Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Darkfall: Unholy Wars: Skirmisher Role / Deadeye School

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 09:19 AM PDT

A Deadeye is extremely skilled with the bow, and can utilize it to damage single targets or even small groups. Here is a brief rundown of the Deadeye skills: Puncture: A magically imbued arrow attack that can travel through enemies, and damaging everyone in its' path. Exploit Weakness: A debuffing attack that greatly reduces a target's arrow protection. Explosive Arrow: An explosive arrow attack that will damage everyone around the area of impact. Trueshot: A very powerful arrow

DUST 514: The Way of the Merc

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 06:57 AM PDT

CCP Games has released a great new video for DUST 514. In it, character creation and customization for mercs is discussed as well as the basics of party formation and battle tactics. There is some terrific in-game footage so be sure to check it out!

Guild Wars 2: MMORPGcom vs. Mad King

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 07:02 AM PDT

MMORPG.com guild participating in Act 3 of Mad King event. WHOOT!
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