Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to: Escape from freaking job portal calls?

Tired of getting calls from bloody consultancies, manpower recruitment agencies? Since you have uploaded your resumes to job portals like: Naukri, Monster jobs and others?. If yes then read the following article:

There are currently many(innumerable) third party agencies who call themselves as: Consultants(cies), Manpower outsource and Recruitment firms.
These cheaters makeup in such a way that any person who speaks to them either face to face or on telephony/mobile will become befooled in-no-time. They act as though they are the subHR's for the HR's of the real company/firm that is indeed looking out for the employee hire.
You may feel/ask how is this possible?

Indeed these cheaters do register same as the way you do but not as a jobseeker/employee but as a Recruiter by paying some amount of money, so as to show themselves as legit firms/personalities, so that no can doubt on them.

Here are the few ways they cheat you/people that register and fall in their trap/web:
1) They take some money from you in the name of registration fee or for getting a job for you, before you are even hired for the subsequent company/firm. (CAN BE CALLED AS BRIBE ALSO)
2) Once you get hired, every month a part of your salary (original salary that the company pays to its employees) will be taken which you will never come across nor your hired company/firms HR's will let you know anything regarding this.
3) They will say that you need to give them some months of your salary, once you get hired through them or for getting you hired/recruited then this will happen( Read (2) way) even though they fail to accept it.
4) They say free bank account 4 life. Without any required documents and witness no bank opens a new account and since its a salary account there is no constraint for them in opening you a account even if you don't have a single rupee or cent in your account till your account expires.
How did i even forget to mention that these cheaters get a some percentage of comission for doing business for the banks indirectly (CAN ALSO BE CALLED AS REFERAL COMMISION).
5) Once you start working, upto sometime maybe weeks to months they do keep somewhat good contact with you then..., you will suffer their real wrath (DO THEY REALLY CARE 4 YOU? NO-NEVER!!)
6) They call you a BAKRA (A SHEEP/PERSON WHO IS A FOOL! - in a way sense)
7) They will have people working in those industries to whom they hire/recruit you, these are the sub-pass who let them know in and out of such a company/firm. (SPIES. Your data too will be known, so reclessly they cheat you)
8) You will be as a contract employee eventhough sometimes you get a badge/id as a perm-employee.
9) Some of them these days dont even allow you to go to their place all they want is that you to write their xyz name on your resume and meet a particular person in such a company/firm and they will lead you further.
10) Job fair is the one that they use as a primary cheat weapon. Its just nothing but a place in their office where several people like you who are going to get cheated are seated and will be waiting for their turn to get to meet such a company's/firms HR to get hired and you will not even be served a cup of milk for your long waiting.

The Salary aspect?

If a company/firm pays 20,000 rupees or dollar, then you would be paid 8,000 to 12,000 or 500 to 700 less or more thats all.
The remaing 8,000 will be shared amongst the company for/that you work and such a consulancy, manpower outsource and recruitment agency and you will not even have a right to protest against it nor enquire or take a legal action as it was told previously in ways.
Those were just a pintip ways of how they cheat.

What do they get from this?

All they get is just money, money, and more more money and nothing else. They are nothing but SIRPAKADUS.

How to escape from their wrath?

All you need to do is to type (CONSULTANCY, MANPOWER RECRUITMENT AGENCY DO NOT CALL ME) in your resume when you upload them or type them at the job portals.

Beware!! Dont become a BAKRA for no reason.
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