With the advent of high-end graphics and fast internet connections, the games which made you happy when you were a child like Pacman or Mario won't satisfy the hunger of today's generation. But why exactly does your teenage son prefer to play in front of his computer the whole day instead of enjoying a game of basketball outside with friends?
Video games have been around since the 1980s and since then, there have been plenty of colorful and sometimes even unusual games that have been played. Of course, there have also been plenty of twisted games that have also been hits in the gaming industry. In this article, I will talk about at least 5 of those games, including: Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Destroy All Humans, and Conker's Bad Fur Day.
-- Posted By Teli to Teli's World at 4/17/2011 03:40:00 AM