Saturday, November 3, 2012



DUST 514: Closed Beta Code Giveaway

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 07:28 PM PDT

Closed Beta Code Giveaway has partnered with CCP Games to give out keys to the closed beta of DUST 514. Keep in mind that you WILL need a PS3 to participate in this beta. You'll want to grab one of these keys quick, as you'll be able to earn double the skill points from every battle between now and November 8!

WildStar: The Marriage of Theme Park & Sandbox

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 09:17 AM PDT

The Marriage of Theme Park & Sandbox

WildStar is aiming to do what no other company has been able to successfully accomplish before: Create a true hybrid between a theme park and sandbox MMORPG. We take a look at how Jeremy Gaffney believes this can happen in this week's column. Read on and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

General: The Problem No One’s Talking About

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 03:51 PM PDT

The Problem No One

The MMO market is arguable the most crowded it has ever been with each game clamoring for players' attention. But with the notion that the field is a crowded one, comes the revelation that there are two serious issues with MMOs today. In Bill's latest column, he examines those problems. See what he has to say and then leave your ideas in the comments.

DUST 514: The Codex Update

Posted: 31 Oct 2012 08:27 PM PDT

The Codex Update

During a recent event, we managed to get some hands on time with CCP's DUST 514. We've got a full closed beta preview for your reading pleasure today so be sure to check it out before leaving us your thoughts in the comments.

The Repopulation: Monthly State of the Game Posted

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 09:48 AM PDT

Monthly State of the Game Posted

Fans of The Repopulation will want to swing by the official site to check out the end of October State of the Game letter. In the monthly progress update, the team lets fans in on what they've been working on. In October, the team was focused on getting The Repopulation feature complete and added a vehicle system to the game.

Rift: Exploring Dusken with Two Live Stream Events

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 09:44 AM PDT

Exploring Dusken with Two Live Stream Events

Trion Worlds has announced that the Rift: Storm Legion development team will be hosting a pair of live stream events to explore the region and dungeons that make up the Dusken zone in the forthcoming expansion. The first event will focus on Dusken's dungeons with the second highlighting the zones within Dusken.

The Elder Scrolls Online: 21 Things You Should Know About ESO

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 03:39 PM PDT

21 Things You Should Know About ESO

In The List this week, we expand the usual number hugely as we talk about the recently revealed new information about The Elder Scrolls Online. See what we have to say before adding your thoughts in the comments.

Pirate 101: Review in Progress #1 – Character Creation & First Steps

Posted: 01 Nov 2012 02:30 PM PDT

Review in Progress #1 – Character Creation & First Steps

KingsIsle released Pirate101 a few weeks ago. We've been playing Pirate101 and will be spending the next few weeks talking about some of our experiences in the game. This week, we take a look at the earliest steps in the game. See what we've discovered so far and then let us know what you think in the comments.

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