Sunday, January 22, 2017

New Games

New Games

Neko Atsume is going to be the greatest videogame movie ever

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 12:30 PM PST

Videogame movies have had it tough for like, ever really. I've seen some competent ones, I've seen some that bordered on good, but I still haven't seen a great adaptation. I'm not sure what's to blame for all of their failures, but perhaps it's because they're aiming too high? Maybe all an adaptation needs is a small story about a guy and some cats. 

Neko Atsume no Ie ("Cat Collection's House"), based on Hit-Point's Neko Atsume mobile game, follows a struggling novelist (Atsushi Ito) who moves to the countryside to write his next story. He soon feeds a friendly stray cat and suddenly finds his house is teeming with cutie kitties. 

I may not speak Japanese, but I don't think I need to for this. Give me all the cats please and thank you. Neko Atsume no Ie opens in Japan this April. 

Neko Atsume no Ie Movie Poster is a Feline Cat-astrophe [Crunchyroll]

Neko Atsume is going to be the greatest videogame movie ever screenshot


Review: Razer Ornata Chroma Keyboard

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 10:30 AM PST

In the year 2016, mechanical keyboards and membrane keyboards are currently embroiled in an ongoing war. Those in love with the former contend that having actual mechanical switches under their buttons gives typing and gaming a higher amount of precision, and that once you feel that tactile ka-chunk it's hard to go back to stock keyboards. Supporters of the latter say there's no need to spend the extra money, and that PC hardware companies are just trying to milk gamers for their cash.

With Razer's Ornata Chroma keyboard, a new challenger has entered the fray, hoping to unite people who think way too damn much about keyboards, like I do.

Review: Razer Ornata Chroma Keyboard screenshot


A quick guide to starting the Kingdom Hearts series

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 09:00 AM PST

[Kingdom Hearts is a confusing series that continuously stacks iterations of story, weaving prequels and interquels into an incomprehensible mess. Luckily, TheBlondeBass has a great primer to people looking to find a foothold. Great news for me considering I now own a PS4 with an upcoming HD remaster coming later this year. ~Strider]

Kingdom Hearts. A game series started on PS2, that managed to fit in eight titles and multiple collections across consoles and portables alike before Kingdom Hearts III even launches on PS4 and Xbox One. The multiple non-numbered entries since Kingdom Hearts II have been a source of confusion for many and a seemingly impenetrable wall for those who are curious to check out the series and see what the fuss is all about.

A quick guide to starting the Kingdom Hearts series screenshot


Watch while you can: Leaked glimpse of the new Mega Man cartoon

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 04:00 AM PST

Fun Fact: I was a part of a "Nielsen family" back when the Ruby Spears Mega Man cartoon first aired in the United States. It smelled, but I gave it top ratings anyway, because I loved Mega Man and I always wanted Mega Man to win, even when he smells. So you may have me to "thank" for the second season of that show. 

Mega Man fans around the world have had plenty of reason to believe that the upcoming show from Man of Action might smell just as bad. It's hard to imagine how a tiny robot that leaps out of Mega Man's head could be anything more than a frown maker. That said, the few seconds of the upcoming cartoon shown in the promotional reel above look good enough for me. Fire Man and Drill Man have redesigns that stay true enough to the originals, and Mega Man's chunky legs don't show any signs of smelling. At least, not yet anyway. 

The reel sure to be taken down as soon as the owners of the show real fast, so get a load of it while the getting is good. 

First Look at the New Mega Man Animated Series [Rockman Corner]

Watch while you can: Leaked glimpse of the new Mega Man cartoon screenshot

Like a Dragon: a guide to the Yakuza series

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 10:00 AM PST

With BlondeBass's recently informative guide to the Kingdom Hearts' series confusing miasma of sequels and prequels chronology. I thought it'd be appropriate for me to step up, and do something similar for the Yakuza series now that 0 is just about to release. Originally, I had planned for a blog to go more thoroughly in depth with the series and games, and I might still do that. For now, we are going through the cliff notes. but I always say that and it always turns out something more. Bass's blog compelled me to do this blog since I really want this series to reach a lot more people.

Like a Dragon: a guide to the Yakuza series screenshot

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