Sunday, January 19, 2014



General: MMOFTW News Recap - January 18th, 2014

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 11:02 AM PST

MMOFTW News Recap - January 18th, 2014

What do you get if you pre-order Warlords of Draenor from What new tool is being added to DCUO? Who's the mystery star coming to Star Trek Online? What does Scarlet Briar have planned next for Guild Wars 2? What major game company is Ghostcrawler now working for? And how much money does Brad McQuaid need to make Pantheon a reality? Find out, and wat

WildStar: Chief Sarcan's Guide to Crafting in Nexus

Posted: 17 Jan 2014 01:32 PM PST

Chief Sarcan

Crafting is set to be a huge part of the WildStar universe. This guide serves to explain what to expect in WildStar Crafting. Chief has provided some information about every Tradeskill and Hobby to help you decide which crafting professions you will want to focus on in WildStar. Please remember that the game is still in closed beta and content is subject to change.

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