Friday, January 8, 2010

Science Faction - Will the World meet its doom???

Do you believe this???

In the previous posts: 1) Will the world end??? 2) Do you believe this???, you can find that what ever was told was true upto the maximum extent as this can now be proved/going to be proved based on various available and one of the most astonishing factor that blasted in the history of observers these days is that "In next upcoming 2 years there will be explosion in the space/solar system lolz just understand it in other sense which means a star will be entering into Supernova stage and that too correctly in 2012!??!?"

Well yeah its not a joke, you have to note here the fact that this incident is happening just 3,260 Light years [approx] from Earth!!!

As you know once when any star enters into Supernova stage it starts to suck in the near by objects into it and finally will blast, if not many higher end velocity planets are gonna suck this star into them by making it a part of them...

Think if this happens the overall orbital motion of nearby or affected planets will lose their orbital motion/the direction in which they move will get changed and as a result their might be tremendous happening in way bad sect...

And yes its absolutely no joke, as this was said by Scientists at Philadelphia Villinova University for Space and research...

The star which is gonna enter such a stage is known as/named as "Tefixides", and it is also believed that it is not one star but 2 star combined and also called as "Dwarf stars" and if this incident occurs it can release 20xTen thousand crores Megaton TNT into the space which effects not only the earth but also all the entities in it...

Well i believe this fact gives much strength to the facts...

Now what??? lets see what else can happen lets hope what ever happens, happens for good... LOL :DARN
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