Wednesday, October 31, 2012

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Control Wizards join Neverwinter's class lineup

Posted: 31 Oct 2012 09:30 AM PDT

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Control Wizards join Neverwinter's class lineup
You've seen the brawn that's coming in Neverwinter, the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons action MMO, now meet the brains: the Control Wizard. These masters of arcane magic eschew physical battle, instead relying on knowledge and study for their power.

As their name suggests, Control Wizards have the ability to hinder multiple foes by using their spells to stun and disable large groups of surrounding enemies. Check out a video after the cut as well as images of the Control Wizards doing what they do best in the gallery below. And tell us, which class would you prefer to play when Neverwinter releases -- muscle or magic?

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[Source: Perfect World Entertainment press release]

Gallery: Neverwinter

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MassivelyControl Wizards join Neverwinter's class lineup originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Two new videos preview Blade & Soul's Tower of Mushin dungeon

    Posted: 31 Oct 2012 09:00 AM PDT

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    Two videos preview Blade & Soul's new Tower of Mushin dungeon
    On Monday, treated us to two videos highlighting Blade & Soul's new Tower of Mushin, which is part of the Second Wave update that just went live today. Now, the site is offering more videos previewing what players can expect when they open the doors of this new solo dungeon.

    The first video shows off the lobby, which includes a PvP arena in the center as well as practice dummies for players to build their chi or rage. The area also contains various NPCs found in regular towns, giving players access to the auction house, their banks, and such.

    The second video highlights various boss fights. The fights get progressively more difficult as the player ascends through the seven floors of the tower. The tower also appears to be able to support indefinite additional levels as the level cap increases.

    Get a glimpse of the Tower after the break.

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    MassivelyTwo new videos preview Blade & Soul's Tower of Mushin dungeon originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    EA's Moore on SWTOR: 'Price was always the issue'

    Posted: 31 Oct 2012 08:00 AM PDT

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    EA's Moore on SWTOR 'Price was always the issue'Wired has a new interview with Electronic Arts COO Peter Moore that touches on just about every facet of the games industry.

    The former Microsoft exec talks at length about his Xbox days, Zynga, mobile gaming, digital vs. retail, the PC renaissance and how it may affect both consoles and hand-held devices, and of course the impending free-to-play conversion for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    "Price was always the issue," Moore says. Former customers often said "I just didn't want to pay $15 a month. I felt kind of locked in. I love the game, but I'm locked in, and for a lot of people 15 bucks a month is a lot of money."

    MassivelyEA's Moore on SWTOR: 'Price was always the issue' originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    A Mild-Mannered Reporter: A tale of two shutdowns starring City of Heroes

    Posted: 31 Oct 2012 07:00 AM PDT

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    A few weeks left.
    It's been about a year since Star Wars Galaxies was shut down, and for a lot of people that wound is still fresh. For a sadly vocal minority, that wound is so fresh as to provoke a lot of groundless vitriol toward any available target -- but that's not the point. The point is that what happened to that game is happening again, to City of Heroes, and the players are just as powerless to stop it.

    Except that it's not the same thing, not really. There are different reasons behind the closure of City of Heroes, different protests, and different player organizing taking place. The result is a scenario that's both a clear parallel to an earlier tragedy and its own unique blend of awful circumstances at the same time.

    When we first heard the announcement, fellow City of Heroes player and former Star Wars Galaxies player Brianna Royce asked me if I felt the same way about CoH as I had about SWG. As we talked about it, though, it became clear that there were certain parallels being drawn that just didn't work. So I'm going to talk about what happened to both games, starting with the very significant difference between the two games shutting down.

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    MassivelyA Mild-Mannered Reporter: A tale of two shutdowns starring City of Heroes originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Daily Grind: What are your plans for MMO Halloween?

      Posted: 31 Oct 2012 06:00 AM PDT

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      The Daily Grind What are your plans for MMO Halloween
      Did you wake up this morning and forget it's Halloween? Or were you already dressed in your costume the night before just so that you could get a jump start on the day's activities? Either way, let us be the first to welcome you to this special day of the year -- especially for MMOs.

      Most every online RPG celebrates the season with quirky scares, eerie delights, and the celebration of the macabre. Massively attempted to round up all of the official events for you, and even that guide is just scratching the surface of possibilities for today.

      So what are your plans for MMO Halloween, and what are you going dressed up as?

      Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

      MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What are your plans for MMO Halloween? originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Wizardry Online is the subject of next SOE webcast

        Posted: 30 Oct 2012 06:00 PM PDT

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        Wizardry Online is the subject of next SOE webcast
        Wizardry Online is a peculiar beast. One one hand, you have the familiar IP of Wizardry to bring in any and all old school fans, and on the other hand, you have that infamous feature known as permadeath. SOE is looking to take the Wizardry franchise and make it into a seriously hardcore MMO next year with beta now in full swing.

        But we're sure you have questions about the game, aside from those answered in our own recent in-depth coverage. Luckily for you, SOE will be hosting a live webcast with Senior Community Manager Eric "Piestro" Cleaver interviewing Senior Producer Todd Carson and Senior Global Brand Manager Omeed Dariani. It all goes down this Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 7 p.m. EDT on SOE's channel.

        MassivelyWizardry Online is the subject of next SOE webcast originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Hyperspace Beacon: Roleplaying conflict in SWTOR

        Posted: 30 Oct 2012 05:00 PM PDT

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        Hyperspace Beacon Roleplaying conflict in SWTOR
        Like many of you, I'm eagerly awaiting the launch of Update 1.5 for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which will hopefully happen next week. Although I have been on the test server and tried out the new content, I don't want to give my impressions until it's officially launched. So this week, I've decided to address an issue I've seen crop up more and more in the roleplay community that has nothing to do with the pending game update.

        In any good story, there is conflict -- physical, interpersonal, or otherwise. In MMO roleplay, a good chunk of conflict turns physical. After all, most of our characters are highly skilled warriors and other combat specialists, and physical conflict is the natural course. That means that roleplayers then have to be highly skilled at PvP if their characters are to be highly skilled, too, right? Don't get me wrong, I love PvP, but this supposition always rubbed me the wrong way, especially in a game like TOR where there is a large disparity between PvE skills and PvP.

        So what kinds of physical conflict resolutions are there if it's not straight-up PvP? And doesn't the dueling system in TOR limit itself to one-on-one dueling? How do you resolve that issue? Excellent questions. I'm glad you asked. Let's dive in.

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        MassivelyHyperspace Beacon: Roleplaying conflict in SWTOR originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          Jukebox Heroes: EverQuest's soundtrack

          Posted: 30 Oct 2012 04:00 PM PDT

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          Jukebox Heroes EverQuest's soundtrack
          I've always felt that MIDI tunes were to computers what chiptunes were to 8-bit and 16-bit consoles. Before storage media expanded and technology increased to the level of using regular instruments, practically every PC game had a MIDI soundtrack at its back (as did quite a few early and misguided websites). MIDI wasn't a file format that stored recorded music; instead, it was a file full of instructions for your computer to assemble a tune on its end.

          I never really liked MIDI songs the way that I enjoyed old console soundtracks. Songs done in MIDI have a distinct and somewhat unpleasant, flat tone to them, although sometimes composers were able to finagle toe-tapping tunes with it. It certainly is nostalgic to hear, however, to those of us who played games in this era.

          Before MIDI faded out at the end of the 90s, some of the earliest MMOs released with their scores done in this format. Ultima Online (which we'll get to later on) and EverQuest were two such titles, and today we're going to listen to what EverQuest sounded like back in 1999. The original score was composed by Jay Barbeau, who has since released a remastered soundtrack called The Original, Opus I. But we're not going to go for that remastered stuff; let's listen to the sounds of the past, shall we?

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          MassivelyJukebox Heroes: EverQuest's soundtrack originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Disney buys out Lucasfilm, LucasArts for $4.05 billion

            Posted: 30 Oct 2012 03:30 PM PDT

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            LucasArts logo
            Disney is continuing its quest for global domination of the entertainment industry by announcing that it has bought out Lucasfilm -- including the studio's game developing branch, LucasArts -- for $4.05 billion US. While we're sure the nerdosphere has plenty to say about Disney's development of the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII (slated for release in 2015), we MMO fans are probably focused on a different facet of the buyout.

            Now that LucasArts is under Disney's wide-reaching umbrella, there's a distinct possibility that we'll be seeing a new breed of Star Wars games hitting shelves in the near future. The question is, of course, whether a new Star Wars MMO could rise from the new ownership. So let's discuss, dear readers. Do you think a new Star Wars MMO is on the horizon? If so, what would you like to see? Many gamers mourned the loss of Star Wars Galaxies last year. Would you like to see a revival with Disney at the helm, or would you rather see something completely different? Smack on your tin-foil hats and let the speculation run rampant, folks.

            MassivelyDisney buys out Lucasfilm, LucasArts for $4.05 billion originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Massively Speaking Episode 222: Trick or treat!

            Posted: 30 Oct 2012 03:00 PM PDT

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            Massively Speaking Episode 222
            Never accuse us here at Massively of being prejudiced against dinosaurs. We love them. Sure, they're scaly, bitey lizard/bird/demon monstrosities, but they do make great mounts and steaks. Oh, and MMOs. We desperately need more dinos in our MMOs, which is why we applaud Wizard101 for doing so this week.

            Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to We may just read your email on the air!

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            Listen here on the page:

            Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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            MassivelyMassively Speaking Episode 222: Trick or treat! originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Allods Online releases its Autumn Wind update

              Posted: 30 Oct 2012 02:00 PM PDT

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              Allods Online releases its Autumn Wind update
              Allods Online's 3.0.5 update is upon us, otherwise known as Autumn Wind. The newest patch to the game includes a wide variety of features, including a revamp of Goblinball, the Summerhold tank skirmish, crafting improvements, new emotes, and a makeover for one of the race's females.

              To celebrate Autumn Wind, gPotato is staging a giveaway for random players who are logged into the game from today through November 13th. Lucky winners will get hoodies, headsets, mice, or keyboards.

              For more on Autumn Wind, check out Beau's livestream this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. EDT, the official patch notes, and the following trailer.

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              MassivelyAllods Online releases its Autumn Wind update originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Fallen Earth and APB: Reloaded go trick-or-treating

              Posted: 30 Oct 2012 01:00 PM PDT

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              Fallen Earth and APB Reloaded go trickortreating
              GamersFirst is bringing scary back to two of its biggest titles for Halloween. The publisher announced special events and seasonal sales for APB: Reloaded and Fallen Earth, some of which are happening at this very moment.

              Players in APB can get a preview of the upcoming Asylum District as they go there to compete in the Fright Club. A costume contest is scheduled for October 31st as well, and GMs will be present to lead a grand parade through the streets. Finally, the pumpkin-happy devs are throwing another Pumpkin Head Customization Contest with even better prizes than last year.

              In the vast wasteland of Fallen Earth, survivors are encouraged to go trick-or-treating with the devs for exclusive items. The location of said trick-or-treating will be hinted at in chat. Fallen Earth is also selling its cosmetic gear for half off starting tomorrow.

              MassivelyFallen Earth and APB: Reloaded go trick-or-treating originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Flameseeker Chronicles: The good, the mad, and the Lunatic

              Posted: 30 Oct 2012 12:00 PM PDT

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              Flameseeker Chronicles The good, the mad, and the Lunatic
              Things have been getting spookier and spookier around the land of Tyria. If you're a Guild Wars 2 player, I sincerely hope for your own sake that you've been able to get some time in-game in the last few days. A lot has been going on -- there've been scavenger hunts, dark tales unfolding, spectral energy levels rising, maddening races up clock towers, and so much more!

              Have you been missing out? Trying to decide how best to spend your precious holiday time in-game? Let's take a look at some of the big changes that have been creeping in with the shadow of the Mad King.

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              MassivelyFlameseeker Chronicles: The good, the mad, and the Lunatic originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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                The War Z's Halloween beta launch includes new content, special offers

                Posted: 30 Oct 2012 11:00 AM PDT

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                The War Z's Halloween beta launch includes new characters and new areas
                Halloween might be the only time of the year when no one is surprised by streets full of zombies. And for players waiting to get into the spirit by destroying the ravenous flesh-eating hordes, The War Z's closed beta client is ready and willing. Today's launch features new content in the form of all-new zombies to slaughter, new skins, special holiday-themed items, and a map that has doubled in size.

                And for folks who previously missed out on the Legend package, Hammerpoint Interactive is offering it again for a limited time. Purchasing this package will grant a player full access to the game, $30 of in-game funds, six months of server hosting, three weekend pass keys for friends, and special player recognition both in-game and on the forums. For more information, check out the official site.

                [Source: Hammerpoint Interactive press release]

                MassivelyThe War Z's Halloween beta launch includes new content, special offers originally appeared on Massively on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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