Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MMO updates

MMO updates

MapleStory Korea - Legend update

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 06:11 AM PDT

Nexon Korea is at it again. Yeap, new content for MapleStory is here just a few months after Chaos! In the new Legend update, which is separated into 3 parts as well, 3 new adventurers are added. They are Cannon Shooter (pirate)which specializes in heavy AOE attacks, Mercedes (direct translation, archer) specializing in fast attack speed and Daemon Slayer (warrior) focusing on MP. Note that these few classes are in their own category, not under the original adventures section. Preview the Cannon Shooter class here!

With the update, it will not be even easier to reach level 30 and all character's base movement speed will be increased. I am in awe of the updates MapleStory is getting, but will it mean there is nothing left for G*Star 2011, paving the way for MapleStory 2's first appearance? We shall see. Update: Did you notice that the Mercedes class is actually an elf? Yeap, there will be a new Elven race!

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