New Games |
- Turns out Resident Evil's Jill Valentine makes a good Jill Valentine
- Site maintenance note: it's 5 o'clock somewhere
- There's a manga character in Mario Maker
- Rocket League is bringing back hockey mode
- Comments of the Week: Lots of Love
- Gaming is 'only limited by the bastards with the money,' says Guillermo del Toro
- Nintendo Download: Fire Emblem Fates
- See the madness that is MAGFest 2016 first-hand
- It happened to me! I had fun playing Paragon
- Firewatch's PS4 patch is live, makes things much better
- Get ready for Pokken Tournament with this cinematic trailer
- You can play Cities: Skylines for free until Sunday
- Discs of Vaughn: Tales from the Borderlands gets a physical edition
- Techland plans to support Dying Light for another full year
- Bethesda has three 'big' and 'different' projects in development
- Explosions in the Sky: Just Cause 3's first big add-on takes to the air
- Disavowed is Star Wars: The Old Republic's next chapter, coming March 10
- Street Fighter V's story mode 'might take you one or two hours'
- Grab Condemned and Binary Domain for free on Steam
- Which version of Fire Emblem Fates should you get?
- The 'definitive' versions of OlliOlli2 and Not a Hero are coming to Xbox One
- Minecraft's next major update is nearly upon us
- Sony is offering free multiplayer on PSN this weekend
- PC Port Report: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
- Review: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
- Seth Rogen is making a show about a socially inept gamer who saves the world
- Watch someone blast enemies into the sky in this Dark Souls III video
- Ratings board hints at PlayStation 4 Smite release
- Rainbow Six Siege patch brings custom matches, spectator cam
- Cameroonian game Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan gets a release date
Turns out Resident Evil's Jill Valentine makes a good Jill Valentine Posted: 18 Feb 2016 03:00 PM PST Actress Julia Voth's likeness was used for Jill Valentine's character model in the 2002 Resident Evil GameCube remake, so it makes a lot of sense that Voth would decide to do a Jill Valentine cosplay photo shoot (random disclosure: turns out the photographer is friends with some of my friends and we also met once maybe?) and that it would be spot on. Note: some of these photos are what we call a spicy meatball so you European folks and graveyard workers might want to exercise restraint before scrolling down further depending on the prudishness levels of your place of employ. Also, |
Site maintenance note: it's 5 o'clock somewhere Posted: 18 Feb 2016 02:11 PM PST A quick note - we're testing some of our newfangled site technology live tonight, replacing this site completely. If you're working on a blog or care for a fragile small animal please take the proper precautions. We don't expect much downtime, but things will likely get weird for a minute. If you haven't already checked out our site please take a peek and let us know if anything's broken or confusing. Otherwise please sit back and relax while we insert this in gently. |
There's a manga character in Mario Maker Posted: 18 Feb 2016 02:00 PM PST Oh, hey, would you look at this video. It's Chitoge Kirisaki from the rom-com manga (and also anime) Nisekoi as a playable character in Super Mario Maker. To unlock her costume, just clear the level "Nisekoi: Chitoge & Kosaki" or "Nisekoi: Tsugumi & Marika" from the Event Courses page. Both were designed by series creator Naoshi Komi. Big eyes for everyone! |
Rocket League is bringing back hockey mode Posted: 18 Feb 2016 01:00 PM PST Some people preferred Rocket League's hockey mode, Snow Day, to the vanilla soccer-style experience. I wouldn't know, because I missed its original run, but I'll have another chance to get into it soon. We all will! The mode is going to show up among the online playlists next week. "Subjectively, this mode is AWESOME, and the seemingly-small change from ball to puck makes an enormous difference in strategy, timing, and teamwork," said developer Psyonix. "Note, that this mode will not replace any current Playlist in any way, and will instead join the existing football (soccer) modes in non-competitive online play." That also goes for the newly-launched Xbox One port of Rocket League. Right now, it's behind PC and PlayStation 4, but all three versions should be "completely aligned" by April. Psyonix is working to put out a quality-of-life update soon and will follow that with "a second update that addresses even more stuff that you guys tell us about" at a later, as-yet-unknown date. Xbox One Roadmap [Rocket League] |
Comments of the Week: Lots of Love Posted: 18 Feb 2016 12:00 PM PST Welcome back to another Comments of the Week! This is the community showcase where fellow Dtoiders, such as yourselves, can read funny comments from other Dtoiders, such as yourselves. Since we all know how much we love ourselves, that means there's lots of love in the air, so wave your hands like you just don't care! Whether you've been busy planning that special night for that special someone, or you simply need something to read to calm your nerves while you wait for the love of your life to frickin' remember what day is today, then this is for you! As always, comments are placed into three categories: TRUTH: According to a survey, 180 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged every year. LOL: I wonder how many V-cards are taken. WUT?: Ladies, I'm offering my membership for $69 this year! If you didn't check out last week's edition of Comments of the Week, then you can find out how big of a bitch my ex is right here. No, I'm totally not still thinking about her! |
Gaming is 'only limited by the bastards with the money,' says Guillermo del Toro Posted: 18 Feb 2016 11:30 AM PST The DICE 2016 talk between director Guillermo del Toro and game designer Hideo Kojima just wrapped up (watch the replay here), and there were a few awesome quotes from both creators. "The storytellers look ahead to see what they can discover, and the money people look back... that's the safe route," del Toro said to hunky moderator Geoff Keighley. He added that in terms of creativity, gaming is "only limited by the bastards with the money." After Keighley quoted del Toro on previously saying he was done with games, he responded, "Except with this man," gesturing towards Kojima. "I'll do whatever the fuck he wants." For those hoping for an exciting announcement between the duo, I'm sorry to report no such thing occurred. When asked if he would like to work with del Toro on something in the future, Kojima said "I don't know what it is. It is probably going to be hell. It is probably going to be really tough. It is probably going to be a game or a movie. I don't care, but we will do it." |
Nintendo Download: Fire Emblem Fates Posted: 18 Feb 2016 11:00 AM PST It's almost Fire Emblem day! But first, let's get the Wii U stuff out of the way first. Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom, and Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones all hit the Wii U Virtual Console, as well as TAP TAP ARCADE. All of those VC games are classic, but Fire Emblem! Both versions of Fates, Birthright and Conquest, launch this week, with accompanying themes to boot. Then there's the first DLC pack, aptly called "Map Pack 1," with 11 maps, and characters from Awakening as a Season Pass of sorts. It will arrive weekly through April 21. Map one, called "Before Awakening" will be free tomorrow. Project X Zone 2 is another big ticket release for 3DS, and Musicverse: Electronic Keyboard is also hitting the eShop. |
See the madness that is MAGFest 2016 first-hand Posted: 18 Feb 2016 10:30 AM PST MAGFest, also known as the Music and Gaming Festival, has blown up since its start in 2002. Originally consisting of just 265 people, this year's con (held at the Gaylord National Harbor Convention Center) is expected to hit 20,000. Highlights include a booth from artist Temmie Chang (of Undertale fame) who is giving out autographs, a full arcade center with a decent amount of Japanese machines, and an awesome merch floor with tons of great works from some talented artists. There's also a full indie booth (with games that are well known and are up and coming) and a console freeplay section. Despite the move to a much larger venue and a bigger crowd, it still has that chill homegrown feel. MAGFest 2016 will run throughout the weekend, and scheduled guests include Keiji Inafune, Austin Wintory, Extra Credits, and more. A stray observation of sorts: Undertale is huge here. Nearly every booth has some sort of merch for it, and a lot of them already sold out of it throughout the day. |
It happened to me! I had fun playing Paragon Posted: 18 Feb 2016 10:00 AM PST Epic Games (Gears of War) announced Paragon (PS4, PC) at PlayStation Experience, an in-tight, third-person MOBA from the developer of seminal shooters like Gears of War and Unreal Tournament. Yes, everything is a MOBA these days. For me that's usually a cue to glaze my eyes over with a special goop my eyes have started secreting at will over the past five years. I played League of Legends once, the weekend it released almost seven years ago (want to feel old!?). Not really my eye-jam. But the MOBA is a tricksy scamp and as Johnny-come-latelies try to get into the game dominated by League and Dota 2, they often have to do so on the strength of an existing brand or by way of a special hook -- in Paragon's instance, high graphical fidelity and gameplay that feels a bit closer to an objective-based shooter, or at least tricks you into thinking so with the close camera angle. Also I played every match as an archer, so, there's that. The result: I do not like MOBAs, but I had a good time playing Paragon. |
Firewatch's PS4 patch is live, makes things much better Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:45 AM PST Playing Firewatch last week was quite the polarizing experience for me. I loved a lot of individual components -- specifically the interactions between Hank and Delilah -- but I really didn't like the game as a whole. Something about it just didn't jell for me. And that's before it broke to the point of keeping me from being able to finish. Yes, approximately 85 percent of the way through, the objective refused to update. It left me unable to trigger the next event, instead just running around my tiny watchout shack trying to interact with anything and everything. I resorted to watching the end of the game on an IGN walkthrough. It was less than ideal. Developer Campo Santo says that it became aware of the issues in the PS4 version after launch, and that it has since worked around the clock to rectify things. That patch released this afternoon. It's 3.187GB in size and is said to "fix lots of tiny issues and improve the game." Indeed, it does take care of a lot of the problems. Upon downloading and booting up Firewatch, I immediately noticed that it was no longer stuttering and constantly dropping frames. It's a much smoother experience, seemingly. But, in case you're wondering, my game is still broken. C'est la vie. @CampoSanto [Twitter] |
Get ready for Pokken Tournament with this cinematic trailer Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:30 AM PST The half Tekken, half Pokémon fighter Pokkén Tournament just got a new cinematic trailer in which Lucario spawns a glowing lightsaber-like staff and Shadow Mewtwo is creepy. As someone who is a big fan of the pocket monsters and enjoyed a few Tekken games, I can't muster excitement for this one. It just doesn't look like it has the depth I'd like in my fighting games, plus it has that weird controller that can only be used by the second player. But most of all, it is missing the objectively best Pokémon: Mr. Mime, Snorlax, Miltank, Wigglytuff, and Danny DeVitochu. |
You can play Cities: Skylines for free until Sunday Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:00 AM PST Colossal Order is opening up its city-building simulation Cities: Skylines for the weekend. It's free to download on Steam and play until this Sunday, February 21 at 1:00pm Pacific. The game also got a new patch today, and a paid expansion, Snowfall. The former adds rain, fog, a theme editor, bug fixes, and expands the interface for public transportation; the latter includes the winter theme, three new maps, more objects like trams and saunas, and "some twinkle." That screenshot up there shows what a thoughtfully designed city could look like, but much of the fun in these games comes about when shit goes wrong and literally ends up overflowing in houses. |
Discs of Vaughn: Tales from the Borderlands gets a physical edition Posted: 18 Feb 2016 08:30 AM PST In true Telltale style, games that were once digital-only will eventually be available as a tangible product. In the past, it has been the likes of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Now, Tales from the Borderlands gets that treatment. 2K Games announced today that a physical disc-based edition of Tales from the Borderlands is being produced for both the PS4 and Xbox One versions. It'll be in stores on April 26 in North America. The price is set at $29.99, which has been the initial cost of all Telltale discs. Anyone who appreciates Borderlands, Telltale games, or just a well-told story might want to treat themselves to Tales from the Borderlands. It's held in high regard by a good number of our staff. Darren reviewed all five episodes and they all received impressive scores, culminating in a perfect ten for episode four. Also, Gortys may have been my favorite thing in video games last year. So dang good. Tales From The Borderlands: All 5 Episodes Coming To Disc! [2K Blog] |
Techland plans to support Dying Light for another full year Posted: 18 Feb 2016 08:00 AM PST While I was reviewing Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition, I kept noticing new improvements and content that wasn't in the original game. While some of these changes are due to that recent upgrade, Techland had been peppering in little fixes since the last year. Long-term post-launch support doesn't seem especially common these days, so it's refreshing to hear that the studio plans to keep this up for at least another year. In a letter addressed to players, Techland CEO Paweł Marchewka states that the team has "decided to continue our support for Dying Light at least till the end of this year" and that unannounced content is coming. He also asks that everyone shares their impressions with the team: "We want to hear about all your stories, ideas and problems you could have." The letter refers to Dying Light as a franchise that needs player input, so if you weren't already expecting a sequel, now's the time. I'll keep jumping back into Dying Light as long as Techland keeps supporting it, so if we have any PC players in here who want a co-op buddy, let me know! |
Bethesda has three 'big' and 'different' projects in development Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:45 AM PST Bethesda's supposedly working on some pretty unexpected stuff. Todd Howard, director of both Fallout 4 and Skyrim, says that the developer-side of the business has three projects that are quite unique. Speaking at DICE in Las Vegas today (and as reported by GameSpot), Howard said "We have three longer-term projects we're doing that are all ... we'll talk about them at a much future date. But they're different than anything we've done before while also being a Bethesda-style game; (they're) big and crazy." The fact that these are "longer-term" and in a different vein for Bethesda kind of precludes this from being Fallout-related. Also, it's presumed that another Elder Scrolls is in the works, but this vague-speak probably doesn't refer to that either. Bethesda has a few somethings up its sleeve, but, whatever they are, we likely won't be reporting on them in detail for maybe several years. Fallout 4 Dev Has Three "Big and Crazy" Projects in the Works [GameSpot] |
Explosions in the Sky: Just Cause 3's first big add-on takes to the air Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:15 AM PST When Just Cause's Rico is feeling destructive, he's not restricted to causing mayhem on land. Plenty of footage of him with his physics-defying grappling hook and parachute have taught us that. Explosions come just as naturally up in the air as they do down on the earth. The first part of Just Cause 3's post-release content takes a dedicated look at the sky component. Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have just detailed the Sky Fortress add-on, which is coming in March. In Sky Fortress, Rico looks to the clouds and sets his sights on a floating base, and robotic drones seem to be the DLC's main antagonist. There's also a new Bavarium Wingsuit, which the developer says will "fundamentally alter the core gameplay." The trio of Just Cause 3 add-ons takes an air-land-sea approach. The next installment is named Land Mech Assault; the third is Bavarium Sea Heist. You can probably deduce which titles go with which themes. Each DLC pack looks to be $11.99 individually, or $24.99 total with the season pass. |
Disavowed is Star Wars: The Old Republic's next chapter, coming March 10 Posted: 18 Feb 2016 06:45 AM PST I played a teensy weensy bit of Star Wars: The Old Republic when it first came out, but I was doing it on a shitty laptop and was discouraged by how poorly it was performing. Chris says that the game is currently the best it has ever been, so I'm thinking about giving it another shot when I find time. Bioware is trying to further convince me by announcing the newest episode in the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline, Disavowed. On March 10, players will encounter Major Jorgan, commander of the Havoc Squad and fight alongside him against the Eternal Empire (I'm sure this means something to someone, but it sure isn't me). If you subscribe to The Old Republic before March 1, you get a special helmet inspired by HK-55 and the chance to play Disavowed two days early. Here's a short teaser for you: |
Street Fighter V's story mode 'might take you one or two hours' Posted: 18 Feb 2016 06:15 AM PST By the time some of us get around to Street Fighter V, it's going to be much more, well, assembled. I'm waiting to play until June, at the earliest, when the free cinematic story expansion lands. "The development of the mode is coming to an end," said executive producer Yoshinori Ono in a video with Capcom's Tomoaki Ayano (who showed up dressed as Chun-Li, like you do). "It might take you one to two hours or even longer to play through." |
Grab Condemned and Binary Domain for free on Steam Posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:15 AM PST You scored a complimentary copy of Jet Set Radio this week, right? Good! Sega isn't done giving away games for its Make Love Not War 3 promotion. Currently, you can get Steam copies of Condemned: Criminal Origins, Binary Domain, and Streets of Rage II for free on this website. After providing a valid email address, you should get a redeemable code within 24 hours. The process isn't as quick as it was for the last batch of free titles, admittedly, but Binary Domain is worth adding to your library (and actually playing, darn it!). It's a cover-based shooter designed by Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi with a memorable sci-fi story and funny characters. Go on. Do it for Big Bo. |
Which version of Fire Emblem Fates should you get? Posted: 18 Feb 2016 04:00 AM PST So a lot of people have asked "which version of Fire Emblem Fates should I get?" and I think that's a valid question, mostly because Nintendo has done a poor job at explaining the delivery system. This cheeky chart from Nintendo is also basically marketing tool. The answer is actually very straightforward. If you loved Awakening, and don't care so much about the challenge aspect, you will love Birthright. It's pretty much done in the same style, and is very accommodating for new players who also want to jump in for the first time. It's also less interesting on paper than Conquest, which is more geared towards the older style of SRPG play pre-Awakening. If you thought that the latest release was too easy, even with the settings jacked up, you'll really enjoy the bigger maps, advanced objectives, and higher difficulty that comes from a lack of grinding. Note that Conquest is not the "evil" path as some erroneously have been calling it. It's a lot more interesting than that, and without spoiling it, you don't become a soulless killing machine because you decide to side with the family that raised you. This will be apparent quickly after the split. As for the third option, if you absolutely love the series, just pick up the Special Edition (if you can, of course, but Europeans will likely get their chance soon enough, so this section is mostly for you!). You're going to get your Awakening fix from Birthright anyway, and odds are you'll still enjoy the other two. If that's not possible (and for many, it isn't, as it's sold out), close your eyes and pick your favorite, then upgrade to the other for $20, and Revelation for another $20 in March. Revelation is not merely a few DLC missions. It's just as long as the first two, and the gist is that it combines elements from both to deliver a massive mashup tale of sorts. The difficulty is slightly higher than Birthright but lower than Conquest, partially because the element of grinding is back. For those of you who don't pick up the Special Edition, play through one game to see if you like it, and if it's a go, pick up the other two digitally. You won't regret it. |
The 'definitive' versions of OlliOlli2 and Not a Hero are coming to Xbox One Posted: 18 Feb 2016 03:30 AM PST Team17 is teaming up with Roll7 to bring two games to Xbox One under a new name. The updated titles are: Not a Hero Super Snazzy Edition and OlliOlli2 XL. XL will add in a FreeSkate mode, which was apparently a "fan requested feature." There's also five new worlds, 50 levels, and 250 challenges. Uh, that's pretty substantial. For Not a Hero, the Snazzy Edition adds three new levels, with four missions apiece. You will also be able to play as the BunnyLord and fight additional enemies. There is no word of these updates will be coming to other platforms. |
Minecraft's next major update is nearly upon us Posted: 18 Feb 2016 03:00 AM PST What a lot of people don't know about Minecraft is that its team is constantly working on evolving the game. The version that launched years back doesn't really resemble the current state, and thankfully, most updates are massive improvements overall. That looks to be the case with the 1.9 update, which was pushed back last year for months on end. But Mojang has just announced that it's entering the "final stage," and that 1.9 will arrive on February 25, next week. They plan to provide a full list of changes once it actually drops, but for now, here's an unofficial tracker of all of the alterations. As someone who still plays on Xbox One quite a bit, I'm mostly looking forward to the combat changes and the Elytra item, which is basically the cape from Super Mario World. |
Sony is offering free multiplayer on PSN this weekend Posted: 18 Feb 2016 02:30 AM PST Sony has just announced that come this weekend, the PlayStation Plus requirement for multiplayer will be temporarily dropped. Starting at 3:01 AM ET on Friday, you'll be able to reap the benefits of multiplayer for free until Sunday, February 21, at 11:59 PM PT. It's still weird to me that Sony is charging for multiplayer this generation, but it's the reality of console gaming, and a move they had to make. It does help that the monthly offerings for Playstation Plus have been pretty good for a while now. Free Multiplayer Weekend Starting This Friday on PS4 [PlayStation Blog] |
PC Port Report: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Posted: 18 Feb 2016 02:00 AM PST I've always had my eye on the Danganronpa series, even if I never realized how it's spelled until I had to write this article. I've been a huge fan of games like 999 and Virtue's Last Reward, so naturally the idea of a murder mystery game set in a high school piqued my interest. Imagine my delight, then, when the game was announced for PC! It doesn't matter the genre or developer pedigree to me, every port has a chance of going horribly awry. There's just so many things to account for when thinking about the PC market. Luckily, Danganronpa's port easily justifies its purchase for fans of the genre. |
Review: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Posted: 18 Feb 2016 01:00 AM PST Chris and I were thinking about holding a fight to the death to determine which of us would get first dibs on Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, as is the traditional way to end internal kerfuffles at Destructoid, but we called it off at the last minute. We realized we could both do the review, together, and I wouldn't have to die. |
Seth Rogen is making a show about a socially inept gamer who saves the world Posted: 18 Feb 2016 12:00 AM PST I like a lot of Seth Rogen joints for a multitude of reasons, but in his attempt to scattershot ideas with his writing partner Evan Goldberg over cross joints, he can come up with some pretty bad stuff. That basically sums up my feelings towards his new Hulu show concept -- bad. It's called Future Man, and stars Josh Hutcherson (Peeta from Hunger Games fame) as the "socially inept" Josh Futturman, who is a janitor by day, and a "world-ranked gamer" by night. In the most blatant way possible that also avoids copyright infringement, it seems to be a Last Starfighter riff, as Hutcherson will need to use his skills to save the human race from aliens. Of course, said gamer is bad with women, and lives with his parents. Hey! That sounds a lot like Pixels! Josh Hutcherson to Star in Hulu Comedy 'Future Man' From Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg [Hollywood Reporter] |
Watch someone blast enemies into the sky in this Dark Souls III video Posted: 17 Feb 2016 10:00 PM PST Dark Souls III is still about two months away, with it being set to launch on April 12 in the West. Two months may seem like a long time, so why not watch this new gameplay video to tide you over until then? This archive of a recent From Software stream shows off how the knight and cleric classes play, as well as some of the fancy new attacks the scimitars and maces can pull off. My favourite is the scimitar’s spinning slashy-slash barrage, which looks like something out of Power Rangers. It’s silly, and in games as grimdark and desolate as Dark Souls, it’s nice to see. I also really like how much faster the game continues to look, even for the chunkier classes like the knight. I’ve always opted for high-speed, low-health strength builds in Souls games, so zipping around in Dark Souls III looks set to be a lot of fun. Dark Souls 3 is still about two months away, with it being set to launch on April 12 in the West. Two months may seem like a long time, so why not watch this new gameplay video to tide you over until then? This archive of a recent From Software stream shows off how the knight and cleric classes play, as well as some of the fancy new attacks the scimitars and maces can pull off. My favourite is the scimitar’s uppercut, which launches enemies super high into the air. It’s silly, and in games as grimdark and desolate as Dark Souls, it’s nice to see. I also really like how much faster the game continues to look, even for the chunkier classes like the knight. I’ve always opted for high-speed, low-health strength builds in Souls games, so zipping around in Dark Souls 3 looks set to be a lot of fun. |
Ratings board hints at PlayStation 4 Smite release Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:00 PM PST MOBA Smite may be coming to PlayStation 4. In a listing that has now since been removed, PEGI - the European rating board - has listed MOBA with a 12 rating due to its “non-realistic looking violence towards human characters” and suggested that a release on PS4 is… well. Today. Our friends at Eurogamer managed to snag a screenshot:
The game originally released on PC two years ago, and followed up with a Xbox One release last August. Smite listed for PlayStation 4 release [Eurogamer] |
Rainbow Six Siege patch brings custom matches, spectator cam Posted: 17 Feb 2016 08:00 PM PST The latest Rainbow Six Siege patch introduces custom matches for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Update 2.1 had already been deployed across PC last week, but an update on the official Ubisoft forum thread now confirms the patch is now live for consoles. As well as the usual fixes and tweaks - including balancing, recoil, HUD, UI, and online fixes identified by the community - this patch also brings 10-player customs games on dedicated servers, “which offers a fair gameplay environment that better suits competition.” “Dedicated servers means no host advantage, better stability, and makes it harder to cheat,” says Ubisoft. “We also are making the Spectator Camera feature available on dedicated servers, allowing an 11th person to observe matches held on those servers.” For the full breakdown, head on over to the official Ubisoft forum post. The first of four content packs, Operation Black Ice, released earlier this month. |
Cameroonian game Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan gets a release date Posted: 17 Feb 2016 07:00 PM PST Way back in October, we reported on Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan, a game by Cameroonian developer Kiro’o Games that was on Kickstarter. Since then, the game’s gone from strength to strength. The Kickstarter campaign succeeded, Kiro'o found a publisher in Plug In Digital, and now they have finally announced a release date for Aurion: April 14. What’s special about Aurion is the fact that it’s a Cameroonian developer making a fantasy game heavily inspired and based on African folklore and culture. Even the trailer’s dubbing is done in the local Bassa dialect, which is a really nice touch. The game itself looks interesting too, with flashy combo-based combat and pretty awesome location designs. It's also really nice to see a game progress from Kickstarter to full release in such a short amount of time. Usually it takes well over a year for things to come to fruition after a Kickstarter campaign, if they do ever come out at all, so for Aurion to manage it in four months is impressive. Aurion looks really promising, so I’m excited to play it when it launches on Steam on April 14! Way back in October, we reported on Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan, a game by Cameroonian developer Kiro’o Games that was on Kickstarter. Since then, the game’s gone from strength to strength. The Kickstarter campaign succeeded, the game found a publisher in Plug In Digital, and now Kiro’o has finally announced a release date for it: April 14. What’s special about Aurion is the fact that it’s a Cameroonian developer making a fantasy game heavily inspired and based on African folklore and culture. Even the trailer’s dubbing is done in the local Bassa tribe’s dialect, which is a really nice touch. The game itself looks pretty great too, with flashy combo-based combat and pretty awesome location designs. Aurion looks really promising, so I’m excited to play it when it launches on Steam on April 14! |
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