirmed a second data breach in three years — this time involving the personal information on 5.2 million guests.
The hotel giant said Tuesday it discovered in late February the breach of an unspecified property system at a franchise hotel. The hackers obtained the login details of two employees, a hotel statement said, and broke in weeks earlier during mid-January.
Marriott said it has “no reason” to believe payment data was stolen, but warned that names, addresses, phone numbers, loyalty member data, dates of birth and other travel information — such as linked airline loyalty numbers and room preferences — were taken in the breach.
Starwood, a subsidiary of Marriott, said in 2018 its central reservation system was hacked, exposing the personal data and guest records on 383 million guests. The data included five million unencrypted passport numbers and eight million credit card records.
It prompted a swift response from European authorities, which issued Marriott with a fine of $123 million in the wake of the breach.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new program today that’s designed to foster close collaboration between public and private organizations in order to “bring coronavirus treatments to market as fast as possible,” according to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar in a press release. The program, dubbed the “Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program,” or CTAP, will see the FDA redeploy resources and personnel with an eye toward providing private companies, researchers and scientists with “regulatory advice, guidance and technical assistance as quickly as possible.”
Based on the information provided by the agency, it sounds like CTAP is a formalization of a lot of the work that was already being done within the FDA to reduce the burden placed on companies and scientists looking to field trials and the steps required by the administration to qualify new treatments and therapies for use.
In real-world terms, the FDA says that means it’s turning things around much more quickly, reviewing protocols for many freshly submitted clinical studies within 24 hours, and also turning around single-patient requests for expanded access to some therapies granted under compassionate or investigate use “generally within three hours.” The FDA is also looking at how it can build out streamlined protocols that can apply across use by different institutions and for different programs wherever possible to further limit processing time through templated strategies.
Internally, the FDA has re-arranged staffing resources to help make this possible, putting medical and regulatory staff that otherwise would be focused elsewhere on teams dedicated to COVID-19-related reviews.
There’s likely to be some debate about the implications of the introduction of a program like this. On the one hand, it should help novel approaches and even startups in the biotech space with unproven, but promising technologies in development to work hand-in-hand with the FDA on potential solutions. On the other hand, the administration has already been criticized for some of its more aggressive decisions regarding COVID-19 therapeutics, including the Emergency Use Authorization ordered for anti-malarial hydroxychlroquine earlier this week.
While small-scale studies have shown that the drug could offer some benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, the key word there is “could,” and other small-scale studies have shown that standard anti-viral treatments are just as effective. The bottom line is that there isn’t enough data available to say anything definitively either way, and this particular EUA means that efforts to stockpile the drug could make it less available to those who use it for another of its common purposes: treating chronic rheumatoid arthritis, which can be debilitating in its severity.
The current coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented in terms of its spread and impact, at least in terms of viral outbreaks during the modern medical era. The FDA definitely needs to address the situation in a unique manner as a result, but critics and observers will definitely be watching to see what results from increased pressure on the agency to cut red tape.
The first quarter of 2020 ended with a whimper — with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq posting their worst quarter in decades — as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause uncertainty and volatility across all major stock market indices.
At the beginning of the quarter, we were still basking in a decade-long bull market. The global pandemic, and the economic havoc it caused, put an end to those halcyon days. All major American indices dropped into bear-market territory March 12, after shedding the requisite 20% from recent highs.
The roller coaster continued, with equities bumping along the bottom, periodically popping up, only to fall again as the epicenter of the pandemic shifted from China to Europe and now the United States. The number of cases in the U.S. has prompted states to issue stay at home orders, putting the brakes on business as usual. As a result, unemployment benefits have skyrocketed. Last week alone, around 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits, dwarfing numbers set during the 2008-era economic meltdown.
The economic stimulus bill, known as the CARES Act, along with a series of actions taken by the Federal Reserve, have provided some lift. But the volatility continues. For the quarter, Dow Jones is down 24.08%, while the S&P is down 20.67% and Nasdaq is off 15.3%.
Here’s the breakdown of what happened today:
Dow Jones Industrial Average: declined 1.85%, or 413.11 to 21,914.37
S&P 500: slid 1.61%, or 42.18, to 2,584.47
Nasdaq Composite: fell 0.95%, or 74.05, to 7,700.10
All sectors were down today, with the exception of the energy sector, which saw a lift after being battered for weeks. Meanwhile, investors have fled equities for treasuries, pushing yields down. Case in point: U.S. 10-year yields are down 64% in the first quarter.
SaaS shares fell more than most tech equity in today's trading, with the Bessemer cloud index off a little over 2.5%. The index, which tracks a basket of SaaS and cloud shares, is off around 20% from its recent highs. Shares of modern software companies are therefore still technically in a bear market, though just. If recent gains hold, the index will have made up around 10% of its lost ground since recent lows.
Wrapping on cryptocurrencies as we close the book on the quarter, bitcoin posted a net loss for the period. It’s worth just over $6,400 as we write this post.
What a quarter. What a quarter of surprises and turmoil and cut expectations and downgraded hope. Here’s to a better Q2, if we can manage.
On-orbit satellite refueling technology is closer than ever to a practical reality, which could help immensely with the cost and sustainability of orbital businesses. Startup OrbitFab, a 2019 TechCrunch Battlefield finalist, is one of the companies working to make orbital refueling a reality, and it just secured a new contract from the National Science Foundation’s early-stage deep tech R&D initiative America’s Seed Fund to further its goals.
The contract is specifically for development of a solution that provides rendezvous and docking capabilities in space, managing the end-to-end process of connecting two spacecraft and transferring fuel from one to the other. OrbitFab last October at Disrupt unveiled its connector hardware for making this possible, which it now refers to as its Rapidly Attachable Fluid Transfer Interface (RAFTI). RAFTI is designed as a replacement for existing valves used in satellites for fueling and draining propellant from spacecraft, but would seek to establish a new standard that provides easy interoperability both with ground fueling and with in-space refueling (or fuel transfer from one satellite to another, depending on what’s needed).
Already, OrbitFab has managed to fly twice to the International Space Station (ISS), and last year it became the first-ever private company to supply the orbital lab with water. It’s not resting on its laurels, and this new contract will help it prepare a technology demonstration of the docking process its RAFTI facilitates in its own test facilities this summer.
Longer-term, this is just phase one of a multi-par funding agreement with the NSF. Phase one includes $250,000 to make that first demo, and then ultimately that will lead to an inaugural trial of a fuel sale operation in space, which OrbitFab CMO Jeremy Schiel says should happen “within two years.”
“This will involve 2 satellites, our tanker, and a customer satellite, in a low LEO [low Earth orbit] docking, exchanging fuel, and decoupling, and repeating this process as many times as we can to demonstrate our capability,” he wrote via email.
There have been a number of technical projects and demonstrations around orbital refueling, and some of the largest companies in the industry are working on the challenge. But OrbitFab’s approach is aiming for simplicity, and ease of execution, along with a common standard that can be leveraged across a wide range of satellites large and small, from a range of companies. Already, OrbitFab says it’s working with a group of 30 different campaigns and organizations on making RAFTI a broadly adopted interface.
If successful, OrbitFab could underpin a future orbital commercial operating environment in which fuel isn’t nearly as much a concern when it comes to launch costs, with on-orbit roving gas stations addressing demand for spacecraft once they reach space, and paying a price for propellant that’s defrayed by common, bulk shipments instead of broken up piecemeal.
The FCC unanimously passed a new set of rules today that will require wireless carriers to implement a tech framework to combat robocalls. Called STIR/SHAKEN, and dithered over for years by the carriers, the protocol will be required to be put in place by summer of 2021.
Robocalls have grown from vexation to serious problem as predictable “claim your free vacation” scams gave way to “here’s how to claim your stimulus check” or “apply for coronavirus testing here” scams.
A big part of the problem is that the mobile networks allow for phone numbers to be spoofed or imitated, and it’s never clear to the call recipient that the number they see may be different from the actual originating number. Tracking and preventing fraudulent use of this feature has been on the carriers’ roadmap for a long time, and some have gotten around to it in some ways, for some customers.
STIR/SHAKEN, which stands for Secure Telephony Identity Revisited / Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs, is a way to securely track calls and callers to prevent fraud and warn consumers of potential scams. Carriers and the FCC have been talking about it since 2017, and in 2018 the FCC said it needed to be implemented in 2019. When that hadn’t happened, the FCC gave carriers a nudge, and at the end of the year Congress passed the TRACED Act to spur the regulator into carrying out its threat of mandating use of the system.
Rules to that effect were proposed earlier this month, and at the FCC’s open meeting today (conducted remotely), the measure passed unanimously. Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who has been vocal about the lack of concrete action on this issue, gladly approved the rules but vented her frustration in a statement:
It is good news that today the Federal Communications Commission adopts rules to reduce robocalls through call authentication. I only wish we had done so sooner, like three years ago when the FCC first proposed the use of STIR/SHAKEN technology.
Commissioner Brendan Starks called the rules a “good first step,” but pointed out that the carriers need to apply call authentication technology not just on the IP-based networks but all over, and also to work with each other (as some already are) to ensure that these protections remain in place across networks, not just within them.
Chairman Ajit Pai concurred, pointing out there was much work to do:
It’s clear that FCC action is needed to spur across-the-board deployment of this important technology…Widespread implementation of STIR/SHAKEN will reduce the effectiveness of illegal spoofing, allow law enforcement to identify bad actors more easily, and help phone companies identify—and even block—calls with illegal spoofed caller ID information before those calls reach their subscribers. Most importantly, it will give consumers more peace of mind when they answer the phone.
There’s no silver bullet for the problem of spoofed robocalls. So we will continue our aggressive, multi-pronged approach to combating it.
Consumers won’t notice any immediate changes — the deadline is next year, after all — but it’s likely that in the coming months you will receive more information from your carrier about the technology and what, if anything, you need to do to enable it.
Now that we’re all stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, video calls have gone from a novelty to a necessity. Zoom, the popular videoconferencing service, seems to be doing better than most and has quickly become one of, if not the most, popular option going.
But should it be?
Zoom’s recent popularity has also shone a spotlight on the company’s security protections and privacy promises. Just today, The Intercept reported that Zoom video calls are not end-to-end encrypted, despite the company’s claims that they are.
And Motherboard reports that Zoom is leaking the email addresses of “at least a few thousand” people because personal addresses are treated as if they belong to the same company.
It’s the latest examples of the company having to spend the last year mopping up after a barrage of headlines examining the company’s practices and misleading marketing. To wit:
Apple was forced to step in to secure millions of Macs after a security researcher found Zoom failed to disclose that it installed a secret web server on users’ Macs, which Zoom failed to remove when the client was uninstalled. The researcher, Jonathan Leitschuh, said the web server meant any malicious website could activate Mac webcam with Zoom installed without the user’s permission. The researcher declined a bug bounty payout because Zoom wanted Leitschuh to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which would have prevented him from disclosing details of the bug.
Zoom was quietly sending data to Facebook about a user’s Zoom habits — even when the user does not have a Facebook account. Motherboard reported that the iOS app was notifying Facebook when they opened the app, the device model, which phone carrier they opened the app, and more. Zoom removed the code in response, but not fast enough to prevent a class action lawsuit or New York’s attorney general from launching an investigation.
Zoom came under fire again for its “attendee tracking” feature, which, when enabled, lets a host check if participants are clicking away from the main Zoom window during a call.
A security researcher found that the Zoom uses a “shady” technique to install its Mac app without user interaction. “The same tricks that are being used by macOS malware,” the researcher said.
On the bright side and to some users’ relief, we reported that it is in fact possible to join a Zoom video call without having to download or use the app. But Zoom’s “dark patterns” doesn’t make it easy to start a video call using just your browser.
Zoom has faced questions over its lack of transparency on law enforcement requests it receives. Access Now, a privacy and rights group, called on Zoom to release the number of requests it receives, just as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and many more tech giants report on a semi-annual basis.
Then there’s Zoombombing, where trolls take advantage of open or unprotected meetings and poor default settings to take over screen-sharing and broadcast porn or other explicit material. The FBI this week warned users to adjust their settings to avoid trolls hijacking video calls.
And Zoom tightened its privacy policy this week after it was criticized for allowing Zoom to collect information about users’ meetings — like videos, transcripts and shared notes — for advertising.
There are many more privacy-focused alternatives to Zoom. Three are several options, but they all have their pitfalls. FaceTime and WhatsApp are end-to-end encrypted, but FaceTime works only on Apple devices and WhatsApp is limited to just four video callers at a time. A lesser known video calling platform, Jitsi, is not end-to-end encrypted but it’s open source — so you can look at the code to make sure there are no backdoors — and it works across all devices and browsers. You can run Jitsi on a server you control for greater privacy.
In fairness, Zoom is not inherently bad and there are many reasons why Zoom is so popular. It’s easy to use, reliable and for the vast majority it’s incredibly convenient.
But Zoom’s misleading claims give users a false sense of security and privacy. Whether it’s hosting a virtual happy hour or a yoga class, or using Zoom for therapy or government cabinet meetings, everyone deserves privacy.
Now more than ever Zoom has a responsibility to its users. For now, Zoom at your own risk.
Houseparty has been a smashing success with people staying home during the coronavirus pandemic who still want to connect with friends.
The group video chat app, interspersed with games and other bells and whistles, raises it above the more mundane Zooms and Hangouts (fun only in their names, otherwise pretty serious tools used by companies, schools and others who just need to work) when it comes to creating engaged leisure time, amid a climate where all of them are seeing a huge surge in growth.
All that looked like it could possibly fall apart for Houseparty and its new owner Epic Games when a series of reports appeared Monday claiming Houseparty was breached, and that malicious hackers were using users’ data to access their accounts on other apps such as Spotify and Netflix.
Houseparty was swift to deny the reports and even go so far as to claim — without evidence — it was investigating indications that the “breach” was a “paid commercial smear to harm Houseparty,” offering a $1 million reward to whoever could prove its theory.
For now, there is no proof that there was a breach, nor proof that there was a paid smear campaign, and when we reached out to ask Houseparty and Epic about this investigation, a spokesperson said: “We don’t have anything to add here at the moment.”
But that doesn’t mean that Houseparty doesn’t have privacy issues.
As the old saying goes, “if the product is free, you are the product.” In the case of the free app Houseparty, the publishers detail a 12,000+ word privacy policy that covers any and all uses of data that it might collect by way of you logging on to or using its service, laying out the many ways that it might use data for promotional or commercial purposes.
There are some clear lines in the policy about what it won’t use. For example, while phone numbers might get shared for tech support, with partnerships that you opt into, to link up contacts to talk with and to authenticate you, “we will never share your phone number or the phone numbers of third parties in your contacts with anyone else.”
But beyond that, there are provisions in there that could see Houseparty selling anonymized and other data, leading Ray Walsh of research firm ProPrivacy to describe it as a “privacy nightmare.”
“Anybody who decides to use the Houseparty application to stay in contact during quarantine needs to be aware that the app collects a worrying amount of personal information,” he said. “This includes geolocation data, which could, in theory, be used to map the location of each user. A closer look at Houseparty's privacy policy reveals that the firm promises to anonymize and aggregate data before it is shared with the third-party affiliates and partners it works with. However, time and time again, researchers have proven that previously anonymized data can be re-identified.”
There are ways around this for the proactive. Walsh notes that users can go into the settings to select “private mode” to “lock” rooms they use to stop people from joining unannounced or uninvited; switch locations off; use fake names and birthdates; disconnect all other social apps; and launch the app on iOS with a long press to “sneak into the house” without notifying all your contacts.
But with a consumer app, it’s a longshot to assume that most people, and the younger users who are especially interested in Houseparty, will go through all of these extra steps to secure their information.
Facebook first launched its Community Help feature in 2017, to give users a way to offer assistance, search for help and receive help in the wake of a crisis. The feature has since been used to connect Facebook users after man-made, accidental and natural disasters, like terrorist attacks or weather events, for example. Today, Facebook is expanding Community Help as part of its COVID-19 efforts. The new COVID-19 Community Help hub will allow people to request or offer help to those impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, as well as donate to nonprofit fundraisers.
This is the first time Facebook has launched Community Help on a global scale. It’s also the first time it’s been used for a health pandemic.
The feature will launch first in the U.S., Canada, France, U.K. and Australia, Facebook says.
A somewhat similar feature, Help Map, was recently introduced by the neighborhood social network and Facebook competitor Nextdoor, but it hasn’t yet seen widespread adoption. In part, that’s because Nextdoor isn’t making the new addition as obvious as it could — it’s currently buried in the “More” tab instead of being a central focus in the app. Also, the Help Map simply allows people to list themselves as being able to offer assistance to someone in need or as being in need of aid.
Facebook’s Community Help hub, meanwhile, builds on Facebook’s earlier efforts with Crisis Response, which connected multiple tools in one place.The COVID-19 Community Help feature can be found within Facebook’s existing COVID-19 Information Center, which is live in more than 30 countries.
Launched earlier in March, the COVID-19 Information Center today sits at the top of the News Feed and connects users to authoritative health information from global health authorities, along with curated posts from politicians, journalists, and other public figures.
Since its debut, more than 1 billion users have accessed the information shared by health authorities on the Information Center and through the educational pop-ups on Facebook and Instagram, the company claims. More than 100 million people clicked through to learn more from the sources directly.
This now continues as the Community Hub launches across the supported markets. However, it will now exist as its own destination, which includes fundraisers. It also will include additional categories, like Food, Baby Supplies, Toiletries and Business Support — the latter which allows local businesses to ask for help and respond to offers for help.
Facebook also clarifies that users will be able to post or comment in reply to posts about offering assistance, as either an individual user or as a Facebook Page. And both individuals and Facebook Pages will be able to share posts to let others know what they need.
Facebook says the COVID-19 Community Help hub will arrive in more countries around the world in the next few weeks, starting first with higher-risk countries across Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Sophie Alcorn is the founder of Alcorn Immigration Law in Silicon Valley and 2019 Global Law Experts Awards' "Law Firm of the Year in California for Entrepreneur Immigration Services." She connects people with the businesses and opportunities that expand their lives.
Here’s another edition of "Dear Sophie," the advice column that answers immigration-related questions about working at technology companies.
"Your questions are vital to the spread of knowledge that allows people all over the world to rise above borders and pursue their dreams," says Sophie Alcorn, a Silicon Valley immigration attorney. "Whether you're in people ops, a founder or seeking a job in Silicon Valley, I would love to answer your questions in my next column."
If I'm selected in this year's lottery, how do we craft a strong H-1B petition? If I'm not selected, what are my other options?
— Hoping in Hayward
Dear Hoping:
Thank you for asking the questions that are on the minds of many H-1B first-timers. Don't worry! Several options exist if you're not selected.
It's really important, especially for early-stage companies, to work with experienced attorneys to guide them through this process. Now that USCIS has changed it's system, if you're already selected, then having a great attorney is really important to mitigate any remaining risk in the rest of the process. There are lots of wonderful, experienced immigration lawyers out there to choose from.
This year's new H-1B online lottery registration process ended on March 20. By March 31, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will notify companies whose H-1B candidates have been selected.
If USCIS selects you, your sponsoring employer will have 90 days to submit a complete H-1B petition. Employers can file an H-1B petition up to six months before a candidate's intended start date.
It's great that you're already here in the U.S. H-1B candidates living outside of the U.S. seeking consular processing may face delays coming here for their employment start date depending on when coronavirus-related consulate closures and travel restrictions are lifted. These situations need to be addressed individually.
If meeting a deadline during any step of the process becomes difficult or impossible due to COVID-19, it's possible to request special handling from the government. The federal government grants extensions under special circumstances, such as floods and hurricanes. The COVID-19 pandemic is a special circumstance.
Because COVID-19 is prompting policy and procedural changes with little or no warning, I recommend consulting an immigration attorney for assistance.
If you haven't already, assemble the necessary documents as soon as possible. Obtaining documents may take longer now that most universities and companies are closed due to the pandemic.
Sophie's podcast, Immigration Law for Tech Startups, is available on all major podcast platforms.
Your sponsoring employer will need to assemble documents that demonstrate the appropriate policies and cash flow to hire you. Startups need to be extra careful to meet all the requirements. You should have easily accessible:
Current resume
Diplomas and certificates
Passports used to enter U.S.
Past immigration documents (I-20, DS-2019, I-797, etc.)
A Labor Condition Application (LCA) approved by the U.S. Department of Labor is required with all H-1B petitions. For the LCA, your startup must promise to pay at least the prevailing wage to you and ensure that your employment conditions won't negatively affect other workers.
If this is a startup and it's the company's first H-1B, it must get its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) verified by the Labor Department's Office of Foreign Labor Certification before starting. That process typically takes a week or so. Timing is key to filing an LCA. Keep in mind that the Labor Department typically makes a decision on whether to certify an LCA within seven business days.
Employers do not need to submit evidence to the Labor Department for an LCA, but they must post a copy of the H-1B notification, which can be done electronically, as well as keep all supporting documents in a file and make it available for public viewing.
The employer will also need to fill out Form I-129 (Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker), and assemble compelling evidence and supporting documents. Check and double check the form and your documents to avoid mistakes and omissions, which can prompt USCIS to deny a petition. Make sure the info contained in the LCA matches Form I-129. Remember to include all required signatures.
USCIS recently announced that scanned or photocopied signatures will be allowed on all documents and petitions during the COVID-19 emergency. Make sure you pay the proper fees and send your package to the correct address with a way to track that package.
USCIS recently announced the temporary suspension of premium processing for H-1B petitions. The agency expects to resume premium processing for individuals changing status from an F-1 student visa by May 27, and all others by June 29. For an extra fee, premium processing enables employers to receive a decision on a petition within 15 days. Without premium processing, the USCIS California Service Center is currently taking two to four months.
If you don't get selected in the H-1B lottery, relax! Your startup can sponsor you for an H-1B again next year because there's no limit on the number of years you can be entered in the lottery, whether you're inside or outside the U.S. and whether you're currently employed by them or not. In the meantime, several other visa options exist for individuals like you who qualify for an H-1B:
O-1A Visa: If have "extraordinary ability" in the sciences, education or business, you could be eligible for an O-1A. However, the bar for qualifying for an O-1A is higher than for an H-1B.
J-1 Visa: Most employers cannot directly sponsor an individual for a J-1 visa, which is a work-and-study visitor exchange program. The U.S. State Department designates public and private sponsor organizations to supervise the exchange programs and application process that can be used to support a J-1 at a specific company.
L-1 Visas: If your employer has an office outside of the U.S. — or you can set up one for them — and you can work in that overseas office for 12 months or more, your employer can then transfer you back to the U.S. under an L-1A visa for executives and managers or an L-1B visa for employees with specialized knowledge. No annual quotas exist for L-1 visas, and these visas are "dual intent" and can lead to a green card.
F-1 Visa: You could become a full-time student at an accredited college or university under an F-1 visa. Some graduate programs require Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or allow Optional Practical Training (OPT). Both training programs enable students to gain work experience in their field of study.
The following options are available to you if you're a citizen of Chile, Singapore, Australia, Canada or Mexico:
H-1B1 Visa: If you're a citizen of Chile or Singapore, you're eligible for an H-1B1. Each year, 1,400 H-1B1 visas are reserved for Chileans and 5,400 are reserved for Singaporeans. Rarely are those visas exhausted.
E-3 Visa: If you're an Australian national, you're eligible for an E-3 for "specialty occupation" professionals who have specialized theoretical or practical knowledge. An LCA is required. A maximum of 10,500 E-3 visas is available annually, but they rarely are exhausted.
TN Visa: If you're from Canada or Mexico, you could work temporarily under a TN (Treaty National) visa for certain occupations. TN visas have no annual quota and allow for unlimited extensions as long as the employer and conditions of employment remain the same.
Fingers crossed that you get selected in the lottery!
All my best,
Have a question? Ask it here; we reserve the right to edit your submission for clarity and or space. The information provided in "Dear Sophie" is general information and not legal advice. For more information on the limitations of "Dear Sophie," please view our full disclaimer here. You can contact Sophie directly at Alcorn Immigration Law.
On-demand shuttle startup Via has hit a $2.25 billion valuation following a Series E funding round led by Exor, the Agnelli family holding company that owns stakes in PartnerRe, Ferrari and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
The Series E funding round, which included other investors, totaled $400 million, according to a source familiar with the deal. Exor invested $200 million into Via as part of the round, both companies said in an announcement. Noam Ohana, who heads up Exor Seeds, the holding company’s early-stage investment arm, will join Via’s board.
New investors Macquarie Capital, Mori Building and Shell also participated in the round, as well as existing investors 83North, Broadscale Group, Ervington Investments, Hearst Ventures, Planven Ventures, Pitango and RiverPark Ventures.
Via, which employs about 700 people, plans to use most of these funds to expand its “partnerships,” the software services piece of its business. Via has two sides to its business. The company operates consumer-facing shuttles in Chicago, Washington, D.C. and New York. But the core of its business is really its underlying software platform, which it sells to cities and transportation authorities to deploy their own shuttles.
When the company first launched in 2012, there was little interest from cities in the software platform, according to co-founder and CEO Daniel Ramot . The company started by focusing on its consumer-facing shuttles. Over time, and using the massive amounts of data it collected through these services, Via improved its dynamic, on-demand routing algorithm, which uses real-time data to route shuttles to where they’re needed most.
Via landed its first city partnership with Austin in late 2017, after providing the platform to the transit authority for free. It was enough to allow Via to develop case studies and convince other cities to buy into the service. In 2019, the partnerships side of the business “took off,” Ramot said in a recent interview, adding that the company was signing on two to three cities a week before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today, the Via platform is used by more than 100 partners, including cities such as Los Angeles and Cupertino, Calif., and Arriva Bus UK, a Deutsche Bahn company that uses it for a first and last-mile service connecting commuters to a high-speed train station in Kent, U.K.
Raising funds in a pandemic
Via managed to close the funding round during an inauspicious time for startups that have found it increasingly difficult to lock in capital due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus, has upended markets, along with every industrial and business sector, from manufacturing and transportation to energy and real estate.
Via managed to raise a sizable fund, which just closed, despite the credit tightening and uncertainty. Ramot told TechCrunch that while he was worried the round might be delayed, he noted that Exor is a long-term and patient investor that shares the company’s “same vision of where transit is going.”
Even now, as nearly every category within transportation — including public transit, ride-hailing, shared micromobility and airlines — has seen ridership drop or dry up altogether, Ramot and Ohana see a promising future.
Ohana said that the market is starting to understand the limits of ride-hailing — hurdles such as poor unit economics and an uncertain path to profitability. “On the other hand, the size of the market for an on-demand dynamic shuttle service is large and underappreciated,” Ohana said. “When we look at public transit today, there is a significant opportunity for Via, which already has impressive experience working with municipal and public transit partners across the globe.”
That doesn’t mean Via is immune to the widespread tumult caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Via’s consumer business has been negatively affected as ridership has dropped due to the spreading disease.
However, there has been some promise with its partnerships business, Ramot said.
Existing partners, a list that includes transit authorities in Berlin, Germany, Ohio and Malta, have worked with Via to convert or adapt the software to meet new needs during the pandemic. A city might dedicate its shuttle service to transporting goods or essential personnel. For instance, Berlin converted its 120-shuttle fleet transport to an overnight service that provides free transit to healthcare workers traveling to and from work.
“There has been a real interest in emergency services,” Ramot said, adding he expects to see more demand for the software platform and the flexibility it provides as the pandemic unfolds.
General Catalyst, the 20-year-old venture firm that has been bulking up in recent years, announced this morning that it has secured $2.3 billion in capital commitments across three funds: a $600 million early-stage fund, a $1 billion growth fund for companies with $10 million-plus in annual revenue and a $700 million “endurance fund” to back large companies doing more than $100 million in sales, as reported earlier in Forbes.
It’s an impressive amount for the firm, which last closed a $1.4 billion fund in 2018 that combined its early and growth-stage investments — which was itself a huge leap from the $845 million in capital that General Catalyst raised in early 2016 across two funds.
Seemingly, the idea is to compete in more later-stage deals, which could well come down in price as other, non-traditional backers are forced to retrench from the suddenly dicey market.
SoftBank, whose fortunes have shifted, is one example. Mutual fund investors that have flocked to privately held companies will likely start committing less capital to illiquid startups right now, too, especially given that the IPO window is shut for the foreseeable future.
The firm tells Forbes it’s also looking to back sectors that are more relevant than ever in the era of coronavirus, including healthcare software, technologies for remote education and working.
Just today, Olive, a Columbus, Ohio-based healthcare startup that’s looking to AI-enabled robotic process automation solution, said it has raised $51 million in funding led by General Catalyst, with participation from its earlier backers. (FierceHealthcare has more here.)
Still, the firm’s limited partners, including university endowments and pension funds that have been asked to provide more, faster, to venture funds in recent years, have seen their assets hard hit by the sudden economic downturn. It will surely make the kind of commitments they’ve made to General Catalyst and other firms to recently announce giant funds somewhat trickier to execute.
While there’s no reason to think they won’t fulfill their obligations, during the last major downturn in the startup world back in 2000 (the 2008 recession hit Wall Street much harder than Silicon Valley), some venture firms wound up reducing the size of their funds.
In part, they did this to ease the financial obligations of their limited partners. In part, they suddenly needed a lot less capital. Another reason they cut back what were then record-breaking-size funds was the harsh realization that the more they raised, the harder it would be to produce venture-like returns.
General Catalyst has a number of high-flying bets in its portfolio. Among them: Stripe and Airbnb. It isn’t yet clear how Stripe is faring in the current environment, but Airbnb and its hosts around the world have been struggling as much of the world shelters in place.
Though the company originally expected to go public in 2020, those plans seem highly unlikely now.
Update: Unfortunately, we’re going to have to postpone this call. We’ll be in touch soon with the new dates. In the meantime, we have plenty of exciting calls slated and can’t wait to share them with you. Stay tuned!
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that tomorrow at 12pm EDT/9am PDT, we will be joined by these wonderful FirstMark partners for a live Zoom chat.
We’ll ask how they’re advising their portfolio companies during these challenging times, how COVID-19 has changed their investment thesis (if at all) and what trends are exciting to them. More importantly, guests of the Zoom will also be able to ask questions and have them answered live on the call.
FirstMark has an impressive portfolio that includes Shopify, Airbnb, InVision, Pinterest, DraftKings, Discord and many, many more. The NYC-based firm is on its fourth early-stage fund and second growth-stage fund, with $480 million between the pair. (TechCrunch covered FirstMark’s latest funds here.)
I’m amped to talk to Heitzmann, Jani, Turck, Ferreira and Nelson and hope you’ll join us. Interested? Hit up this Zoom link at 12pm EDT/9am PDT to take part! (Please observe normal human manners: Wear clothes, don’t screenshare, generally be polite.)
We’ll publish a lightly edited audio recording and transcript to Extra Crunch on Thursday for folks who miss out! But for everyone who can make it, we’ll see you tomorrow at noon Eastern. West Coast folks can dial in over breakfast.
The value of technology companies has fallen as the broader public markets have repriced themselves in light of COVID-19-related market and economic disruptions.
And as the public markets sort out the new value of a huge piece of global business, private companies are being shaken as well.
What happens in the public markets trickles into the private markets, so if we’re seeing the value of public tech companies fall, startups are going to take a hit. To understand that dynamic, we spoke with Mary D’Onofrio, an investor with Bessemer Venture Partners. She’s the right person to chat with about the links between private valuations and public share prices as she not only helps put capital into growing startups, she also helps run the Bessemer cloud index (now a partnership with Nasdaq, and trackable on a day-to-day basis).
As she’s versed on both sides of the public-private divide, we asked her how she values startups in normal market conditions and in more turbulent times like today. We also dug into how founders are reacting to the changing world that may no longer be as amenable to their business plans. Pulling from our conversation, D’Onofrio told TechCrunch that startups want to be valued like companies were a few months ago, while investors want to pay today’s market prices.
But enough introduction, let’s get to the conversation. This interview has been edited for length and clarity; thanks to Holden Page and Walter Thompson for help with the transcription.
TechCrunch: During our last conversation, we discussed how to value startups. You explained a method in which you consider the future value of cash flows. How do you value startups today versus how much you think they’ll be worth down the road?
Mary D’Onofrio: I think what’s important to know is that outside of a market disruption, which I think was the the nature of the question to begin with, cloud software tends to trade on revenue and revenue growth. Companies should fundamentally be valued on the present value of their future free cash flows. But I think with cloud software, in particular, there’s a prioritization of taking [market]share, and then applying a very long term healthy margin structure on a very massive revenue base once you get there, and generating cash then.
And so I think in bull markets, when capital is readily available, prioritizing growth makes a lot of sense because you want to capture as much share as you can. And then losses are also tolerable because the capital is available to fund that massive growth. And there are actual measurable metrics that validate that structure, with CLTV to CAC [customer lifetime value to customer acquisition costs] being one of them.
Dark Sky, the popular weather app, has been acquired by Apple . News of the acquisition comes by way of Dark Sky’s own blog.
The company says that there will be “no changes” for users on iOS right now — but for Dark Sky users on Android, the forecast isn’t so good. The company says it’ll shutdown the service on Android in just a few months time.
From their post:
Android and Wear OS App:
The app will no longer be available for download. Service to existing users and subscribers will continue until July 1, 2020, at which point the app will be shut down. Subscribers who are still active at that time will receive a refund.
The company will also no longer accept new signups for its API, which allowed other developers to tap Dark Sky’s database of “weather forecasts and historical weather data“. The company is committing to running that API through the end of 2021, but it’s unclear what’ll happen to it after that.
Dark Sky found its following by being one of the first apps to focus on “hyperlocal” weather, with reports based on your precise location rather than a swooping approximation for an entire zip code. For places like San Francisco where the weather can vary wildly from neighborhood to neighborhood, that’s a must.
Tina Sharkey, the founder and former CEO of the recently closed D2C brand Brandless, has today been appointed to the board of directors of PBS. Sharkey is an independent board member.
Before her time at Brandless, Sharkey spent years in the media world. She scaled Johnson & Johnson’s platform for new and expecting moms, called Baby Center, oversaw AOL’s transition from a closed network to the open web and co-founded iVillage. She also served as president of the Sesame Street Digital Group, the nonprofit behind Sesame Street with a mission of making educational storytelling available to anyone.
PBS, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, has more than 300 partner stations and a presence on most digital platforms.
“PBS is so committed to universal access to the arts and educational storytelling,” said Sharkey in an interview with TechCrunch. “You may not know that they invented closed captioning. They still maintain the Public Emergency Broadcast System. They have all kinds of streaming services with distribution on Amazon, Roku, YouTube. They have their own app. But most importantly, they are able to quickly adapt in this moment of COVID-19 to become one of the world’s largest classrooms.”
Sharkey joins a 27-person board that includes Professional Directors (station leaders), General Directors (lay members of the board) and the PBS President and CEO Paula Kerger.
Sharkey is best known in the tech world for her time at Brandless, a D2C brand that sold household supplies, grocery items and pet products for $3/item. The company controlled most of the full stack, from manufacturing through to sales, and delivered an interesting alternative to Amazon. Also garnering attention from the tech world: Brandless raised nearly $300 million in funding, including $240 million from SoftBank’s Vision Fund.
Brandless shuttered in February of this year, but Sharkey says there are lessons that can be carried over from her experience at the D2C startup.
“Brandless tapped into something very powerful around democratizing access to better things,” said Sharkey. “Better should be available to everyone. With Brandless, it was about better stuff. For PBS, it’s about better access and better educational tools and better stories. So it’s a different product, but it’s the same belief system, and that’s that communities want to be convened and be seen and everyone has a story to tell.”
Sharkey added that some of her favorite PBS programming includes FrontLine, News Hour and the shows that offer more democratized access to the arts, such as live performances and Broadway shows.
Genomics health technology startup Color is doing its part to address the global COVID-19 pandemic, and has detailed the steps it’s taking to support expansion of testing efforts in a new blog post and letter from CEO Othman Laraki on Tuesday. The efforts include development of a high-throughput lab that can process as many as 10,000 tests per day, with a turnaround time of within 24 hours for reporting results to physicians. In order to provide the most benefit possible from the effort of standing this lab up, Color will also make the design, protocols and specifics of this lab available open-source to anyone else looking to establish high-capacity lab testing.
Color’s lab is also already nearly ready to begin processing samples — it’s going live “in the coming week,” according to Laraki. The Color team worked in tandem with MIT’s Broad Institute, as well as Harvard and Weill Cornell Medicine to develop its process and testing techniques that can allow for higher bandwidth results output versus standard, in-use methods.
The focus of Color’s efforts in making this happen have been on using automation wherever possible, and seeking techniques that source parts and components, including reagents, that can come from different supply chains. That’s actually a crucial ingredient to being able to ramp efforts at scale nationally and globally, because if everyone is using the same lab processing methods, you’re going to run up against a bottleneck pretty quickly in terms of supplies. Being able to process tens of thousands of tests per day is great on paper, but it means nothing if one ingredient you need to make that happen is also required by every other testing lab in the country.
Color has also made efforts to address COVID-19 response in two other key areas: testing for front-line and essential workers, and post-test follow-up and processing. To address the need for testing for those workers who continue to operate in public-facing roles despite the risks, Color has redirected its enterprise employee base to providing, in tandem with governments and employers, onsite clinical test administration, lab transportation and results reporting with patient physicians.
For its post-test workflow, Color is working to address the challenges reported by other clinicians and health officials around how difficult it is to be consistent and effective in following up on the results of tests, as well as next steps. So the company is opening up their own platform for doing so, which they’ve re-tooled in response to their experience to date, and making that available to any other COVID-19 testing labs for free use. These resources include test result reporting, guidelines and instructions for patients, follow-up questionnaires around contact tracing and support for how to reach out to potentially exposed individuals tied to a patient who tests positive.
To date, Color says that it has been able to operate at cost, in part backed by support by philanthropic public and private donations. The company is encouraging direct outreach via its covid-response@color.com email in case anyone thinks they can contribute to or benefit from the project and the resources being made available.
Amazon faces worker complaints over its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, General Motors says it’s moving fast to manufacture face masks and we’ve got some numbers quantifying the video conferencing boom. Here’s your Daily Crunch for March 31, 2020.
Yesterday, warehouse workers on Staten Island in New York walked off the job in protest of Amazon's treatment amid the crisis. Meanwhile, workers at Whole Foods, which is owned by Amazon, are organizing a "sick out" strike to demand better protections on the job, Vice reports.
“We have taken extreme measures to keep people safe, tripling down on deep cleaning, procuring safety supplies that are available, and changing processes to ensure those in our buildings are keeping safe distances,” an Amazon spokesperson said. “The truth is the vast majority of employees continue to show up and do the heroic work of delivering for customers every day."
The automotive giant said in a released statement that it expects to deliver 20,000 masks on April 8 — and soon after, it should be able to produce 50,000 masks a day once the production line is at full capacity.
According to a new report from App Annie, business conferencing apps have been experiencing record growth and just hit their biggest week ever in March, topping 62 million downloads during the week of March 14-21. Meanwhile, social networking video app Houseparty has also seen phenomenal growth in Europe during lockdowns and home quarantines.
Camp is relinquishing his role as a board director and switching to board observer, where he says he'll focus on product strategy for the ride hailing giant. In his Medium post announcing the shift, Camp signs off by saying he's looking forward to helping Uber "brainstorm the next big idea.”
We asked several of the VCs who participated in our last digital health survey to update us on how COVID-19 is impacting digital health startups and broader healthcare systems around the world. (Extra Crunch membership required.)
The studio behind Pokémon Go has acquired 6D.ai, a promising augmented reality startup focused on building software that allowed smartphone cameras to rapidly detect the 3D layouts of spaces around them.
The service, available globally in about a dozen markets, will launch in India on Hotstar, one of the most popular on-demand streaming services in the country (it’s also owned by Disney). The company said it is raising the yearly subscription cost of the combined entity, Disney+Hotstar, to Rs 1,499 ($20), up from Rs 999 ($13.20).
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