New Games |
- There are two planned add-ons for Dark Souls III
- It's time for some Dead or Alive 5 hunks
- Every single Street Fighter V deal for the week
- In case it wasn't clear, Quantum Break isn't coming to Steam at all
- Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's Momiji's chest is only still for yoga
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture dev plans to announce new game
- Man beats Dark Souls without getting hit, immediately tries again
- Come see new-look Dhalsim, Birdie, and Chun-Li
- So, what the hell's this GDC talk about?
- Play as a mammoth in Far Cry Primal with pre-order
- One weird trick is cruise control to shorter XCOM 2 load times
- The Raiden series is still very much alive, V is coming soon in Japan
- Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan lets you play as a Titan
- No physical edition of Heavy Rain on PS4 in North America
- Very Quick Tips: XCOM 2
- Activision has a round of layoffs, entire Minneapolis location may have closed
- Who's Corrin? A great Smash Bros. character, that's who!
- Street Fighter V unlocks tonight on Steam
- Expect more NieR Automata info during April's concert
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III Easter egg dedicated to recently retired Marshawn Lynch
- Play JezzBall and tons of other Windows 3.1 games in your browser
- Praise the Moon: Dark Souls is coming to Xbox One via compatibility
- Yo-Kai Sangokushi, that Three Kingdoms mashup, looks rad
- Bandai Namco shares details on Pokken Tournament's Wii U modes
- Watch the first five minutes of The Walking Dead: Michonne
- Review: Street Fighter V
- This Witcher 3 figure straight up looks like Christopher Lee
- Yeah, Shakedown Hawaii still looks awesome
- North America is finally getting Nintendo Selects on Wii U and 3DS
There are two planned add-ons for Dark Souls III Posted: 15 Feb 2016 03:00 PM PST Looking ever-forward, we now know that Dark Souls III has a pair of add-ons planned for post-release. This news comes about two months before the game's launch, courtesy of an Xbox Australia leak. The listing doesn't contain much in the way of specifics, simply stating that there are "new maps, bosses, enemies, and additional weapon and armor sets." Predictably, there's a season pass that offers the two DLC packs at a discount. The price of the season pass wasn't disclosed. From Software games have a recent history with post-launch content. Dark Souls II had a trio of add-ons; Bloodborne's The Old Hunters released late last year and combined what was supposed to be two installments into a single, larger release. This isn't the only Dark Souls III revelation today. A similar leak revealed that the original Dark Souls will be made available via Xbox One backward compatibility; pre-orders of Dark Souls III will come with a copy of Dark Souls so that new people can hate Blight Town too. @VG_Dave [Twitter] |
It's time for some Dead or Alive 5 hunks Posted: 15 Feb 2016 02:00 PM PST I'm not playing Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, much less spending a bunch of money on extra costumes, but like Steven, I can appreciate a good bit of male swimsuit DLC. You too? Nice. Although this latest batch of outfits released last week on Xbox One and Steam in time for the set's Valentine's Day namesake, it won't be ready for PlayStation 4 until tomorrow. |
Every single Street Fighter V deal for the week Posted: 15 Feb 2016 01:00 PM PST The much-anticipated Street Fighter V hits shelves tomorrow and unlocks tonight at 9:00pm Pacific (review here). As with all AAA games, it'll begin at the standard $59.99 list price, but this wouldn't be a deal-comparison post without us finding discounts for you on PC and PlayStation 4. Right now, the PC version claims the highest-percentage discount, and better yet, it's the easiest to obtain. The honor goes to DLGamer with a price cut to $42.89 (28% off). Other notable discounts come from Funstock Digital, GamesPlanet, and Green Man Gaming. If you must have the 2016 Season Pass (yes, more will come), the best bet is to grab it and the base game separately at GMG (and skip out on the Deluxe as its savings are less than buying separately). PC Deals:GMG
Other Retailers
If you pre-order before the 9:00pm unlock time, you should still receive the Chun-Li battle costume bonus. |
In case it wasn't clear, Quantum Break isn't coming to Steam at all Posted: 15 Feb 2016 12:30 PM PST At GDC last March, Microsoft revealed a new direction -- one focused on combining both Xbox One and Windows 10 gaming into "the Xbox ecosystem." Microsoft's in the unique position of having cachet in both the PC and console corners, so launching a Steam-competitor storefront isn't a far-fetched idea. And, there's the added bonus of being able to tell players they can play wherever they want. One of Xbox's first big games to be cross-buy and cross-play between Xbox One and PC will be Quantum Break, as we learned last week. To clear up any confusion, Microsoft has elaborated that Quantum Break will not be available on Steam or any other PC distribution channels other than the Windows Store. It''s probably safe to assume that'll be the case for any Microsoft-published titles in the near future. The clarification came from Xbox head of marketing Aaron Greenberg on Major Nelson's podcast. When asked point-blank about Steam, Greenberg commented "Quantum Break on Windows 10 is a Windows Store exclusive." It was also mentioned that Fable Legends will get the same treatment when it's eventually released. Greenberg continued "People should know: Xbox is a big priority and a huge commitment. Please do not let the fact that we are also launching a game on the same day on Windows 10 change your perspective on the importance of the console business [or] our commitment to innovating on console." MNR 563: Quantum Break news and more [Major Nelson via DualShockers] |
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's Momiji's chest is only still for yoga Posted: 15 Feb 2016 12:00 PM PST With Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's delay into March, Koei Tecmo has to keep the edging up another month. But how do you compete on the titillation scale with the world wide web, which let's you watch Sylvester Stallone's porno flick whenever you want? I'll tell you how: character trailers. Here's Momiji, at the incredibly-legal age of 21. Her other measurements are there, too. Why is she rock climbing without shoes or chalk for her hands. Why do her boobs disobey the laws of physics? Who knows. Remember, that March release date is for an English version of the game, but it isn't coming to the west, so you'll have to import if you can't live without this. |
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture dev plans to announce new game Posted: 15 Feb 2016 11:30 AM PST Developer The Chinese Room's (Dear Esther) last two projects were Everybody's Gone to Rapture, published by Sony (possibly coming to PC soon), and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, a follow up to The Dark Descent. The next game from the developer, which we should hear about in "the next couple of weeks" is "not signed to a publisher," allowing the studio to try out much more open development. |
Man beats Dark Souls without getting hit, immediately tries again Posted: 15 Feb 2016 11:00 AM PST Dark Souls can be tough. Not that tough, but, still. And not to take away from the impressive runs wherein Dark Souls was beaten with mirrored controls or Donkey Konga bongos or a DDR pad or by way of a million different Twitch chat inputs...but at least in those, getting hit one time didn't spoil the whole thing. Imagine. You are 20 hours into Dark Souls without getting hit. Then you get hit. Start over. Well, that's less of a nightmare to Twitch streamer The_Happy_Hobbit, who beat Dark Souls without taking a single hit...and then immediately started over to try and do it again. The end goal, actually, is to play through all three Dark Souls (including the upcoming third entry) back-to-back-to-back without a scratch. |
Come see new-look Dhalsim, Birdie, and Chun-Li Posted: 15 Feb 2016 10:30 AM PST We're inching towards Street Fighter V's "tomorrow" release date and "late tonight" unlock times, so here are some more character introductions. As you can see, whomever planned the character introduction series kind of messed up the timeline. They either forgot weekends existed, or forgot to carry the one. It's hard to say. But I'm guessing that's why there are three videos all lumped in the last day before release. Unless my skills as a marketing maven have dulled and this is actually very hip and in now. Hard to say. |
So, what the hell's this GDC talk about? Posted: 15 Feb 2016 10:00 AM PST When I am in San Francisco for GDC next month, I can tell you one talk that I won't attend. It's "Decoding programmatic demand for gaming: Good, better, programmatic!" Like the saying goes "Good, better, programmatic. Never let it rest until your good is your better and your better is your programmatic." Seriously though, what the hell is this? Did I miss a Very Important Buzzword? Or is this just one company trying too hard to do a thing when it's clear that thing will never become A Thing? Whatever it is, it's filed under the tag "monetization" so that probably tells you a lot of what you need to know right there. This reminds me of the million spammy emails we get every day about advertising and SEO and engagement (we answer exactly zero of them). An hour ago, we got a follow-up that reads "As per my previous email, I would love to explore any synergies with Destructoid regarding native advertising." Like, do people really talk like that? I'm not just some baby-mouthed dude who has the vocabulary of an infant while Real Adults go out and discuss synergies, right? Oh god, I don't think I've ever discussed a synergy with anyone. Or anything programmatic, for that matter. Okay, if you need me next month, I'll be at this GDC talk. Time for Brett to grow up. |
Play as a mammoth in Far Cry Primal with pre-order Posted: 15 Feb 2016 09:30 AM PST Ride the mammoth? Sure. I could do that at any 4th rate carny show or middle America bar on one of those mechanical mammoth rides. But be the mammoth? Only Far Cry Primal is going to let you do that. The "Legend of the Mammoth" pack is pre-order DLC for the game, so you should probably just ignore it if it's not important enough to make the disc. But if you've already got a hankering for Primal and want to mammoth up the place with three additional missions ('Duel of Beasts,' 'Hunt the Hunters,' and 'The Trapped Elder'), make sure to pre-order soon. |
One weird trick is cruise control to shorter XCOM 2 load times Posted: 15 Feb 2016 09:00 AM PST XCOM 2 is pretty hitchy and janky, though I've not encountered any game-breaking issues. Still, worse than the lazy virtual camera man too busy on his phone to always keep the focus on the action are the sometimes lengthy load times. Especially on that flight back to HQ, giving you more time than you'd like to feel bad about the folks you got all shot up. Weirdly, pressing Caps Lock WILL SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE LOAD TIMES IN XCOM 2 ON YOUR WAY BACK TO THE BASE. FIRAXIS EXPLAINED THE REASON BEHIND THIS SIMPLE TRICK TO EUROGAMER. "Hitting the key, through a rube-goldberg-esque series of events, forces all outstanding load requests to be filled immediately in a single frame. This causes a massive hitch, and potentially could crash the game. If you don’t care about those adverse effects the synchronous load is faster." WOW, WHAT AN INTERESTING TRICK. I'M GOING TO TRY OUT THIS NEW "CAPS LOCK" key in every game I play from now on. |
The Raiden series is still very much alive, V is coming soon in Japan Posted: 15 Feb 2016 08:30 AM PST Raiden V heading to Japan this month, and strangely enough, will arrive as an Xbox One exclusive. Last generation -- I get it -- the 360 was a decent system for Japanese shmups, and Japan as a whole didn't outright detest the system. But with the abysmal sales of the Xbox One, it seems a bit risky. But I disgress. Raiden V! This great series is back, and it will use the "power of the cloud" to gather player data and impact your game in real time. It will be the biggest Raiden game to date. Hopefully it doesn't bomb and we get to see it. |
Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan lets you play as a Titan Posted: 15 Feb 2016 08:00 AM PST When Koei Tecmo's new Attack on Titan game hits later this year, you'll get to play as a Titan. Although they've only released 20 seconds of gameplay it's enough to get a picture -- I just hope to god that half of the goddamn game doesn't take place in Trost. Or that Armin isn't featured, like, at all. Or that there aren't tons of filler events that are disguised as character development leading to an anticlimactic ending. Since you can likely skip these scenes and get to the fun bits like jetting around in 3D Gear or smashing things as said Titan, I'll probably be good. I won't name who the Titan is in this article, despite the fact that the show is widely available at this point and if you really want to see it, you would have seen it by now. |
No physical edition of Heavy Rain on PS4 in North America Posted: 15 Feb 2016 07:30 AM PST Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain is getting a remaster on PlayStation 4 at the beginning of March. In all different regions, people have the option of picking up the Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls Collection, or just getting the digital version. Well, except in North America. According to a regional launch schedule that Quantic Dream posted on Facebook, there's no physical edition of Heavy Rain on PS4 in North America -- not even the collection that's being released everywhere else. The developer makes no mention of why this is the case. It could have to do with the added logistics of a French company distributing overseas. Or, maybe it's a necessity due to Internet infrastructure in some parts of those other regions. We just know the end result, not the how come. The Heavy Rain remaster releases in North America on March 1. It was previously mentioned that people who bought Beyond: Two Souls' remaster would receive a discount on Heavy Rain, but that wasn't elaborated upon with today's news. Heavy Rain and the Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection coming in March to PS4! [Facebook] |
Posted: 15 Feb 2016 07:00 AM PST Even if you're a veteran of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, XCOM 2 is likely to catch you off guard. The aliens are a meaner, sneakier lot this time out, and it's going to take every dirty trick in the book to keep up with them. The XCOM team has more tactical options and gear to keep track of than ever, and while it may be overwhelming at first, putting those options to good use can allow you to seriously turn the tables on the alien menace. Here are some tips that will hopefully let your squad hit the ground running. |
Activision has a round of layoffs, entire Minneapolis location may have closed Posted: 15 Feb 2016 06:45 AM PST Following last week's investors' report, it seems as if Activision has laid off an undisclosed number of employees. These layoffs may be, in part, due to the fact that Activision says both Skylanders and Guitar Hero under-performed. News of the layoffs was reported by Game Informer, who was tipped off via this Twitter exchange. In it, the significant other of an Activision employee says that the publisher "decided to shut down the Minneapolis office." She elaborates that the move came with about "two weeks of mounting suspicion." Activision confirmed to Game Informer that layoffs had occurred, but wouldn't say much more. "As announced on our earnings call, our games for core audiences did extremely well, but the casual audience has not yet emerged on next gen consoles. So we are refocusing to better align with Activision's long-term priorities because, as always, our strategy evolves to keep us ahead of a rapidly-changing industry. We are working with those impacted by the changes to offer outplacement services and support," an Activision representative said to Game Informer. Although Activision never confirmed the closing of the Minneapolis office, it didn't deny it either. According to this business profile, that location staffed between 20 and 49 people. For what it's worth, the Activision careers website has no listings for positions at the seemingly affected Minneapolis office. There's also the possibility that the layoffs may have not been confined to the Minneapolis branch; they could have also impacted people at other locations, as well. In the event that Activision clears this up, we'll update this story. In the meantime, we hope all affected people land on their feet quickly. Layoffs Hit Activision Following Weaker Guitar Hero, Skylanders Performance [Game Informer] |
Who's Corrin? A great Smash Bros. character, that's who! Posted: 15 Feb 2016 06:30 AM PST I'm sure many of you shared my reaction to the initial announcement that Corrin, the upcoming player-character from Fire Emblem Fates, was going to be in Super Smash Bros. Who? Another Fire Emblem character? Oh... But, as soon as some of the moveset was actually shown, it was clear that this wasn't "just another anime swordsman" addition to the roster. All things considered, Corrin is easily my favorite Fire Emblem character to play as. |
Street Fighter V unlocks tonight on Steam Posted: 15 Feb 2016 06:00 AM PST Capcom has shared its revised launch schedule for the PC version of Street Fighter V, and there's good news depending on where you live. Some of you can start playing as early as tonight. Europe: Feb. 16 @ 0:00am UK (UTC+00:00) As an intermittent fighting game fan who gives a damn about single-player content, I'm planning to hold out until the cinematic campaign arrives in June. No reason to rush. For everyone else's sake, though, I hope the servers are ready for this week. Updated Launch Times! [Steam] |
Expect more NieR Automata info during April's concert Posted: 15 Feb 2016 05:30 AM PST Wait, a Platinum developed NieR? Wait, a concert in April? Square Enix is laying on all of this information pretty thick considering that I forget about this project every other week. The publisher has announced that come April 16 in Minato, Toyko, they'll hold a concert for the upcoming NieR Automata, which will in part honor the series' six year anniversary. At that time they'll not only play classic songs from the original, but debut new music. If you happen to live in Japan you can try to get tickets from now until February 24. Nier [Square Enix via Gematsu] |
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Easter egg dedicated to recently retired Marshawn Lynch Posted: 15 Feb 2016 05:00 AM PST In case you haven't heard, the NFL's Marshawn Lynch recently announced his retirement earlier this month. As a result of his efforts to not only promote Call of Duty: Black Ops III, but appear briefly in the game, developer Treyarch has enshrined his legacy. If you go to the level "Combine" (itself a thinly-veiled NFL reference), you can find references to "24," which is Lynch's jersey number. In the video below from chaosxsilencer you'll find footage of the stage before the update, which didn't have the references in tow. Thankfully Lynch won't have to awkwardly avoid forced media interviews and can live off of the money that he saved throughout his career. |
Play JezzBall and tons of other Windows 3.1 games in your browser Posted: 15 Feb 2016 04:30 AM PST I had the good fortune of being introduced to the console and PC arena almost simultaneously. As such, I grew up with a wide variety of different games, but the 90s PC era was one of my consistent favorites. While waiting for great RPGs like Chrono Trigger and the next Final Fantasy, I could always retreat to JezzBall, Command & Conquer, and hundreds of others on a Compaq-386 and eventually, a Pentium series. Now by way of's Software Library, you can play roughly 1000 Windows 3.1 games including Minesweeper, Glider, and Sim Earth. Nostalgia aside some of these are actually really great experiences still -- if you feel like wading through everything. Software Library: Windows 3.x Games [] |
Praise the Moon: Dark Souls is coming to Xbox One via compatibility Posted: 15 Feb 2016 03:45 AM PST Get it? Praise the moon? I am good at memes, right guys? In other Souls news, Namco Bandai has just unveiled that the original Dark Souls is going to be backward compatible on Xbox One by way of a bonus. As listed on Microsoft's UK site, if you pre-order Dark Souls III (due in April), you'll net a free code for the original game on Xbox One in "seven to ten days." In all likelihood it will be widely released for those of you who own it digitally (or on-disc) in the coming weeks. Will Blight Town still be borderline unplayable in some sections? Stay tuned to find out! I've said it a million times, but Microsoft has really come a long way since their original Xbox One pitch. Backward compatibility is one of the best things about the system, and it beats buying your entire library over again or streaming it on PS Now. Dark Souls III [Microsoft via David Scammell] |
Yo-Kai Sangokushi, that Three Kingdoms mashup, looks rad Posted: 15 Feb 2016 03:30 AM PST Yo-Kai Watch is going to have another spinoff on its hands in Japan this April in the form of Sangokushi, an SRPG that apes the Three Kingdoms era. In this surprisingly detailed new trailer we're getting a look at some gameplay, cutscenes, and the narrative conceit. The story is pretty wacky, and involves Jibanyan and Komosan opening up a sacred tome and getting sucked back in time. |
Bandai Namco shares details on Pokken Tournament's Wii U modes Posted: 15 Feb 2016 03:00 AM PST Pokken Tournament really snuck up on me! After playing it late last year in Japanese arcades I started to get anxious, but as it turns out it's coming out next month in the west. Time flies! We now have a few more details in terms of modes, so plan accordingly. In addition to a "Ferrum League" mode (which has four ranks and is exclusive to the Wii U edition), there's also a practice gametype, free training, combo dojo, and My Town -- the latter of which lets players customize their trainer. According to Bandai Namco, there are no plans for DLC. Stay tuned next month, as I'll cover the game and the controller. New Pokkén Tournament Details [Serebii] |
Watch the first five minutes of The Walking Dead: Michonne Posted: 15 Feb 2016 02:30 AM PST Telltale's decided to share the first five minutes of the inaugural episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne, and it's a cool little surrealistic scene that's mostly a combat sequence. Tonally, it lines up with the rest of the series, but she's more formidable than Lee or Clem, clearly. Michonne is one of my favorite characters from the comic series due in part to her backstory. The show doesn't really give her a whole lot to do (because they waste everyone's time, really, and thank goodness Telltale is drawing from the comics), but Danai Gurira does a good job regardless. She'll be played by Samira Wiley (Poussey from Orange is the New Black) in the Telltale game though. |
Posted: 15 Feb 2016 02:00 AM PST I've been playing Street Fighter as long as I can remember, and nearly everyone I've met has had a different approach to it. That's the power of this franchise -- for every person who swears by Blanka, there was someone who absolutely adored R. Mika, and taught me to love the character as well. It has managed to permeate through the fighting game zeitgeist to popular culture, and the community is just as passionate today as it was in the beginning. With Street Fighter IV however, I felt my passion falter. It was a great, well-made game, but there was something about it that just didn't light my fire, like most past iterations managed to do almost instantly. With Street Fighter V, I feel that fire again -- I just wish it had all of its planned features at launch. |
This Witcher 3 figure straight up looks like Christopher Lee Posted: 15 Feb 2016 01:46 AM PST Online retailer Jinx is getting into the Witcher 3 toy race, and its first figure is based on Geralt. Except...this thing looks less like Geralt, and more like a Clone Wars cartoon scan of Christopher Lee's Count Dooku. I'm not even remotely excited for this toy as much as I wanted to rant about how awesome Christopher Lee was. While he passed away last June, he'll always be remembered as one of the best character actors of all time, with a decades-long career playing iconic villains. Lee was also a hardcore metal enthusiast, and worked with multiple groups, including Rhapsody of Fire, Manowar, even developing his own side projects. By all counts the dude was a badass, and worked all the way into his 90s. Now he lives on vicariously in toy form. The Witcher [Jinx via Game Informer] |
Yeah, Shakedown Hawaii still looks awesome Posted: 15 Feb 2016 01:00 AM PST Following the announcement back in November, Vblank is showing new footage for Shakedown Hawaii, and the project is really coming along. Set for a PC, PS4, Vita, and 3DS release, this time, the style is going for a 16-bit look. As for the Wii U, Vblank infamously had sales issues when the game was finally released for WiiWare, likely souring future prospects. Plus, with the impending announcement of the mysterious NX, indie developers are sort of in limbo -- do you release your game for an already less popular system and chance it? There's plenty of variables to take into account. |
North America is finally getting Nintendo Selects on Wii U and 3DS Posted: 14 Feb 2016 11:30 PM PST With Europe having all the fun when it comes to Nintendo Selects, North American fans were starting to abandon all hope that they would even come to the region. But over the weekend, a Canadian retailer spilled the beans that the discounted line will now be coming stateside. The tweets have been pulled, but it looks definitive and official. They'll arrive on March 11, and will be set at $29.99 for Wii, Wii U, and 3DS titles. There's a lot of gems here, but one of the standout releases is easily Ocarina of Time 3D, which was notoriously hard to find in the US due to a low initial printing. The same goes for Pikmin 3, which I highly recommend. VideoGamesPlus [Twitter via Nintendo Life] |
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