Water On Moon???
Since many Years Nasa Scientists in association of Space research organizations of various countries have been on constant studies of moon and its atmosphere.
In the recent news we had heard of "The traces of water being found on the surface of the moon" and now the latest news is that "The cause of water on the moon is a Comet!?!?"
This fictitious news has scrambled many people around the world including several students and others who are interested in space [universe] and related things....
They state that: " The water could have been formed due to a collision of a comet on the moon many-much-many years before...."
Since the comet contents a large amount Gases and water content [Dry ice] and the weather on moon is somewhat chilly/cold!??! this water which is found may have become ice?!? as prior they said it was due to Inter-space-elements????
Now the question that arises is "What is truth, i mean are the scientists joking around??? or are they serious and as we/everyone know that any particle in this solar system has and will content water and other basic elements in one or the other form, are these so-called scientists proving the same things??? or are they hiding the real facts???"
Any-ways just leave what you know or some comment [resource valuable] here, so that it will be something worthy to science/research students around in their work....